--- File: DEP-11 Version: '1.0' Origin: ubuntu-plucky-proposed-universe MediaBaseUrl: https://appstream.ubuntu.com/media/plucky-proposed Priority: 30 Time: 20250319T154143 --- Type: desktop-application ID: jemboss.desktop Package: jemboss Name: C: Jemboss Summary: C: Graphical user interface for the European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite. Description: uk: >-

EMBOSS is a free Open Source software analysis package specially developed for the needs of the molecular biology (e.g. EMBnet) user community. The software automatically copes with data in a variety of formats and even allows transparent retrieval of sequence data from the web. Also, as extensive libraries are provided with the package, it is a platform to allow other scientists to develop and release software in true open source spirit. EMBOSS also integrates a range of currently available packages and tools for sequence analysis into a seamless whole. EMBOSS breaks the historical trend towards commercial software packages.

Jemboss представляє собою графічний інтерфейс користувача (GUI) для Європеського комплекту відкритого ПЗ для молекулярної біології EMBOSS (European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite). Він є частиною розповсюдження EMBOSS.

pt: >-

O EMBOSS é um pacote de software livre de código fonte aberto de análise, especialmente desenvolvido para as necessidades da comunidade de utilizadores de biologia molecular (ex. EMBnet). O software trata automaticamente dados numa variedade de formatos e permite ainda uma aquisição transparente de dados sequenciais a partir da web. Como existem bibliotecas extensíveis fornecidas com o pacote, é uma plataforma que permite a outros cientistas o desenvolvimento e lançamento de software sobre o espírito do verdadeiro código de fonte aberta. O EMBOSS integra também uma variedade de pacotes actuais e ferramentas para análise sequencial tornando-o um conjunto completo. O EMBOSS quebra a tendência histórica para os pacotes de software comerciais.

Jemboss is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to EMBOSS, the European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite. It is part of the EMBOSS distribution.

fr: >-

EMBOSS (« European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite ») est un paquet de logiciels d'analyse libre et gratuit, spécialement développé pour les besoins de la communauté d'utilisateurs de la biologie moléculaire (par exemple EMBnet – « European Molecular Biology network »). Le logiciel prend automatiquement en charge les données dans divers formats et permet même une recherche transparente des données de séquences à partir du web. De plus, comme des bibliothèques importantes sont fournies avec le paquet, il s'agit d'une plate-forme permettant aux autres scientifiques de développer et publier des logiciels dans l'esprit du libre. EMBOSS intègre également un ensemble de paquets actuellement disponibles et des outils pour l'analyse de séquences dans un tout cohérent. EMBOSS casse la tendance historique vers des logiciels commerciaux.

Jemboss est une interface utilisateur graphique (GUI) pour EMBOSS, la suite logicielle libre de biologie moléculaire européenne. Il fait partie de la distribution EMBOSS.

sk: >-

EMBOSS (European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite) je analytický balík vyvinutý špeciálne pre potreby komunity používateľov molekulárnej biológie (napr. EMBnet). Softvér automaticky pracuje s dátami v rozličných formátoch a dokonca umožňuje transparentné získavanie sekvencovaných dát z webu. Pretože s balíkom sa poskytujú aj rozsiahle knižnice, je tiež platformou umožňujúcou iným vedcom vyvíjať a vydávať softvér v pravom duchu open source. EMBOSS tiež integruje množstvo momentálne dostupných balíkov a nástrojov na analýzu sekvencií do jedného celku. EMBOSS prerušuje historický trend smerom ku komerčným balíkom softvéru.

Jemboss is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to EMBOSS, the European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite. It is part of the EMBOSS distribution.

de: >-

EMBOSS ist freie, quelloffene Software und ein Analysepaket, das speziell für die Bedürfnisse der Molekularbiologie-Anwendergemeinschaft (z.B. EMBnet) entwickelt wurde. Die Software unterstützt die Bearbeitung einer Vielzahl von Datenformaten und erlaubt sogar transparente Abfragen von Sequenzdaten aus dem Internet. Durch die umfassenden Bibliotheken, die das Paket bereitstellt, ist es auch eine Plattform, die andere Wissenschaftler darin unterstützt, Software im echten Open-Source-Geist zu entwickeln und zu veröffentlichen. EMBOSS integriert zudem eine Reihe von aktuellen Paketen und Werkzeugen zur Sequenzanalyse in ein nahtloses Ganzes. EMBOSS bricht den historischen Trend zu kommerziellen Softwarepaketen.

Jemboss is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to EMBOSS, the European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite. It is part of the EMBOSS distribution.

ja: >-

EMBOSS は、分子生物学のユーザコミュニティ (例: EMBnet) のために開発された オープンソースな解析用ソフトウェアパッケージです。このソフトウェアを 使うことで、様々なフォーマットで書かれたデータを自動的に処理したり、 ウェブから配列データを透過的に取得したりもできます。また、このパッケージには 拡張ライブラリが含まれているので、真のオープンソース精神に則って ソフトウェアを開発しリリースできるプラットフォームです。 さらに、EMBOSS は様々な配列解析用パッケージやツールとシームレスに 統合されています。EMBOSS は、長く続いた商用パッケージソフトウェアへの流れを 断ち切ったのです。

Jemboss は EMBOSS (the European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite) への グラフィカルユーザインターフェース (GUI) です。EMBOSS ディストリビューション の一部です。

sl: >-

EMBOSS is a free Open Source software analysis package specially developed for the needs of the molecular biology (e.g. EMBnet) user community. The software automatically copes with data in a variety of formats and even allows transparent retrieval of sequence data from the web. Also, as extensive libraries are provided with the package, it is a platform to allow other scientists to develop and release software in true open source spirit. EMBOSS also integrates a range of currently available packages and tools for sequence analysis into a seamless whole. EMBOSS breaks the historical trend towards commercial software packages.

Jemboss is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to EMBOSS, the European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite. It is part of the EMBOSS distribution.

it: >-

EMBOSS (European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite) è una raccolta di software libero e open source di analisi sviluppato in base alle necessità della comunità di utenti di biologia molecolare (come EMBnet). È in grado di gestire dati in diversi formati e consente perfino di recuperare dati di sequenze dal web in modo trasparente. Inoltre, dato che il pacchetto fornisce librerie complete, è una piattaforma che consente ad altri scienziati di sviluppare e rilasciare software conforme alla vera filosofia open source. EMBOSS è dotata anche di strumenti e pacchetti integrati per l'analisi di sequenze. EMBOSS rappresenta un'inversione della tendenza storica a preferire prodotti commerciali.

Jemboss è un'interfaccia utente grafica (GUI) per EMBOSS: European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite (suite europea di software aperto per la biologia molecolare). Fa parte della distribuzione di EMBOSS.

ru: >-

EMBOSS is a free Open Source software analysis package specially developed for the needs of the molecular biology (e.g. EMBnet) user community. The software automatically copes with data in a variety of formats and even allows transparent retrieval of sequence data from the web. Also, as extensive libraries are provided with the package, it is a platform to allow other scientists to develop and release software in true open source spirit. EMBOSS also integrates a range of currently available packages and tools for sequence analysis into a seamless whole. EMBOSS breaks the historical trend towards commercial software packages.

Jemboss представляет собой графический интерфейс пользователя для Европейского комплекта открытого ПО для молекулярной биологии EMBOSS (European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite). Является частью пакета EMBOSS.

es: >-

EMBOSS («European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite») es un paquete de programas de análisis de código abierto especialmente desarrollado para cubrir las necesidades de la comunidad de usuarios de biología molecular (p.ej. EMBnet). Los programas usan datos en varios formatos automáticamente e, incluso, permiten obtener de forma transparente secuencias de datos de la web. Además, al proporcionarse grandes bibliotecas con el paquete, es una plataforma que permite a otros científicos desarrollar y publicar programas con un verdadero espíritu de código abierto. EMBOSS también integra varios paquetes y herramientas disponibles actualmente para el análisis de secuencias en un entorno integrado. EMBOSS rompe con la tendencia histórica de paquetes de programas comerciales.

Jemboss es una interfaz gráfica de usuario (GUI) para EMBOSS, el paquete europeo de programas abiertos para biología molecular. Es parte de la distribución de EMBOSS.

da: >-

EMBOSS er en fri åben kildekode-programpakke specielt udviklet for kravene i brugerfællesskabet for molekylærbiologi (f.eks. EMBnet). Programmet håndterer automatisk data i en række formater og giver også mulighed for gennemsigtig indhentelse af sekvensdata fra nettet. Der tilbydes også omfattende biblioteker med pakken, der gør det til en platform hvor andre videnskabsmænd kan udvikle og udgive programmer i ånden for åben kildekode. EMBOSS integrerer også en vifte af tilgængelige pakker og værktøjer for sekvensanalyse til en samlet helhed. EMBOSS bryder den historiske trend mod kommercielle programpakker.

Jemboos er en Graphical User Interface (GUI) til EMBOSS, European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite. Det er en del af EMBOSS- distributionen.

C: >-

EMBOSS is a free Open Source software analysis package specially developed for the needs of the molecular biology (e.g. EMBnet) user community. The software automatically copes with data in a variety of formats and even allows transparent retrieval of sequence data from the web. Also, as extensive libraries are provided with the package, it is a platform to allow other scientists to develop and release software in true open source spirit. EMBOSS also integrates a range of currently available packages and tools for sequence analysis into a seamless whole. EMBOSS breaks the historical trend towards commercial software packages.

Jemboss is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to EMBOSS, the European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite. It is part of the EMBOSS distribution.

en: >-

EMBOSS is a free Open Source software analysis package specially developed for the needs of the molecular biology (e.g. EMBnet) user community. The software automatically copes with data in a variety of formats and even allows transparent retrieval of sequence data from the web. Also, as extensive libraries are provided with the package, it is a platform to allow other scientists to develop and release software in true open source spirit. EMBOSS also integrates a range of currently available packages and tools for sequence analysis into a seamless whole. EMBOSS breaks the historical trend towards commercial software packages.

Jemboss is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to EMBOSS, the European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite. It is part of the EMBOSS distribution.

Categories: - Biology - Science - Education Icon: cached: - name: jemboss_jemboss_icon.png width: 64 height: 64 Launchable: desktop-id: - jemboss.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: x3270.desktop Package: x3270 Name: C: x3270 Summary: C: IBM 3270 Terminal Emulator Description: C: >-

x3270 opens a telnet connection to an IBM mainframe host in an X11 window. It can also connect to an IBM AS/400 as a 5250 terminal using the AS/400's 3270 emulation. The window created by x3270 can use its own font for displaying characters, so it is a fairly accurate representation of an IBM 3278 or 3279.

x3270 is similar to tn3270(1) and c3270(1) except that it is X-based, not curses-based.

x3270 implements RFCs 2355 (TN3270E), 1576 (TN3270), and 1646 (LU name selection), and supports IND$FILE file transfer.

You will need to install x3270's fonts locally, or on your font-server - they are required.

en: >-

x3270 opens a telnet connection to an IBM mainframe host in an X11 window. It can also connect to an IBM AS/400 as a 5250 terminal using the AS/400's 3270 emulation. The window created by x3270 can use its own font for displaying characters, so it is a fairly accurate representation of an IBM 3278 or 3279.

x3270 is similar to tn3270(1) and c3270(1) except that it is X-based, not curses-based.

x3270 implements RFCs 2355 (TN3270E), 1576 (TN3270), and 1646 (LU name selection), and supports IND$FILE file transfer.

You will need to install x3270's fonts locally, or on your font-server - they are required.

Categories: - Utility - TerminalEmulator Icon: cached: - name: x3270_x3270.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: x3270_x3270.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: x3270_x3270.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: x/x3/x3270.desktop/aa0d926a23f1eac1397ba125f298ff61/icons/128x128/x3270_x3270.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: x3270 Launchable: desktop-id: - x3270.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: gshutdown.desktop Package: gshutdown Name: C: GShutdown Summary: fr: Utilitaire pour programmer l'arrêt, le redémarrage de votre ordinateur ou la fermeture de la session actuelle sr: Напредан алат који омогућава временско гашење, поновно покретање рачунара или одјаву sr@Latn: Napredan alat koji omogućava vremensko gašenje, ponovno pokretanje računara ili odjavu C: An advanced shutdown utility which allows you to schedule the shutdown or the restart of your computer it: Utility avanzata che permette di programmare lo spegnimento e il riavvio del tuo computer Description: C: >-

GShutdown is a utility which allows you to schedule the shutdown or restart of your computer. With it you can simply and quickly choose the turn off time at either a specific time or after a countdown.

The graphical user interface uses Gtk+2.

en: >-

GShutdown is a utility which allows you to schedule the shutdown or restart of your computer. With it you can simply and quickly choose the turn off time at either a specific time or after a countdown.

The graphical user interface uses Gtk+2.

Categories: - Utility Icon: cached: - name: gshutdown_gshutdown.png width: 64 height: 64 Launchable: desktop-id: - gshutdown.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: ua.com.smart-pattern.valentina Package: valentina Name: C: Valentina Summary: C: Creating pattern of clothes uk: Створеня викрійок одягу Description: C: >-

Valentina is a pattern drafting software tool for small-batch and custom-sized clothing manufacturing.

Valentina allows designers to create and model patterns of clothing, using either standard sizing tables or an individual’s set of measurements. It blends new technologies with traditional methods to create a unique pattern making tool.

The "tape" executable is provided as "valentina-tape", and the "puzzle" executable is provided as "valentina-puzzle".

en: >-

Valentina is a pattern drafting software tool for small-batch and custom-sized clothing manufacturing.

Valentina allows designers to create and model patterns of clothing, using either standard sizing tables or an individual’s set of measurements. It blends new technologies with traditional methods to create a unique pattern making tool.

The "tape" executable is provided as "valentina-tape", and the "puzzle" executable is provided as "valentina-puzzle".

Categories: - Graphics - VectorGraphics - 2DGraphics - Engineering - FileTools - Utility Keywords: C: - pattern Icon: cached: - name: valentina_valentina.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: valentina_valentina.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: valentina_valentina.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: ua/com/smart-pattern.valentina/ed556ad9f1962544055e131c3e97db2c/icons/128x128/valentina_valentina.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: valentina Launchable: desktop-id: - ua.com.smart-pattern.valentina.desktop Provides: mediatypes: - application/x-valentina-pattern --- Type: desktop-application ID: net.minetest.minetest Package: luanti ProjectLicense: LGPL-2.1+ AND CC-BY-SA-3.0 AND MIT AND Apache-2.0 Name: C: Luanti Summary: fr: Plate-forme de jeu multijoueurs à base de blocs C: Block-based multiplayer game platform de: Blockbasierte Mehrspieler-Spieleplattform Description: fr: >-

Luanti est une plateforme de jeu de type bac à sable à base de blocs.

Les joueurs peuvent créer et détruire différents types de blocs dans un monde ouvert tridimensionnel. Cela permet de créer des structures de toutes les formes possibles, sur des serveurs multijoueurs ou en solo.

Luanti est conçu pour être simple, stable et portable. Il est suffisamment léger pour fonctionner sur du matériel relativement ancien.

Luanti offre de nombreuses fonctionnalités, notamment :

C: >-

Luanti is a block-based sandbox game platform.

Players can create and destroy various types of blocks in a three-dimensional open world. This allows forming structures in every possible creation, on multiplayer servers or in singleplayer.

Luanti is designed to be simple, stable, and portable. It is lightweight enough to run on fairly old hardware.

Luanti has many features, including:

de: >-

Luanti ist eine blockbasierte Sandbox-Spielplattform.

Spieler können in einer offenen 3D-Welt viele verschiedene Arten von Blöcken platzieren und abbauen. Dies erlaubt das Bauen von vielfältigen Strukturen im Einzelspieler oder auf Mehrspielerservern.

Luanti wurde entworfen, um einfach, stabil und portabel zu sein. Es ist leichtgewichtig genug, um auf relativ alter Hardware zu laufen.

Luanti besitzt viele Features, unter anderem:

Developer: id: net.minetest name: C: Luanti Team Categories: - Game - Simulation Keywords: C: - sandbox - world - mining - crafting - blocks - nodes - multiplayer - roleplaying Url: translate: https://dev.minetest.net/Translation donation: https://www.minetest.net/get-involved/#donate help: https://wiki.minetest.net faq: https://wiki.minetest.net/FAQ contribute: https://www.minetest.net/get-involved homepage: https://www.minetest.net bugtracker: https://www.minetest.net/get-involved/#reporting-issues vcs-browser: https://github.com/minetest/minetest Icon: cached: - name: luanti_luanti.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: luanti_luanti.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: luanti_luanti.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: net/minetest/minetest/230437196723b0607c5da6b7b72bcbb8/icons/128x128/luanti_luanti.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: luanti Launchable: desktop-id: - net.minetest.minetest.desktop Requires: - display_length: 360 Supports: - control: pointing - control: keyboard - control: touch - internet: offline-only Provides: binaries: - luanti Screenshots: - default: true thumbnails: - url: net/minetest/minetest/230437196723b0607c5da6b7b72bcbb8/screenshots/image-1_1248x659@1.png width: 1248 height: 659 - url: net/minetest/minetest/230437196723b0607c5da6b7b72bcbb8/screenshots/image-1_752x397@1.png width: 752 height: 397 - url: net/minetest/minetest/230437196723b0607c5da6b7b72bcbb8/screenshots/image-1_624x329@1.png width: 624 height: 329 - url: net/minetest/minetest/230437196723b0607c5da6b7b72bcbb8/screenshots/image-1_224x118@1.png width: 224 height: 118 source-image: url: net/minetest/minetest/230437196723b0607c5da6b7b72bcbb8/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 1920 height: 1015 - thumbnails: - url: net/minetest/minetest/230437196723b0607c5da6b7b72bcbb8/screenshots/image-2_1248x759@1.png width: 1248 height: 759 - url: net/minetest/minetest/230437196723b0607c5da6b7b72bcbb8/screenshots/image-2_752x457@1.png width: 752 height: 457 - url: net/minetest/minetest/230437196723b0607c5da6b7b72bcbb8/screenshots/image-2_624x379@1.png width: 624 height: 379 - url: net/minetest/minetest/230437196723b0607c5da6b7b72bcbb8/screenshots/image-2_224x136@1.png width: 224 height: 136 source-image: url: net/minetest/minetest/230437196723b0607c5da6b7b72bcbb8/screenshots/image-2_orig.png width: 1367 height: 832 - thumbnails: - url: net/minetest/minetest/230437196723b0607c5da6b7b72bcbb8/screenshots/image-3_752x383@1.png width: 752 height: 383 - url: net/minetest/minetest/230437196723b0607c5da6b7b72bcbb8/screenshots/image-3_624x318@1.png width: 624 height: 318 - url: net/minetest/minetest/230437196723b0607c5da6b7b72bcbb8/screenshots/image-3_224x114@1.png width: 224 height: 114 source-image: url: net/minetest/minetest/230437196723b0607c5da6b7b72bcbb8/screenshots/image-3_orig.png width: 1280 height: 653 Languages: - locale: be percentage: 56 - locale: bg percentage: 37 - locale: cs percentage: 90 - locale: da percentage: 45 - locale: de percentage: 100 - locale: en_US percentage: 100 - locale: eo percentage: 80 - locale: es percentage: 100 - locale: es_US percentage: 27 - locale: et percentage: 40 - locale: fil percentage: 36 - locale: fr percentage: 100 - locale: gl percentage: 100 - locale: hu percentage: 91 - locale: id percentage: 92 - locale: it percentage: 85 - locale: ja percentage: 100 - locale: ko percentage: 50 - locale: kv percentage: 28 - locale: ms percentage: 93 - locale: nb percentage: 51 - locale: nl percentage: 75 - locale: nn percentage: 36 - locale: pl percentage: 87 - locale: pt percentage: 84 - locale: pt_BR percentage: 82 - locale: ro percentage: 52 - locale: ru percentage: 100 - locale: sk percentage: 91 - locale: sl percentage: 30 - locale: sv percentage: 58 - locale: sw percentage: 29 - locale: tr percentage: 82 - locale: uk percentage: 94 - locale: vi percentage: 36 - locale: zh_CN percentage: 91 - locale: zh_TW percentage: 91 Releases: - version: 5.10.0 type: stable unix-timestamp: 1731196800 ContentRating: oars-1.0: violence-cartoon: mild violence-fantasy: mild social-chat: intense social-info: mild --- Type: desktop-application ID: xsok.desktop Package: xsok Name: C: Xsokoban Summary: C: Sokoban game for X11 de: Sokobanspiel für X11 Description: uk: >-

xsok — стратегічна гра для однієї людини, розширення відомої гри Sokoban.

Мета Sokoban — перемістити усі об’єкти на кожному рівні в задані місця за допомогою миші чи клавіатури. На деяких рівнях є різні типи об’єктів та клітини зі спеціальними ефектами.

fr: >-

Xsok est un jeu de stratégie à un seul joueur, un sur-ensemble du jeu bien connu Sokoban.

Le but de Sokoban est de pousser des objets dans la zone cible de chaque niveau en utilisant la souris ou les flèches du clavier. Pour les autres sous-ensembles de niveau, il existe différentes sortes d’objet, et des carrés spéciaux à effets.

ko: >-

xsok은 싱글 플레이어 전략 게임으로 잘 알려진 Sokoban 게임의 슈퍼셋입니다.

Sokoban의 목표는 마우스나 화살표 키를 사용해서 모든 객체를 각 레벨의 점수 영역에 밀어 넣는 것 입니다. 다른 경우의 서브세트 경우에는, 다양한 종류의 객체와 특수 효과 사각형이 있습니다.

de: >-

xsok ist ein Strategiespiel für einen Spieler. Es ist eine erweiterte Version des bekannten Sokoban-Spiels.

Das Ziel von Sokoban ist es, mittels Maus oder den Pfeiltasten alle Objekte in die Punktebereiche eines jeden Levels zu schieben. Bei anderen Level-Abschnitten gibt es verschiedene Arten an Objekten und spezielle Quadrate, die Effekte auslösen.

pt_BR: >-

xsok é um jogo de estratégia individual, uma extensão do conhecido jogo Sokoban.

O objetivo do Sokoban é empurrar todos os objetos para dentro de uma área demarcada por nível usando o mouse ou as setas. Para os outros subconjuntos de níveis, existem diferentes tipos de objetos, e quadrados com efeitos especiais.

ja: >-

xsok は、シングルプレイヤー戦略ゲームであり、有名な倉庫番 ゲームのスーパーセットです。

倉庫番の目的は、マウスや矢印キーを使って全ての荷物を各レベルの 得点領域に押し込むことです。他のレベルのサブセットでは、異なる荷物 があったり、特殊効果を持つますが存在したりします。

pl: >-

xsok to gra strategiczna dla jednego gracza, stanowiąca nadzbiór znanej gry Sokoban.

Celem gry Sokoban jest wepchnięcie wszystkich obiektów do obszaru punktacji na każdym poziomie za pomocą myszy lub klawiszy strzałek. Dla podzbiorów innych poziomów dostępne są różne rodzaje obiektów oraz kwadraty z efektami specjalnymi.

it: >-

xsok è un gioco solitario di strategia, un sostituto del noto gioco Sokoban.

Lo scopo in Sokoban è di spingere tutti gli oggetti nell'area dei punti per ogni livello utilizzando il mouse o i tasti freccia. Per ogni livello ci sono diverse tipologie di oggetti e quadrati con effetti speciali.

ru: >-

xsok — стратегическая игра для одного человека, расширение известной игры Sokoban.

Цель Sokoban — переместить все объекты на каждом уровне в заданные места при помощи мыши или клавиатуры. На некоторых уровнях есть разные типы объектов и клетки со специальными эффектами.

C: >-

xsok is a single player strategic game, a superset of the well-known Sokoban game.

The target of Sokoban is to push all the objects into the score area of each level using the mouse or the arrow keys. For the other level subsets, there are different kinds of objects, and special effect squares.

da: >-

xsok er et strategispil for en spiller, et supersæt af det velkendte Sokobanspil.

Målet i Sokoban er at skubbe alle objekterne ind i pointområdet på hvert niveau med brug af musen eller piletasterne. For de andre niveauundersæt er der forskellige slags objekter og specielle effektfirkanter.

en: >-

xsok is a single player strategic game, a superset of the well-known Sokoban game.

The target of Sokoban is to push all the objects into the score area of each level using the mouse or the arrow keys. For the other level subsets, there are different kinds of objects, and special effect squares.

Categories: - Game - LogicGame Keywords: C: - sokoban - logic - puzzle Icon: cached: - name: xsok_xsok.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: xsok_xsok.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: x/xs/xsok.desktop/35ccbc1ed03f4a71cefee7a4e42ebbf5/icons/128x128/xsok_xsok.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: xsok Launchable: desktop-id: - xsok.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: org.gnome.Ptyxis Package: ptyxis ProjectLicense: GPL-3.0-or-later Name: sv: Ptyxis es: Ptyxis ca: Ptyxis be-Cyrl: Ptyxis zh-Hans-CN: Ptyxis sr-Cyrl: Птиксис it: Ptyxis he: Ptyxis tr: Ptyxis fa: چنبره nb: Ptyxis fr: Ptyxis de: Ptyxis sl: Ptyxis fi: Ptyxis uk: Ptyxis C: Ptyxis hi: Ptyxis id: Ptyxis en-GB: Ptyxis cs: Ptyxis eu: Ptyxis pt-BR: Ptyxis ko: Ptyxis ka: Ptyxis nl: Ptyxis ru: Ptyxis Summary: sv: Behållarorienterad terminal es: Terminal orientada al trabajo con contenedores ca: Terminal orientat a contenidors zh-Hans-CN: 面向容器的终端 sr-Cyrl: Терминал са контејнерима it: Un terminale rivolto ai container ja: コンテナ志向のターミナル tr: Konteyner odaklı uçbirim fa: پایانهٔ بارگنج‌محور nb: Konteinerbasert terminal fr: Terminal orienté conteneur de: Auf Container ausgerichtetes Terminal sl: Zabojnikom posvečen terminal he: מסוף מוכוון מיכלים uk: Орієнтований на контейнери термінал C: Container-oriented terminal hi: कंटेनर-उन्मुख टर्मिनल id: Terminal berorientasi kontainer fi: Konttisuuntautunut pääte cs: Kontejnerově orientovaný terminál eu: Edukiontziekin erabiltzeko terminala pt-BR: Terminal orientado a contêineres ko: 컨테이너 지향 터미널 ka: კონტეინერებზე ორიენტირებული ტერმინალი en-GB: Container-orientated terminal ru: Терминал ориентированный на контейнеры Description: sv: >-

Ptyxis är en terminal för GNOME som fokuserar på användarvänlighet i en värld av behållare.


es: >-

Ptyxis es una terminal para GNOME centrada en la facilidad de uso en un mundo de contenedores.


fi: >-

Ptyxis on pääteohjelma Gnomelle, joka keskittyy helppokäyttöisyyteen konttimaailmassa.


ja: >-

Ptyxis はコンテナの使いやすさにフォーカスした GNOME 向けのターミナルです。


it: >-

Ptyxis è un terminale per GNOME che si concentra sulla facilità d'uso in un mondo di container.


zh-Hans-CN: >-

Ptyxis 是 GNOME 的一个专注易于在容器环境中使用的终端。


tr: >-

Ptyxis, konteyner dünyasında kullanım kolaylığına odaklanan GNOME için bir uçbirimdir.


de: >-

Ptyxis ist ein Terminal für GNOME, das sich auf Benutzerfreundlichkeit in einer Welt voller Container fokussiert.


nb: >-

Ptyxis er en enkel og brukervennlig terminal som gjør det lett å jobbe med konteinere.

Fordeler med Ptyxis:

fr: >-

Ptyxis est un terminal pour GNOME qui se concentre sur la facilité d’utilisation dans un monde de conteneurs.

Fonctionnalités :

sl: >-

Ptyxis je terminal za GNOME, ki se osredotoča na enostavnost uporabe v svetu vsebnikov.


en-GB: >-

Ptyxis is a terminal for GNOME that focuses on ease-of-use in a world of containers.


C: >-

Ptyxis is a terminal for GNOME that focuses on ease-of-use in a world of containers.


uk: >-

Ptyxis — термінал для GNOME, акцент у якому зроблено на простоту користування у світі контейнерів.


hi: >-

Ptyxis गनोम के लिए एक टर्मिनल है जो कंटेनरों की दुनिया में प्रयोग में आसानी पर केंद्रित है।


cs: >-

Ptyxis je terminál pro prostředí GNOME, který se zaměřuje na snadné použití ve světě kontejnerů.


ca: >-

Ptyxis és un terminal per a GNOME focalitzat en la facilitat d'ús en un món de contenidors.


id: >-

Ptyxis adalah terminal untuk GNOME yang berfokus pada kemudahan penggunaan di dunia kontainer.


eu: >-

Ptyxis GNOMErako terminal bat da, edukiontzien mundu batean erraz erabiltzeko modukoa.


pt-BR: >-

Ptyxis é um terminal para GNOME que se concentra na facilidade de uso em um mundo de contêineres.


ko: >-

Ptyxis는 컨테이너 세계에서 사용하기 쉽도록 설계된 GNOME용 터미널입니다.


nl: >-

Ptyxis is een terminal voor GNOME die zich specialiseert in gebruiksgemak bij het gebruik van containers.


ru: >-

Ptyxis - это терминал для GNOME, ориентированный на простоту использования в мире контейнеров.


ProjectGroup: GNOME Developer: id: org.gnome name: C: Christian Hergert Categories: - System - TerminalEmulator Keywords: es_ES: - terminal - prompt - ptyxis - shell - comando - línea de comandos - cmd - cli - consola - contenedor - podman - toolbox - distrobox tr_CY: - terminal - prompt - ptyxis - shell - command - commandline - cmd - cli - console - container - podman - toolbox - distrobox - uçbirim - uç birim - istem - kabuk - komut - komut satırı - konteyner es_US: - terminal - prompt - ptyxis - shell - comando - línea de comandos - cmd - cli - consola - contenedor - podman - toolbox - distrobox es_CR: - terminal - prompt - ptyxis - shell - comando - línea de comandos - cmd - cli - consola - contenedor - podman - toolbox - distrobox es_AR: - terminal - prompt - ptyxis - shell - comando - línea de comandos - cmd - cli - consola - contenedor - podman - toolbox - distrobox sr_ME: - terminal - prompt - ptyxis - shell - command - commandline - cmd - cli - console - container - podman - toolbox - distrobox - терминал - промпт - птиксис - команда - наредба - командналинија - цмд - цли - цонсоле - конзола - контејнер - цонтаинер - подман - тулбокс - дистробокс es_HN: - terminal - prompt - ptyxis - shell - comando - línea de comandos - cmd - cli - consola - contenedor - podman - toolbox - distrobox de_DE: - terminal - prompt - ptyxis - shell - command - commandline - cmd - cli - container - podman - toolbox - distrobox - Terminal - Prompt - Befehl - Befehlszeile - Konsole - Container de_BE: - terminal - prompt - ptyxis - shell - command - commandline - cmd - cli - container - podman - toolbox - distrobox - Terminal - Prompt - Befehl - Befehlszeile - Konsole - Container es_PR: - terminal - prompt - ptyxis - shell - comando - línea de comandos - cmd - cli - consola - contenedor - podman - toolbox - distrobox fa_IR: - terminal - prompt - ptyxis - shell - command - commandline - cmd - cli - console - container - podman - toolbox - distrobox - ترمینال - پایانه - اعلان - چنبره - پوسته - فرمان - کنسول - خط - بارگنج - پادمن cs_CZ: - terminál - prompt - ptyxis - shell - příkaz - příkazový - řádek - cmd - cli - konzole - kontejner - podman - toolbox - distrobox es_SV: - terminal - prompt - ptyxis - shell - comando - línea de comandos - cmd - cli - consola - contenedor - podman - toolbox - distrobox de_LI: - terminal - prompt - ptyxis - shell - command - commandline - cmd - cli - container - podman - toolbox - distrobox - Terminal - Prompt - Befehl - Befehlszeile - Konsole - Container es_PA: - terminal - prompt - ptyxis - shell - comando - línea de comandos - cmd - cli - consola - contenedor - podman - toolbox - distrobox C: - terminal - prompt - ptyxis - shell - command - commandline - cmd - cli - console - container - podman - toolbox - distrobox es_NI: - terminal - prompt - ptyxis - shell - comando - línea de comandos - cmd - cli - consola - contenedor - podman - toolbox - distrobox sr_RS@latin: - terminal - prompt - ptyxis - shell - command - commandline - cmd - cli - console - container - podman - toolbox - distrobox - терминал - промпт - птиксис - команда - наредба - командналинија - цмд - цли - цонсоле - конзола - контејнер - цонтаинер - подман - тулбокс - дистробокс sr_RS: - terminal - prompt - ptyxis - shell - command - commandline - cmd - cli - console - container - podman - toolbox - distrobox - терминал - промпт - птиксис - команда - наредба - командналинија - цмд - цли - цонсоле - конзола - контејнер - цонтаинер - подман - тулбокс - дистробокс es_VE: - terminal - prompt - ptyxis - shell - comando - línea de comandos - cmd - cli - consola - contenedor - podman - toolbox - distrobox be_BY: - terminal - prompt - ptyxis - shell - command - commandline - cmd - cli - console - container - podman - toolbox - distrobox - кансоль - камандны - загадны - радок - выканаць - тэрмінал - кантэйнер de_CH: - terminal - prompt - ptyxis - shell - command - commandline - cmd - cli - container - podman - toolbox - distrobox - Terminal - Prompt - Befehl - Befehlszeile - Konsole - Container fi_FI: - terminal - prompt - ptyxis - shell - command - commandline - cmd - cli - console - container - podman - toolbox - distrobox - pääte - kehote - komento - komentorivi - kontti - konsoli es_CU: - terminal - prompt - ptyxis - shell - comando - línea de comandos - cmd - cli - consola - contenedor - podman - toolbox - distrobox de_AT: - terminal - prompt - ptyxis - shell - command - commandline - cmd - cli - container - podman - toolbox - distrobox - Terminal - Prompt - Befehl - Befehlszeile - Konsole - Container es_CL: - terminal - prompt - ptyxis - shell - comando - línea de comandos - cmd - cli - consola - contenedor - podman - toolbox - distrobox uk_UA: - terminal - prompt - ptyxis - shell - command - commandline - cmd - cli - console - container - podman - toolbox - distrobox - термінал - запит - птиксіс - команда - рядок - клі - консоль - контейнер - подмен - тулбокс - дістробокс es_PY: - terminal - prompt - ptyxis - shell - comando - línea de comandos - cmd - cli - consola - contenedor - podman - toolbox - distrobox es_UY: - terminal - prompt - ptyxis - shell - comando - línea de comandos - cmd - cli - consola - contenedor - podman - toolbox - distrobox de_IT: - terminal - prompt - ptyxis - shell - command - commandline - cmd - cli - container - podman - toolbox - distrobox - Terminal - Prompt - Befehl - Befehlszeile - Konsole - Container es_PE: - terminal - prompt - ptyxis - shell - comando - línea de comandos - cmd - cli - consola - contenedor - podman - toolbox - distrobox es_GT: - terminal - prompt - ptyxis - shell - comando - línea de comandos - cmd - cli - consola - contenedor - podman - toolbox - distrobox pt_BR: - terminal - prompt - ptyxis - shell - comando - linha de comando - cmd - cli - container - contêiner - podman - toolbox - distrobox es_MX: - terminal - prompt - ptyxis - shell - comando - línea de comandos - cmd - cli - consola - contenedor - podman - toolbox - distrobox de_LU: - terminal - prompt - ptyxis - shell - command - commandline - cmd - cli - container - podman - toolbox - distrobox - Terminal - Prompt - Befehl - Befehlszeile - Konsole - Container sl_SI: - terminal - utripalka - ptiksa - ptyxis - lupina - ukaz - ukazna - vrstica - cmd - cli - vsebnik - zabojnik - kontejner - podman - orodje - toolbox - distrobox es_EC: - terminal - prompt - ptyxis - shell - comando - línea de comandos - cmd - cli - consola - contenedor - podman - toolbox - distrobox tr_TR: - terminal - prompt - ptyxis - shell - command - commandline - cmd - cli - console - container - podman - toolbox - distrobox - uçbirim - uç birim - istem - kabuk - komut - komut satırı - konteyner sv_FI: - terminal - prompt - ptyxis - skal - kommando - kommandorad - cmd - cli - konsol - behållare - podman - toolbox - distrobox es_BO: - terminal - prompt - ptyxis - shell - comando - línea de comandos - cmd - cli - consola - contenedor - podman - toolbox - distrobox sv_SE: - terminal - prompt - ptyxis - skal - kommando - kommandorad - cmd - cli - konsol - behållare - podman - toolbox - distrobox zh_CN: - terminal - prompt - ptyxis - shell - command - commandline - cmd - cli - console - container - podman - toolbox - distrobox - 终端 - 提示符 - 命令 - 命令行 - 控制台 - 容器 es_DO: - terminal - prompt - ptyxis - shell - comando - línea de comandos - cmd - cli - consola - contenedor - podman - toolbox - distrobox be_BY@latin: - terminal - prompt - ptyxis - shell - command - commandline - cmd - cli - console - container - podman - toolbox - distrobox - кансоль - камандны - загадны - радок - выканаць - тэрмінал - кантэйнер es_CO: - terminal - prompt - ptyxis - shell - comando - línea de comandos - cmd - cli - consola - contenedor - podman - toolbox - distrobox Url: homepage: https://gitlab.gnome.org/chergert/ptyxis bugtracker: https://gitlab.gnome.org/chergert/ptyxis/issues translate: https://gitlab.gnome.org/chergert/ptyxis/-/tree/main/po vcs-browser: https://gitlab.gnome.org/chergert/ptyxis Icon: cached: - name: ptyxis_org.gnome.Ptyxis.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: ptyxis_org.gnome.Ptyxis.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: ptyxis_org.gnome.Ptyxis.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: org/gnome/Ptyxis/b0d6c1cabe53118aa246c13ddb231529/icons/128x128/ptyxis_org.gnome.Ptyxis.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: org.gnome.Ptyxis Launchable: desktop-id: - org.gnome.Ptyxis.desktop Screenshots: - default: true caption: sv: En kolumn- och radstorleksindikator visas när du ändrar storlek på fönstret es: Se muestra un indicador de tamaño de columna y fila al cambiar el tamaño de la ventana ja: ウィンドウサイズ変更時に列・行のサイズのインジケーターが表示 zh-Hans-CN: 调整窗口大小时会显示列和行的大小指示器 it: Quando si ridimensiona la finestra viene mostrato un indicatore della dimensione di righe e colonne fi: Sarakkeen ja rivien koon ilmaisin ikkunan kokoa muuttaessa tr: Pencere yeniden boyutlandırılırken sütun ve satır boyutu göstergesi görüntülenir de: Anzeigen der Spalten- und Zeilengröße beim Ändern der Fenstergröße fr: Un indicateur de taille de colonne et de ligne est affiché lors du redimensionnement de la fenêtre nb: Den tegnmessige høyden og bredden på terminalvinduet vises når størrelsen endres sl: Pri spreminjanju velikosti okna se prikaže indikator velikosti stolpca in vrstice en-GB: A column and row size indicator is displayed when resizing the window uk: Індикатор розміру стовпчику та рядка буде показано при зміні розмірів вікна id: Indikator ukuran kolom dan baris ditampilkan saat mengubah ukuran jendela hi: विंडो का आकार बदलते समय कॉलम और पंक्ति आकार सूचक प्रदर्शित होता है C: A column and row size indicator is displayed when resizing the window cs: Při změně velikosti okna se zobrazí indikátor velikosti sloupce a řádku pt-BR: Um indicador de tamanho de coluna e linha é exibido ao redimensionar a janela ko: 창 크기 조정 시 열 및 행 크기 표시기가 표시됩니다 ca: Es mostra un indicador amb fila i columna quan es redimensiona la finestra nl: Een indicator die het aantal kolommen en rijen weergeeft wordt getoond wanneer het venster van grootte verandert ru: Индикатор размера столбца и строки отображается при изменении размера окна thumbnails: - url: org/gnome/Ptyxis/b0d6c1cabe53118aa246c13ddb231529/screenshots/image-1_1248x976@1.png width: 1248 height: 976 - url: org/gnome/Ptyxis/b0d6c1cabe53118aa246c13ddb231529/screenshots/image-1_752x588@1.png width: 752 height: 588 - url: org/gnome/Ptyxis/b0d6c1cabe53118aa246c13ddb231529/screenshots/image-1_624x488@1.png width: 624 height: 488 - url: org/gnome/Ptyxis/b0d6c1cabe53118aa246c13ddb231529/screenshots/image-1_224x175@1.png width: 224 height: 175 source-image: url: org/gnome/Ptyxis/b0d6c1cabe53118aa246c13ddb231529/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 1572 height: 1230 - caption: sv: Behållare upptäcks och visas automatiskt es: Los contenedores se reconocen y muestran automáticamente ja: 自動的にコンテナを検出・表示 zh-Hans-CN: 自动发现并显示容器 it: I container vengono scoperti e mostrati automaticamente fi: Kontit havaitaan ja esitetään automaattisesti tr: Konteynerler kendiliğinden keşfedilir ve görüntülenir de: Container werden automatisch erkannt und angezeigt fr: Les conteneurs sont automatiquement découverts et affichés nb: Automatisk oppdaging og visning av konteinere sl: Vsebniki se samodejno odkrijejo in prikažejo en-GB: Containers are automatically discovered and displayed uk: Автоматичне виявлення та показ контейнерів id: Kontainer ditemukan dan ditampilkan secara otomatis hi: कंटेनर स्वचालित रूप से खोजे और प्रदर्शित किए जाते हैं C: Containers are automatically discovered and displayed cs: Kontejnery jsou automaticky objeveny a zobrazeny pt-BR: Os contêineres são descobertos e exibidos automaticamente ko: 컨테이너가 자동으로 발견되어 표시됩니다 ca: Els contenidors són automàticament detectats i mostrats nl: Containers worden automatisch ontdekt en weergegeven ru: Контейнеры автоматически обнаруживаются и отображаются thumbnails: - url: org/gnome/Ptyxis/b0d6c1cabe53118aa246c13ddb231529/screenshots/image-2_1248x887@1.png width: 1248 height: 887 - url: org/gnome/Ptyxis/b0d6c1cabe53118aa246c13ddb231529/screenshots/image-2_752x534@1.png width: 752 height: 534 - url: org/gnome/Ptyxis/b0d6c1cabe53118aa246c13ddb231529/screenshots/image-2_624x443@1.png width: 624 height: 443 - url: org/gnome/Ptyxis/b0d6c1cabe53118aa246c13ddb231529/screenshots/image-2_224x159@1.png width: 224 height: 159 source-image: url: org/gnome/Ptyxis/b0d6c1cabe53118aa246c13ddb231529/screenshots/image-2_orig.png width: 1606 height: 1142 - caption: sv: Många beteenden hos terminalen kan anpassas efter användarens önskemål es: Muchos comportamientos de la terminal pueden ajustarse según las preferencias del usuario ja: ユーザーの好みに合わせて、たくさんのターミナルの動作をカスタマイズ zh-Hans-CN: 终端的很多行为都可以根据用户首选项进行调整 it: Gran parte del comportamento del terminale può essere configurato secondo le preferenze dell'utente fi: Päätteen useimmat toiminnallisuudet ovat mukautettavissa käyttäjän mieltymysten mukaan tr: Uçbirimini birçok davranışı kullanıcı tercihine göre değiştirilebilir de: Viele Verhaltensweisen des Terminals können nach den Wünschen des Benutzers angepasst werden fr: De nombreux comportements du terminal peuvent être ajustés selon les préférences de l’utilisateur nb: Et stort utvalg innstillinger til finjustering av terminalens oppførsel sl: Veliko vedenja terminala je mogoče prilagoditi željam uporabnika en-GB: Many behaviors of the terminal may be tweaked to user preference uk: Багато параметрів роботи термінала може бути скориговано за уподобаннями користувача id: Banyak perilaku terminal dapat disesuaikan dengan preferensi pengguna hi: टर्मिनल के कई व्यवहारों को उपयोक्ता की पसंद के अनुसार बदला जा सकता है C: Many behaviors of the terminal may be tweaked to user preference cs: Mnoho chování terminálu lze upravit podle preferencí uživatele pt-BR: Muitos comportamentos do terminal podem ser ajustados de acordo com a preferência do usuário ko: 터미널의 많은 동작을 사용자 선호에 맞게 조정할 수 있습니다 ca: Molts dels comportaments del terminal poden ser retocats segons les preferències de l'usuari nl: Het meeste gedrag van de terminal kan naar voorkeur aangepast worden ru: Многие функции терминала могут быть настроены в соответствии с предпочтениями пользователя thumbnails: - url: org/gnome/Ptyxis/b0d6c1cabe53118aa246c13ddb231529/screenshots/image-3_1248x1704@1.png width: 1248 height: 1704 - url: org/gnome/Ptyxis/b0d6c1cabe53118aa246c13ddb231529/screenshots/image-3_752x1027@1.png width: 752 height: 1027 - url: org/gnome/Ptyxis/b0d6c1cabe53118aa246c13ddb231529/screenshots/image-3_624x852@1.png width: 624 height: 852 - url: org/gnome/Ptyxis/b0d6c1cabe53118aa246c13ddb231529/screenshots/image-3_224x306@1.png width: 224 height: 306 source-image: url: org/gnome/Ptyxis/b0d6c1cabe53118aa246c13ddb231529/screenshots/image-3_orig.png width: 1524 height: 2082 - caption: sv: Du kan byta namn på en flik genom att ange ett prefix till titeln es: Puede cambiar el nombre de una pestaña proporcionando un prefijo al título ja: 入力してタブの名前を変更 zh-Hans-CN: 您可以通过为标题添加前缀来重命名标签页 it: È possibile rinominare una scheda aggiungendo un prefisso al titolo fi: Voit nimetä välilehden antamalla etuliitteen otsikolle tr: Başlığa önek sağlayarak sekmeyi yeniden adlandırabilirsiniz de: Sie können einen Reiter umbenennen, indem Sie dem Titel ein Präfix voranstellen fr: Vous pouvez renommer un onglet en fournissant un préfixe au titre nb: Tilpassbare fanenavn sl: Zavihek lahko preimenujete tako, da naslovu dodate predpono en-GB: You may rename a tab by providing a prefix to the title uk: Ви можете перейменувати вкладку, додавши префікс до заголовка id: Anda dapat mengganti nama tab dengan memberikan awalan pada judul hi: आप शीर्षक में उपसर्ग प्रदान करके टैब का नाम बदल सकते हैं C: You may rename a tab by providing a prefix to the title cs: Kartu můžete přejmenovat zadáním předpony názvu pt-BR: Você pode renomear uma aba fornecendo um prefixo para o título ko: 탭 이름을 변경하려면 제목에 접두사를 제공할 수 있습니다 ca: Es pot reanomenar una pestanya proporcionant un prefix per al títol nl: Je kan tabbladen hernomen door een prefix aan de titel toe te voegen ru: Вы можете переименовать вкладку, указав префикс к заголовку thumbnails: - url: org/gnome/Ptyxis/b0d6c1cabe53118aa246c13ddb231529/screenshots/image-4_1248x976@1.png width: 1248 height: 976 - url: org/gnome/Ptyxis/b0d6c1cabe53118aa246c13ddb231529/screenshots/image-4_752x588@1.png width: 752 height: 588 - url: org/gnome/Ptyxis/b0d6c1cabe53118aa246c13ddb231529/screenshots/image-4_624x488@1.png width: 624 height: 488 - url: org/gnome/Ptyxis/b0d6c1cabe53118aa246c13ddb231529/screenshots/image-4_224x175@1.png width: 224 height: 175 source-image: url: org/gnome/Ptyxis/b0d6c1cabe53118aa246c13ddb231529/screenshots/image-4_orig.png width: 1572 height: 1230 - caption: sv: Paletter tillhandahåller ett integrerat mörkt läge es: Las paletas proporcionan un modo oscuro integrado ja: パレットは調和したダークモードに対応 zh-Hans-CN: 调色板提供集成的暗色模式 it: Le tavolozze forniscono una modalità scura integrata fi: Paletit tarjoavat sisäänrakennetun tuen tummalle teemalle tr: Paletler tümleşik koyu kip sağlar de: Paletten bieten einen integrierten dunklen Modus fr: Les palettes fournissent un mode sombre intégré nb: Fargepaletter med innebygget mørk modus sl: Palete zagotavljajo integriran temni način en-GB: Palettes provide an integrated dark mode uk: У палітри вбудовано темний режим id: Palet menyediakan mode gelap terintegrasi hi: पैलेट्स एकीकृत गहरा मोड प्रदान करते हैं C: Palettes provide an integrated dark mode cs: Palety poskytují integrovaný tmavý režim eu: Paletek modu ilun integratua eskaintzen dute pt-BR: As paletas fornecem um modo escuro integrado ko: 팔레트는 통합 다크 모드를 제공합니다 ca: Les paletes proporcionen un mode fosc integrat nl: Kleurenpaletten hebben een geïntegreerde donkere modus ru: Палитры обеспечивают интегрированный темный режим thumbnails: - url: org/gnome/Ptyxis/b0d6c1cabe53118aa246c13ddb231529/screenshots/image-5_1248x887@1.png width: 1248 height: 887 - url: org/gnome/Ptyxis/b0d6c1cabe53118aa246c13ddb231529/screenshots/image-5_752x534@1.png width: 752 height: 534 - url: org/gnome/Ptyxis/b0d6c1cabe53118aa246c13ddb231529/screenshots/image-5_624x443@1.png width: 624 height: 443 - url: org/gnome/Ptyxis/b0d6c1cabe53118aa246c13ddb231529/screenshots/image-5_224x159@1.png width: 224 height: 159 source-image: url: org/gnome/Ptyxis/b0d6c1cabe53118aa246c13ddb231529/screenshots/image-5_orig.png width: 1606 height: 1142 - caption: sv: Du kan se en översikt över dina flikar när som helst es: Puede visualizar una vista de sus pestañas en cualquier momento ja: いつでもタブ一覧を表示できます zh-Hans-CN: 您可以在任何时候查看所有标签页的总览 it: È possibile vedere una panoramica delle proprie schede in ogni momento fi: Välilehtien yhteenveto on nähtävissä milloin tahansa tr: Sekmelerinizin genel görünümünü istediğiniz zaman görebilirsiniz de: Sie können sich jederzeit einen Überblick über Ihre Reiter verschaffen fr: Vous pouvez voir un aperçu de vos onglets à tout moment nb: Faneoversikt sl: Pregled zavihkov si lahko kadar koli ogledate en-GB: You can see an overview of your tabs at any time uk: Ви будь-коли можете переглянути огляд ваших вкладок id: Anda dapat melihat ringkasan tab Anda kapan saja hi: आप किसी भी समय अपने टैब का अवलोकन देख सकते हैं C: You can see an overview of your tabs at any time cs: Přehled svých karet můžete kdykoli zobrazit eu: Zure fitxen ikuspegi orokorra eduki dezakezu edonoiz pt-BR: Você pode ver uma visão geral de suas abas a qualquer momento ko: 언제든지 탭 개요를 볼 수 있습니다 ca: Es pot veure una vista general de les pestanyes en qualsevol moment nl: Je kan op elk moment een overzicht van je tabbladen zien ru: Вы можете просмотреть обзор своих вкладок в любое время thumbnails: - url: org/gnome/Ptyxis/b0d6c1cabe53118aa246c13ddb231529/screenshots/image-6_1248x996@1.png width: 1248 height: 996 - url: org/gnome/Ptyxis/b0d6c1cabe53118aa246c13ddb231529/screenshots/image-6_752x600@1.png width: 752 height: 600 - url: org/gnome/Ptyxis/b0d6c1cabe53118aa246c13ddb231529/screenshots/image-6_624x498@1.png width: 624 height: 498 - url: org/gnome/Ptyxis/b0d6c1cabe53118aa246c13ddb231529/screenshots/image-6_224x178@1.png width: 224 height: 178 source-image: url: org/gnome/Ptyxis/b0d6c1cabe53118aa246c13ddb231529/screenshots/image-6_orig.png width: 1560 height: 1246 - caption: sv: Många genvägar kan anpassas till användarens preferenser es: Muchos atajos pueden reasignarse según las preferencias del usuario ja: ユーザーの好みに合わせて、たくさんのショートカットを再割り当て zh-Hans-CN: 很多快捷键可根据用户首选项重新映射 it: Molte scorciatoie possono essere rimappate come preferisce l'utente fi: Päätteen useimmat pikanäppäimet ovat mukautettavissa käyttäjän mieltymysten mukaan tr: Birçok kısayol kullanıcı tercihine göre yeniden eşleştirilebilir de: Viele Tastenkürzel können nach den Wünschen des Benutzers angepasst werden fr: De nombreux raccourcis peuvent être réassignés selon les préférences de l’utilisateur nb: Tilpassbare tastatursnarveier sl: Številne bližnjice je možno preslikati v uporabniške nastavitve en-GB: Many shortcuts may be remapped to user preference uk: Багато клавіатурних скорочень може бути перевизначено за уподобаннями користувача id: Banyak pintasan dapat dipetakan ulang ke preferensi pengguna hi: उपयोक्ता की प्राथमिकता के अनुसार कई शॉर्टकट दोबारा मैप किए जा सकते हैं C: Many shortcuts may be remapped to user preference cs: Mnoho zkratek může být přemapováno podle preferencí uživatele eu: Lasterbide asko birmapatu egin daitezke erabiltzailearen gogoaren arabera pt-BR: Muitos atalhos pode ser remapeado para as preferências do usuário ko: 많은 바로 가기를 사용자 선호에 맞게 다시 매핑할 수 있습니다 ca: Moltes dreceres es poden canviar segons la preferència de l'usuari nl: Veel sneltoetsen kunnen naar voorkeur aangepast worden ru: Многие комбинации клавиш могут быть переназначены в соответствии с предпочтениями пользователя thumbnails: - url: org/gnome/Ptyxis/b0d6c1cabe53118aa246c13ddb231529/screenshots/image-7_1248x1627@1.png width: 1248 height: 1627 - url: org/gnome/Ptyxis/b0d6c1cabe53118aa246c13ddb231529/screenshots/image-7_752x980@1.png width: 752 height: 980 - url: org/gnome/Ptyxis/b0d6c1cabe53118aa246c13ddb231529/screenshots/image-7_624x813@1.png width: 624 height: 813 - url: org/gnome/Ptyxis/b0d6c1cabe53118aa246c13ddb231529/screenshots/image-7_224x292@1.png width: 224 height: 292 source-image: url: org/gnome/Ptyxis/b0d6c1cabe53118aa246c13ddb231529/screenshots/image-7_orig.png width: 1524 height: 1988 - caption: sv: Inbyggda färgpaletter ger varianter för både mörkt och ljust läge es: Las paletas de colores integradas proporcionan variantes para el modo oscuro y claro ja: 組み込みのカラーパレットはダークとライトモードの両方に対応 zh-Hans-CN: 内置调色板同时提供暗色和亮色模式变种 it: Le tavolozze preconfezionate forniscono sia una variante scura che una chiara fi: Sisäänrakennetut paletit tarjoavat tumman ja vaalean värimaailman tr: Yerleşik renk paletleri hem koyu hem de açık kip türevlerini sağlar de: Integrierte Farbpaletten bieten sowohl dunkle als auch helle Modusvarianten fr: Les palettes de couleurs intégrées fournissent des variantes de mode sombre et clair nb: Innebygde fargepaletter med støtte for lys og mørk modus sl: Vgrajene barvne palete zagotavljajo različice temnega in svetlega načina en-GB: Built-in colour palettes provide both dark and light mode variants uk: У вбудованих палітрах кольорів передбачено темний та світлий варіанти id: Palet warna bawaan menyediakan varian mode gelap dan terang hi: अंतर्निर्मित रंग पैलेट गहरे और हल्के दोनों मोड वेरिएंट प्रदान करते हैं C: Built-in color palettes provide both dark and light mode variants cs: Vestavěné barevné palety poskytují varianty tmavého i světlého režimu eu: Kolore-paleta integratuek modu iluna zein argia eskaintzen dute pt-BR: Paletas de cores embutidos oferecem variantes de modo claro e escuro ko: 내장된 색상 팔레트는 다크 모드 및 라이트 모드 변형을 모두 제공합니다 ca: Les paletes de color integrades proporcionen tant variants de mode clar com de mode fosc nl: Ingebouwde kleurenpaletten met donkere en lichte varianten ru: Встроенные цветовые палитры предоставляют варианты как для тёмного, так и для светлого режимов thumbnails: - url: org/gnome/Ptyxis/b0d6c1cabe53118aa246c13ddb231529/screenshots/image-8_1248x1549@1.png width: 1248 height: 1549 - url: org/gnome/Ptyxis/b0d6c1cabe53118aa246c13ddb231529/screenshots/image-8_752x933@1.png width: 752 height: 933 - url: org/gnome/Ptyxis/b0d6c1cabe53118aa246c13ddb231529/screenshots/image-8_624x774@1.png width: 624 height: 774 - url: org/gnome/Ptyxis/b0d6c1cabe53118aa246c13ddb231529/screenshots/image-8_224x278@1.png width: 224 height: 278 source-image: url: org/gnome/Ptyxis/b0d6c1cabe53118aa246c13ddb231529/screenshots/image-8_orig.png width: 1524 height: 1892 - caption: sv: Profiler gör det möjligt att åsidosätta ett antal funktioner som standardbehållare es: Los perfiles permiten controlar una serie de características, como el contenedor predeterminado ja: プロファイルを使って、デフォルトのコンテナなど、多くの機能を上書き zh-Hans-CN: 配置文件允许覆盖一些功能如默认容器 it: I profili permettono di superare alcune funzionalità, come il container predefinito fi: Profiilit mahdollistavat useimpien ominaisuuksien ohittamisen, kuten oletuskontin tr: Profiller, öntanımlı konteyner gibi bir dizi özelliğin üzerine yazılmasına izin verir de: Profile ermöglichen es, eine Reihe von Funktionen zu überschreiben, wie z. B. den Standard-Container fr: Les profils permettent de remplacer un certain nombre de fonctionnalités telles que le conteneur par défaut nb: Profiler muliggjør overstyring av flere innstillinger, som standardkonteineren sl: Profili omogočajo preglasitev številnih funkcionalnosti, kot je privzeti vsebnik en-GB: Profiles allow for overriding a number of features such as default container uk: Профілі забезпечують перевизначення багатьох можливостей, зокрема типового контейнера id: Profil memungkinkan untuk mengganti sejumlah fitur seperti kontainer baku hi: प्रोफाइल कई सुविधाओं को अध्यारोहण करने की अनुमति देता है जैसे कि तयशुदा कंटेनर C: Profiles allow for overriding a number of features such as default container cs: Profily umožňují přepsat řadu funkcí, jako je výchozí kontejner pt-BR: Perfis permitem substituir uma série de recursos, como contêiner padrão ko: 프로필을 사용하면 기본 컨테이너와 같은 여러 기능을 재정의할 수 있습니다 ca: Els perfils permeten afinar diverses característiques com ara el contenidor predeterminat nl: Profielen laten toe om een aantal functies te overschrijven, zoals de standaardcontainer ru: Профили позволяют переопределить ряд функций, таких как контейнер по умолчанию thumbnails: - url: org/gnome/Ptyxis/b0d6c1cabe53118aa246c13ddb231529/screenshots/image-9_1248x1550@1.png width: 1248 height: 1550 - url: org/gnome/Ptyxis/b0d6c1cabe53118aa246c13ddb231529/screenshots/image-9_752x934@1.png width: 752 height: 934 - url: org/gnome/Ptyxis/b0d6c1cabe53118aa246c13ddb231529/screenshots/image-9_624x775@1.png width: 624 height: 775 - url: org/gnome/Ptyxis/b0d6c1cabe53118aa246c13ddb231529/screenshots/image-9_224x278@1.png width: 224 height: 278 source-image: url: org/gnome/Ptyxis/b0d6c1cabe53118aa246c13ddb231529/screenshots/image-9_orig.png width: 1524 height: 1894 - caption: sv: Terminalen kommer att påminna dig när du är root på det lokala systemet es: La terminal le recordará si ha iniciado sesión como root en el sistema be-Cyrl: Тэрмінал пакажа, калі вы працуеце ад імя root у лакальнай сістэме ja: Ptyxis は、ローカルシステムのルートになっているとき、そのことをお知らせします zh-Hans-CN: 当您是本地系统的 root 用户时终端会提醒您 it: Il terminale ricorda all'utente quando è root nel sistema locale fi: Pääte muistuttaa, kun olet root-oikeuksin paikallisessa järjestelmässä tr: Uçbirim, yerel sistemde root olduğunuzu size hatırlatır de: Das Terminal wird Sie daran erinnern, wenn Sie administrative Rechte (root) auf dem lokalen System haben fr: Le terminal vous rappellera lorsque vous êtes root sur le système local nb: Terminalen indikerer når kommandoer kjøres gjennom systembrukeren sl: Terminal vas bo spomnil, ko ste korenski uporabnik v krajevnem sistemu en-GB: The terminal will remind you when you're root on the local system uk: Термінал нагадає вам, якщо ви працюєте від імені адміністратора у локальній системі id: Terminal akan mengingatkan Anda saat Anda sebagai root pada sistem lokal hi: जब आप स्थानीय सिस्टम पर रूट होंगे तो टर्मिनल आपको याद दिलाएगा C: The terminal will remind you when you're root on the local system cs: Terminál vás upozorní, pokud jste root v místním systému eu: Terminalak gogoraraziko dizu sistema lokalean erroa zarela pt-BR: O terminal irá lembrá-lo quando você estiver como root no sistema local ko: 터미널은 로컬 시스템에서 root일 때 알림을 표시합니다 ca: El terminal us recordarà quan sou «root» al sistema local nl: De terminal helpt je eraan denken dat je root bent op een lokaal systeem ru: Терминал напомнит вам, когда вы являетесь пользователем root в локальной системе thumbnails: - url: org/gnome/Ptyxis/b0d6c1cabe53118aa246c13ddb231529/screenshots/image-10_1248x976@1.png width: 1248 height: 976 - url: org/gnome/Ptyxis/b0d6c1cabe53118aa246c13ddb231529/screenshots/image-10_752x588@1.png width: 752 height: 588 - url: org/gnome/Ptyxis/b0d6c1cabe53118aa246c13ddb231529/screenshots/image-10_624x488@1.png width: 624 height: 488 - url: org/gnome/Ptyxis/b0d6c1cabe53118aa246c13ddb231529/screenshots/image-10_224x175@1.png width: 224 height: 175 source-image: url: org/gnome/Ptyxis/b0d6c1cabe53118aa246c13ddb231529/screenshots/image-10_orig.png width: 1572 height: 1230 - caption: sv: Terminalen kommer att påminna dig när du är på ett fjärrsystem es: La terminal le recordará si ha iniciado sesión en un sistema remoto be-Cyrl: Тэрмінал пакажа, калі вы знаходзіцеся ў аддаленай сістэме ja: Ptyxis は、リモートシステムにアクセスしているとき、そのことをお知らせします zh-Hans-CN: 当您在远程系统中时终端会提醒您 it: Il terminale ricorda all'utente quando è su un sistema remoto fi: Pääte muistuttaa, kun olet root-oikeuksin etäjärjestelmässä tr: Terminal, uzak sistemde olduğunuzu size hatırlatır de: Das Terminal wird Sie daran erinnern, wenn Sie sich auf einem entfernten System befinden fr: Le terminal vous rappellera lorsque vous êtes sur un système distant nb: Terminalen indikerer når du fjernstyrer et annet system sl: Terminal vas bo opomnil, ko ste v oddaljenem sistemu en-GB: The terminal will remind you when you're on a remote system uk: Термінал нагадає вам, якщо ви працюєте у віддаленій системі id: Terminal akan mengingatkan Anda saat Anda berada di sistem jarak jauh hi: जब आप किसी रिमोट सिस्टम पर होंगे तो टर्मिनल आपको याद दिलाएगा C: The terminal will remind you when you're on a remote system cs: Terminál vás upozorní, pokud jste na vzdáleném systému eu: Terminalak gogoraraziko dizu urruneko sistema batean zaudela pt-BR: O terminal irá lembrá-lo quando você estiver em um sistema remoto ko: 터미널은 원격 시스템에 있을 때 알림을 표시합니다 ca: El terminal us recordarà quan sou en un sistema remot nl: De terminal helpt je eraan denken dat je op een ander systeem werkt ru: Терминал напомнит вам, когда вы находитесь на удалённой системе thumbnails: - url: org/gnome/Ptyxis/b0d6c1cabe53118aa246c13ddb231529/screenshots/image-11_1248x976@1.png width: 1248 height: 976 - url: org/gnome/Ptyxis/b0d6c1cabe53118aa246c13ddb231529/screenshots/image-11_752x588@1.png width: 752 height: 588 - url: org/gnome/Ptyxis/b0d6c1cabe53118aa246c13ddb231529/screenshots/image-11_624x488@1.png width: 624 height: 488 - url: org/gnome/Ptyxis/b0d6c1cabe53118aa246c13ddb231529/screenshots/image-11_224x175@1.png width: 224 height: 175 source-image: url: org/gnome/Ptyxis/b0d6c1cabe53118aa246c13ddb231529/screenshots/image-11_orig.png width: 1572 height: 1230 Languages: - locale: en_US percentage: 100 Releases: - version: '48.0' type: stable unix-timestamp: 1741996800 ContentRating: oars-1.1: {} --- Type: desktop-application ID: flent.desktop Package: flent Name: C: Flent Summary: C: The FLExible Network Tester Description: C: >-

The FLExible Network Tester is a Python wrapper to run multiple simultaneous netperf/iperf/ping instances and aggregate the results.

Tests are specified as config files (which are really Python), and various parsers for tool output are supplied. At the moment, parsers for netperf in -D mode, iperf in csv mode and ping/ping6 in -D mode are supplied, as well as a generic parser for commands that just outputs a single number.

Several commands can be run in parallel and, provided they output timestamped values, (which netperf ping and iperf do, the latter with a small patch, available in the misc/ directory), the test data points can be aligned with each other in time, interpolating differences between the actual measurement points. This makes it possible to graph (e.g.) ping times before, during and after a link is loaded.

ProjectLicense: GPL-3.0+ Categories: - Network Keywords: C: - network - bufferbloat - performance - testing - rrul Url: homepage: https://flent.org/ Icon: cached: - name: flent_applications-internet.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: flent_applications-internet.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: flent_applications-internet.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: f/fl/flent.desktop/cbed4c37d9093181a29e3e482c7297ac/icons/128x128/flent_applications-internet.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: applications-internet Launchable: desktop-id: - flent.desktop Provides: mediatypes: - application/vnd.flent.data+json - application/vnd.flent.data.gzip - application/vnd.flent.data.bzip2 - application/x-compressed-json Screenshots: - default: true thumbnails: - url: f/fl/flent.desktop/cbed4c37d9093181a29e3e482c7297ac/screenshots/image-1_1248x889.png width: 1248 height: 889 - url: f/fl/flent.desktop/cbed4c37d9093181a29e3e482c7297ac/screenshots/image-1_752x535.png width: 752 height: 535 - url: f/fl/flent.desktop/cbed4c37d9093181a29e3e482c7297ac/screenshots/image-1_624x444.png width: 624 height: 444 - url: f/fl/flent.desktop/cbed4c37d9093181a29e3e482c7297ac/screenshots/image-1_224x159.png width: 224 height: 159 source-image: url: f/fl/flent.desktop/cbed4c37d9093181a29e3e482c7297ac/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 1367 height: 974 --- Type: desktop-application ID: git-annex.desktop Package: git-annex Name: C: Git Annex Summary: C: Track and sync the files in your Git Annex Description: C: >-

git-annex allows managing large files with git, without storing the file contents in git. It can sync, backup, and archive your data, offline and online. Checksums and encryption keep your data safe and secure. Bring the power and distributed nature of git to bear on your large files with git-annex.

It can store large files in many places, from local hard drives, to a large number of cloud storage services, including S3, WebDAV, and rsync, with dozens of cloud storage providers usable via plugins. Files can be stored encrypted with gpg, so that the cloud storage provider cannot see your data. git-annex keeps track of where each file is stored, so it knows how many copies are available, and has many facilities to ensure your data is preserved.

git-annex can also be used to keep a folder in sync between computers, noticing when files are changed, and automatically committing them to git and transferring them to other computers. The git-annex webapp makes it easy to set up and use git-annex this way.

en: >-

git-annex allows managing large files with git, without storing the file contents in git. It can sync, backup, and archive your data, offline and online. Checksums and encryption keep your data safe and secure. Bring the power and distributed nature of git to bear on your large files with git-annex.

It can store large files in many places, from local hard drives, to a large number of cloud storage services, including S3, WebDAV, and rsync, with dozens of cloud storage providers usable via plugins. Files can be stored encrypted with gpg, so that the cloud storage provider cannot see your data. git-annex keeps track of where each file is stored, so it knows how many copies are available, and has many facilities to ensure your data is preserved.

git-annex can also be used to keep a folder in sync between computers, noticing when files are changed, and automatically committing them to git and transferring them to other computers. The git-annex webapp makes it easy to set up and use git-annex this way.

Categories: - Network - FileTransfer Icon: cached: - name: git-annex_git-annex.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: git-annex_git-annex.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: git-annex_git-annex.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: g/gi/git-annex.desktop/b791a9fa37ab72444f42cdf04cc4b06b/icons/128x128/git-annex_git-annex.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: git-annex Launchable: desktop-id: - git-annex.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: io.github.GourmandRecipeManager.Gourmand.desktop Package: gourmand Name: C: Gourmand Summary: C: Organize recipes, create shopping lists, calculate nutritional information, and more. Description: C: >-

Gourmand is a recipe-organizer that allows you to collect, search, organize, and browse your recipes. Gourmand can also generate shopping lists and calculate nutritional information.

ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0 Categories: - Utility Url: homepage: https://github.com/GourmandRecipeManager/gourmand Icon: cached: - name: gourmand_io.github.GourmandRecipeManager.Gourmand.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: gourmand_io.github.GourmandRecipeManager.Gourmand.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: gourmand_io.github.GourmandRecipeManager.Gourmand.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: io/github/GourmandRecipeManager.Gourmand.desktop/8b41b96bf8bbb396cc242a0fce3532d3/icons/128x128/gourmand_io.github.GourmandRecipeManager.Gourmand.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: io.github.GourmandRecipeManager.Gourmand Launchable: desktop-id: - io.github.GourmandRecipeManager.Gourmand.desktop Screenshots: - default: true thumbnails: - url: io/github/GourmandRecipeManager.Gourmand.desktop/8b41b96bf8bbb396cc242a0fce3532d3/screenshots/image-1_752x508.png width: 752 height: 508 - url: io/github/GourmandRecipeManager.Gourmand.desktop/8b41b96bf8bbb396cc242a0fce3532d3/screenshots/image-1_624x421.png width: 624 height: 421 - url: io/github/GourmandRecipeManager.Gourmand.desktop/8b41b96bf8bbb396cc242a0fce3532d3/screenshots/image-1_224x151.png width: 224 height: 151 source-image: url: io/github/GourmandRecipeManager.Gourmand.desktop/8b41b96bf8bbb396cc242a0fce3532d3/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 1195 height: 808 --- Type: desktop-application ID: cecilia.desktop Package: cecilia Name: C: cecilia Summary: C: Sound synthesis and audio signal processing environment Description: C: "

Cecilia is an audio signal processing environment. Cecilia lets you create \n your own GUI (grapher, sliders, toggles, popup menus) using a simple syntax. \n Cecilia comes with many original builtin modules for sound effects and synthesis.

" DeveloperName: C: Olivier Bélanger ProjectGroup: https://ajaxsoundstudio.com/software ProjectLicense: GPL-3.0+ Categories: - Audio Keywords: C: - audio - sound - jack - editor Url: homepage: https://github.com/belangeo/cecilia5 bugtracker: https://github.com/belangeo/cecilia5/issues Icon: cached: - name: cecilia_cecilia.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: cecilia_cecilia.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: cecilia_cecilia.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: c/ce/cecilia.desktop/a4f2e426caf8dfdcd4abd6de19c973aa/icons/128x128/cecilia_cecilia.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: cecilia Launchable: desktop-id: - cecilia.desktop Provides: binaries: - cecilia --- Type: desktop-application ID: geophar.desktop Package: geophar Name: C: Geophar Summary: fr: Couteau suisse pour les amateurs de mathématiques C: Swiss-army knife for math enthusiasts Description: en: >-

this application contains every tool you would like to find when preparing math courses, exercises or their keys. Features: - symbolic calculus - tables of variations, LaTeX syntax - dynamic geometry - probability trees - graphs - function plotting - histograms, etc.

fr: >-

this application contains every tool you would like to find when preparing math courses, exercises or their keys. Features: - symbolic calculus - tables of variations, LaTeX syntax - dynamic geometry - probability trees - graphs - function plotting - histograms, etc.

en_GB: >-

this application contains every tool you would like to find when preparing math courses, exercises or their keys. Features: - symbolic calculus - tables of variations, LaTeX syntax - dynamic geometry - probability trees - graphs - function plotting - histograms, etc.

de: >-

this application contains every tool you would like to find when preparing math courses, exercises or their keys. Features: - symbolic calculus - tables of variations, LaTeX syntax - dynamic geometry - probability trees - graphs - function plotting - histograms, etc.

pt_BR: >-

this application contains every tool you would like to find when preparing math courses, exercises or their keys. Features: - symbolic calculus - tables of variations, LaTeX syntax - dynamic geometry - probability trees - graphs - function plotting - histograms, etc.

it: >-

this application contains every tool you would like to find when preparing math courses, exercises or their keys. Features: - symbolic calculus - tables of variations, LaTeX syntax - dynamic geometry - probability trees - graphs - function plotting - histograms, etc.

en_CA: >-

this application contains every tool you would like to find when preparing math courses, exercises or their keys. Features: - symbolic calculus - tables of variations, LaTeX syntax - dynamic geometry - probability trees - graphs - function plotting - histograms, etc.

ru: >-

this application contains every tool you would like to find when preparing math courses, exercises or their keys. Features: - symbolic calculus - tables of variations, LaTeX syntax - dynamic geometry - probability trees - graphs - function plotting - histograms, etc.

da: >-

this application contains every tool you would like to find when preparing math courses, exercises or their keys. Features: - symbolic calculus - tables of variations, LaTeX syntax - dynamic geometry - probability trees - graphs - function plotting - histograms, etc.

C: >-

this application contains every tool you would like to find when preparing math courses, exercises or their keys. Features: - symbolic calculus - tables of variations, LaTeX syntax - dynamic geometry - probability trees - graphs - function plotting - histograms, etc.

en_AU: >-

this application contains every tool you would like to find when preparing math courses, exercises or their keys. Features: - symbolic calculus - tables of variations, LaTeX syntax - dynamic geometry - probability trees - graphs - function plotting - histograms, etc.

Categories: - Science - Math - Education Icon: cached: - name: geophar_geophar.png width: 64 height: 64 stock: geophar Launchable: desktop-id: - geophar.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: com.gexperts.Tilix Package: tilix ProjectLicense: MPL-2.0 Name: zh-Hant-TW: Tilix pt-PT: Tilix eu: Tilix he: Tilix nb-NO: Tilix ja: Tilix de: Tilix gl: Tilix ro: Tilix pt-BR: Tilix hr: Tilix ru: Tilix fr: Tilix uk: Tilix is: Tilix C: Tilix sv: Tilix ca: Tilix it: Tilix ko: Tilix es: Tilix ne: टिलिक्स sr-Cyrl: Тајликс tr: Tilix zh-Hans-CN: Tilix id: Tilix fi: Tilix ar: تِلِكس pl: Tilix hu: Tilix en-GB: Tilix cs: Tilix eo: Tilix nl: Tilix bg: Tilix Summary: de: Ein Terminal für GNOME mit Kacheldarstellung sv: En sida-vid-sida-terminal för GNOME es: Una terminal divisible para GNOME zh-Hans-CN: GNOME 的平铺终端模拟器 sr-Cyrl: Плочасти терминал за Гном it: Un terminale a riquadri per GNOME he: מסוף בריצוף עבור GNOME tr: GNOME için döşeyen bir terminal pl: Emuluje działanie terminala w środowisku GNOME wykorzystując interfejs kafli fr: Un terminal scindable pour GNOME ca: Un mosaic de Terminals per a Gnome pt-PT: Um terminal em mosaico para o GNOME fi: Laatoittava pääte Gnomelle uk: Мозаїчний термінал для Gnome C: A tiling terminal for GNOME eo: Kaheliga terminalo por GNOME cs: Dlaždicový terminál pro GNOME en-GB: A tiling terminal for GNOME pt-BR: Um terminal em mosaico para o GNOME ro: Un terminal fără suprapunere pentru GNOME ko: 그놈을 위한 타일링 터미널 hr: Pločasti terminal za GNOME nl: Een terminal voor GNOME met tegelmogelijkheid ru: Тайлинговый терминал для GNOME Description: ro: >-

Tilix este un emulator de terminal fără suprapunere.

Îți permite:

Aplicația a fost scrisă folosind GTK 3 și a fost depus efort pentru conformarea la GNOME Human Interface Guidelines (HIG). În consecință, folosește decorații de la client, deși pot fi dezactivate dacă e necesar.

Tilix a fost testat cu GNOME și cu Unity.

es: >-

Tilix es un emulador de terminal divisible.

Le permite:

La aplicación fue escrita usando GTK 3 realizando un esfuerzo en cumplir las Directrices de Interfaz Humana de GNOME (HIG). Como resultado, se utilizan decoraciones en el lado del cliente, aunque se pueden desactivar si fuera necesario.

Tilix ha sido probado en GNOME y en Unity.

sv: >-

Tilix är en terminalemulator där terminaler placeras sida vid sida.

Den låter dig:

Programmet skrevs med GTK 3 och försöker följa GNOME:s riktlinjer för mänskliga gränssnitt (HIG). Som ett resultat av detta använder det dekorationer från klientsidan, men det kan inaktiveras om nödvändigt.

Tilix har testats med GNOME och med Unity.

ru: >-

Tilix является тайлинговым эмулятором терминала.

Это позволяет:

Приложение было написано с использованием GTK 3 и уважением к GNOME Human Interface Guidelines (HIG). Оно использует декорации окна на стороне клиента, но при необходимости может существовать и без них.

Tilix был протестирован с GNOME и Unity.

he: >-

Tilix הוא מדמה מסוף עם ריצוף.


היישום נכתב באמצעות GTK 3 ונעשה מאמץ להתאימו להנחיות לממשק אנוש (HIG) של GNOME. כתוצאה מכך, נעשה שימוש בקישוטי צד־לקוח, אם כי ניתן להשביתם בעת הצורך.

Tilix נבדק עם GNOME ועם Unity.

sr-Cyrl: >-

Тајликс је плочасти опонашавач терминала.

Омогућава вам да:

Програм је написан уз помоћ ГТК 3 технологије и начињем је напор да буде у складу са Гномовим смерницама за развој програма (HIG). Због тога се користе декорације на клијентској страни али се он емогу онемогућити ако је то потребно.

Тајликс је испробан на Гному и Јунитију.

it: >-

Tilix è un emulatore di terminale a riquadri.

Ti consente di:

L'applicazione è scritta in GTK 3 e si conforma alle GNOME Human Interface Guidelines (HIG). Di conseguenza fa uso di client-side-decorations, anche se possono essere disattivate, se necessario.

Tilix è stato testato su GNOME e Unity.

zh-Hant-TW: >-


Tilix 已在GNOME以及Unity環境下測試過。

tr: >-

Tilix döşeyen bir terminal emülatörüdür.


Uygulama GTK 3 kullanarak yazılmıştır ve GNOME İnsan Arabirim Yönergelerine (HIG) uyması için çaba harcanmıştır. Sonuç olarak, istemci tarafı süslemeleri kullanır, yine de gerekirse bunlar devre dışı bırakılabilir.

Tilix, GNOME'la ve Unity ile test edilmiştir.

de: >-

Tilix ist ein Terminal-Emulator mit Kacheldarstellung.

Damit können Sie:

Die Anwendung wurde mit GTK 3 geschrieben und es wurde Wert darauf gelegt, den GNOME Human Interface Guidelines (HIG) zu entsprechen. Infolgedessen werden Client Side Decorations verwendet, die aber bei Bedarf deaktiviert werden können.

Tilix wurde mit GNOME und Unity getestet.

fr: >-

Tilix est un émulateur de terminal scindable.

Il vous permet :

L'application a été écrite en utilisant GTK 3 et un effort a été fait pour se conformer aux GNOME Human Interface Guidelines (HIG). En conséquence, elle utilise des décorations côté client, bien qu'elles puissent être désactivées si nécessaire.

Tilix a été testé sous GNOME et sous Unity.

ca: >-

El Tilix és un emulador de terminals en mosaic.

Us permet:

L'aplicació s'ha escrit usant GTK 3 i es va fer un esforç per complir les directrius de la interfície humana de GNOME (HIG). Com a resultat, utilitza decoracions laterals del client, tot i que es pot desactivar si voleu.

El Tilix s'ha provat amb el GNOME i amb el Unity.

pt-PT: >-

Tilix é um emulador de terminal em mosaico.

Ele permite:

A aplicação utiliza o GTK 3, observando as Diretrizes de Interface Humana(HIG) do GNOME. Portanto, decorações de janela internas são utilizadas, mas podem ser desativadas se necessário.

O Tilix foi testado nos ambientes GNOME e Unity.

zh-Hans-CN: >-

Tilix 是一个平铺终端模拟器。


该应用程序使用 GTK 3 编写并尝试兼容 GNOME 人机交互指南(HIG)。因此,Terminix 使用了客户端窗口装饰(CSD),但此功能可随时关闭。

Tilix 已在 GNOME 和 Unity 上测试。

uk: >-

Tilix - мозаїчний емулятор термінала.

Він дозволяє:

Програма написана за допомогою GTK 3 з дотриманням правил побудови інтерфейсу (GNOME HIG). У результаті, використовується оздоблення на боці клієнта, але його можна вимкнути за потреби.

Tilix випробувано з GNOME і Unity.

C: >-

Tilix is a tiling terminal emulator.

It lets you:

The application was written using GTK 3 and an effort was made to conform to GNOME Human Interface Guidelines (HIG). As a result, it does use client-side-decorations, though it can be disabled if necessary.

Tilix has been tested with GNOME and with Unity.

eo: >-

Tilix estas kaheliga terminalimitilo.

Jen ĝiaj funkcioj:

La programo uzas version 3 de GTK kaj klopodas konformi al la Gvidnormoj pri Fasadoj de GNOME (HIG). Tial, ĝi uzas klientflankajn ornamaĵojn, kvankam ili estas malŝalteblaj.

Tilix estas elprovita kun GNOME kaj kun Unity.

cs: >-

Tilix je dlaždicový emulátor terminálu.

Je v něm možné:

Tato aplikace je napsána pomocí GTK 3 a snahou bylo zůstat v souladu se Zásadami lidského rozhraní (HIG) GNOME. Ve výsledku tedy Tilix využívá dekorace na straně klienta, umí je však v případě nutnosti i vypnout.

Tilix je testován v GNOME a Unity.

pl: >-

Tilix jest emulatorem terminala obsługującym kafle.

Pozwala użytkownikowi na:

Program opracowano używając GTK3, zachowując wytyczne GNOME Human Interface Guidelines (HIG). W wyniku tego wyświetla on obramowania po stronie klienta, choć w razie potrzeby można je wyłączyć.

Tilix przetestowano z GNOME i Unity.

id: >-

Ini memungkinkan Anda:

Tilix telah diuji dengan GNOME dan Unity.

pt-BR: >-

Tilix é um emulador de terminal em mosaico.

Ele permite:

A aplicação foi escrita usando GTK 3 e um esforço foi feito para estar em conformidade com o GNOME Human Interface Guidelines (HIG). Como resultado, ele usa decorações do lado do cliente, embora possa ser desativado se necessário.

O Tilix foi testado nos ambientes GNOME e Unity.

ar: >-

إنه يدعك قادرًا على:

تمت كتابة التطبيق باستخدام GTK 3 وبُذل جهد للتوافق مع إرشادات واجهة GNOME البشرية (HIG). نتيجة لذلك ، تستخدم الزخارف من جانب العميل ، على الرغم من إمكانية تعطيلها إذا لزم الأمر.

اختبر تِلِكس في سطح المكتب غنوم وفي يونتي.

fi: >-

Tilix on laatoittava pääte-emulaattori.

Sen avulla voit:

Tilix on testattu Gnomessa ja Unityssa.

ko: >-

Tilix 는 타일링 터미널 에뮬레이터 입니다.

다음과 같은 것을 할 수 있게 해 줍니다:

이 앱은 GTK3 로 작성 되었으며 그놈 휴먼 인터페이스 가이드라인(HIG) 에 따르고자 노력 했습니다. 결과적으로, 이 앱은 클라이언트 측 데코레이션을 사용하며, 필요한 경우 비활성화 될 수 있습니다.

Tilix 는 그놈과 유니티에서 시험되었습니다.

en-GB: >-

Tilix is a tiling terminal emulator.

It lets you:

The application was written using GTK 3 and an effort was made to conform to GNOME Human Interface Guidelines (HIG). As a result, it does use client-side-decorations, though it can be disabled if necessary.

Tilix has been tested with GNOME and with Unity.

nl: >-

Tilix is een terminal-app met tegelmogelijkheid.

Het stelt u in staat om:

De app is geschreven in GTK 3 en er is veel moeite gestoken in het volgen van de richtlijnen van de GNOME HIG (Human Interface Guidelines). Dit resulteert in het gebruik van client-side-decorations, maar deze kunnen worden uitgeschakeld indien nodig.

Tilix is getest onder GNOME en Unity.

hr: >-

Tilix je pločasti emulator terminala.


Program je napisan pomoću GTK 3 i nastojalo se uskladiti ga s GNOME-ovim smjernicama za ljudsko sučelje (HIG). Kao rezultat, koristi dizajn klijenta, ali se to po potrebi može deaktivirati.

Tilix je testiran s okruženjima GNOME i Unity.

Developer: id: com.gexperts name: C: Gerald Nunn Categories: - System - TerminalEmulator Keywords: C: - shell - prompt - command - commandline - cmd Url: homepage: https://gnunn1.github.io/tilix-web/ bugtracker: https://github.com/gnunn1/tilix/issues help: https://gnunn1.github.io/tilix-web/manual/ translate: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/tilix/translations/ faq: https://gnunn1.github.io/tilix-web/faq Icon: cached: - name: tilix_com.gexperts.Tilix.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: tilix_com.gexperts.Tilix.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: tilix_com.gexperts.Tilix.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: com/gexperts/Tilix/2a4711a056353ec098df10ccd760b783/icons/128x128/tilix_com.gexperts.Tilix.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: com.gexperts.Tilix Launchable: desktop-id: - com.gexperts.Tilix.desktop Recommends: - control: pointing - control: keyboard Provides: binaries: - tilix Screenshots: - default: true thumbnails: - url: com/gexperts/Tilix/2a4711a056353ec098df10ccd760b783/screenshots/image-1_752x432@1.png width: 752 height: 432 - url: com/gexperts/Tilix/2a4711a056353ec098df10ccd760b783/screenshots/image-1_624x358@1.png width: 624 height: 358 - url: com/gexperts/Tilix/2a4711a056353ec098df10ccd760b783/screenshots/image-1_224x128@1.png width: 224 height: 128 source-image: url: com/gexperts/Tilix/2a4711a056353ec098df10ccd760b783/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 1082 height: 622 - thumbnails: - url: com/gexperts/Tilix/2a4711a056353ec098df10ccd760b783/screenshots/image-2_752x432@1.png width: 752 height: 432 - url: com/gexperts/Tilix/2a4711a056353ec098df10ccd760b783/screenshots/image-2_624x358@1.png width: 624 height: 358 - url: com/gexperts/Tilix/2a4711a056353ec098df10ccd760b783/screenshots/image-2_224x128@1.png width: 224 height: 128 source-image: url: com/gexperts/Tilix/2a4711a056353ec098df10ccd760b783/screenshots/image-2_orig.png width: 1082 height: 622 - thumbnails: - url: com/gexperts/Tilix/2a4711a056353ec098df10ccd760b783/screenshots/image-3_752x432@1.png width: 752 height: 432 - url: com/gexperts/Tilix/2a4711a056353ec098df10ccd760b783/screenshots/image-3_624x358@1.png width: 624 height: 358 - url: com/gexperts/Tilix/2a4711a056353ec098df10ccd760b783/screenshots/image-3_224x128@1.png width: 224 height: 128 source-image: url: com/gexperts/Tilix/2a4711a056353ec098df10ccd760b783/screenshots/image-3_orig.png width: 1082 height: 622 Languages: - locale: ar percentage: 80 - locale: bg percentage: 41 - locale: ca percentage: 99 - locale: cs percentage: 92 - locale: de percentage: 94 - locale: el percentage: 42 - locale: en_GB percentage: 99 - locale: en_US percentage: 100 - locale: eo percentage: 97 - locale: es percentage: 100 - locale: eu percentage: 38 - locale: fi percentage: 81 - locale: fr percentage: 99 - locale: gl percentage: 28 - locale: he percentage: 99 - locale: hr percentage: 99 - locale: id percentage: 89 - locale: it percentage: 88 - locale: ja percentage: 59 - locale: ko percentage: 99 - locale: nb_NO percentage: 34 - locale: nl percentage: 99 - locale: oc percentage: 37 - locale: pl percentage: 94 - locale: pt_BR percentage: 99 - locale: pt_PT percentage: 100 - locale: ro percentage: 91 - locale: ru percentage: 99 - locale: sr percentage: 91 - locale: sv percentage: 100 - locale: tr percentage: 100 - locale: uk percentage: 100 - locale: zh_CN percentage: 95 - locale: zh_TW percentage: 74 Releases: - version: 1.9.6 type: stable unix-timestamp: 1699401600 description: C: >-

This release adds the following features:

This release fixes the following bugs:

This release includes the following changes:

With contributions from:

Aaron Honeycutt, Andrea Agosti, Arne Jørgensen, Eugene Ivanov, Felix Buehler, Jeremy Bicha, Jiehong Ma, Matthias Klumpp, Waldir Pimenta, Zsombor Welker, taoky

- version: 1.9.5 type: stable unix-timestamp: 1645488000 description: C: >-

Tilix is still looking for a new maintainer!

This release adds the following features:

This release fixes the following bugs:

With contributions from:

Alan Scherger, Antoine Belvire, David King, Jan Beich, kohnish, luk1337, matishadow, Winston Hoy, Matthias Klumpp

- version: 1.9.4 type: stable unix-timestamp: 1612915200 description: C: >-

Tilix is looking for maintainers! At the moment, only very minimal maintenance is done, no new features will be implemented and pull-requests may be reviewed very slowly.

If you are interested in helping Tilix, please chime in!

This release adds the following features:

This release fixes the following bugs:

This release updates translations.

- version: 1.9.3 type: stable unix-timestamp: 1556928000 description: C: >-

This release fixes the following bug:

ContentRating: oars-1.1: {} --- Type: desktop-application ID: orange-spectroscopy.desktop Package: python3-orange-spectroscopy Name: C: Orange Spectroscopy/Quasar Summary: C: Explore, analyze, and visualize your spectroscopy data Description: en: >-

Orange add-on for spectral data analysis. Provides spectra and hyperspectra plotting, interpolation, preprocessing (cutting, smoothing, normalization), and integration. Supports common spectral file formats.

Features -------- ### Load and process data * Load the spectroscopy data * Preprocess and interpolate spectra * Integrate spectra * Average spectra * Performs Fast Fourier Transform

### Visualisation * Visually explore series of spectra * Plots 2D map of hyperspectra

C: >-

Orange add-on for spectral data analysis. Provides spectra and hyperspectra plotting, interpolation, preprocessing (cutting, smoothing, normalization), and integration. Supports common spectral file formats.

Features -------- ### Load and process data * Load the spectroscopy data * Preprocess and interpolate spectra * Integrate spectra * Average spectra * Performs Fast Fourier Transform

### Visualisation * Visually explore series of spectra * Plots 2D map of hyperspectra

en_AU: >-

Orange add-on for spectral data analysis. Provides spectra and hyperspectra plotting, interpolation, preprocessing (cutting, smoothing, normalization), and integration. Supports common spectral file formats.

Features -------- ### Load and process data * Load the spectroscopy data * Preprocess and interpolate spectra * Integrate spectra * Average spectra * Performs Fast Fourier Transform

### Visualisation * Visually explore series of spectra * Plots 2D map of hyperspectra

en_CA: >-

Orange add-on for spectral data analysis. Provides spectra and hyperspectra plotting, interpolation, preprocessing (cutting, smoothing, normalization), and integration. Supports common spectral file formats.

Features -------- ### Load and process data * Load the spectroscopy data * Preprocess and interpolate spectra * Integrate spectra * Average spectra * Performs Fast Fourier Transform

### Visualisation * Visually explore series of spectra * Plots 2D map of hyperspectra

en_GB: >-

Orange add-on for spectral data analysis. Provides spectra and hyperspectra plotting, interpolation, preprocessing (cutting, smoothing, normalization), and integration. Supports common spectral file formats.

Features -------- ### Load and process data * Load the spectroscopy data * Preprocess and interpolate spectra * Integrate spectra * Average spectra * Performs Fast Fourier Transform

### Visualisation * Visually explore series of spectra * Plots 2D map of hyperspectra

Categories: - Science - Education - ArtificialIntelligence - DataVisualization - NumericalAnalysis Keywords: C: - Machine Learning - Scientific Visualization - Statistical Analysis - Spectroscopy Icon: cached: - name: python3-orange-spectroscopy_orange-canvas.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: python3-orange-spectroscopy_orange-canvas.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: python3-orange-spectroscopy_orange-canvas.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: o/or/orange-spectroscopy.desktop/3dd553d2877b4f1cff959177e1552b06/icons/128x128/python3-orange-spectroscopy_orange-canvas.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: orange-canvas Launchable: desktop-id: - orange-spectroscopy.desktop Provides: mediatypes: - application/x-extension-ows --- Type: desktop-application ID: org.gtk.gtk4.NodeEditor Package: gtk-4-examples ProjectLicense: LGPL-2.1-or-later Name: C: GTK Node Editor Summary: C: Program to edit render node files Description: C: >-

GTK Node Editor is a simple application to show and edit render node files.

Render node files can e.g. be created by the GTK inspector.

Developer: name: C: Matthias Clasen and others Categories: - Development Url: homepage: https://www.gtk.org Icon: cached: - name: gtk-4-examples_org.gtk.gtk4.NodeEditor.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: gtk-4-examples_org.gtk.gtk4.NodeEditor.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: gtk-4-examples_org.gtk.gtk4.NodeEditor.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: org/gtk/gtk4.NodeEditor/b23588e40e052fc68f6a2ab747316b32/icons/128x128/gtk-4-examples_org.gtk.gtk4.NodeEditor.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: org.gtk.gtk4.NodeEditor Launchable: desktop-id: - org.gtk.gtk4.NodeEditor.desktop Screenshots: - caption: C: Node Editor thumbnails: - url: org/gtk/gtk4.NodeEditor/b23588e40e052fc68f6a2ab747316b32/screenshots/image-1_752x569@1.png width: 752 height: 569 - url: org/gtk/gtk4.NodeEditor/b23588e40e052fc68f6a2ab747316b32/screenshots/image-1_624x472@1.png width: 624 height: 472 - url: org/gtk/gtk4.NodeEditor/b23588e40e052fc68f6a2ab747316b32/screenshots/image-1_224x169@1.png width: 224 height: 169 source-image: url: org/gtk/gtk4.NodeEditor/b23588e40e052fc68f6a2ab747316b32/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 1052 height: 797 Languages: - locale: en_US percentage: 100 Releases: - version: 4.18.2 type: stable description: C: >-

A new build of GTK.

ContentRating: oars-1.1: {} --- Type: desktop-application ID: org.gtk.Demo4 Package: gtk-4-examples ProjectLicense: LGPL-2.1-or-later Name: C: GTK Demo Summary: C: Program to demonstrate GTK functions Description: C: >-

GTK Demo is a collection of examples that demonstrate the major features of the GTK toolkit.

Developer: name: C: Matthias Clasen and others Categories: - Development Url: homepage: https://www.gtk.org Icon: cached: - name: gtk-4-examples_org.gtk.Demo4.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: gtk-4-examples_org.gtk.Demo4.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: gtk-4-examples_org.gtk.Demo4.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: org/gtk/Demo4/899561452fe54b35d8176b66d25522a7/icons/128x128/gtk-4-examples_org.gtk.Demo4.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: org.gtk.Demo4 Launchable: desktop-id: - org.gtk.Demo4.desktop Screenshots: - caption: C: The main window thumbnails: - url: org/gtk/Demo4/899561452fe54b35d8176b66d25522a7/screenshots/image-1_752x571@1.png width: 752 height: 571 - url: org/gtk/Demo4/899561452fe54b35d8176b66d25522a7/screenshots/image-1_624x474@1.png width: 624 height: 474 - url: org/gtk/Demo4/899561452fe54b35d8176b66d25522a7/screenshots/image-1_224x170@1.png width: 224 height: 170 source-image: url: org/gtk/Demo4/899561452fe54b35d8176b66d25522a7/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 828 height: 629 - caption: C: An example thumbnails: - url: org/gtk/Demo4/899561452fe54b35d8176b66d25522a7/screenshots/image-2_752x574@1.png width: 752 height: 574 - url: org/gtk/Demo4/899561452fe54b35d8176b66d25522a7/screenshots/image-2_624x476@1.png width: 624 height: 476 - url: org/gtk/Demo4/899561452fe54b35d8176b66d25522a7/screenshots/image-2_224x171@1.png width: 224 height: 171 source-image: url: org/gtk/Demo4/899561452fe54b35d8176b66d25522a7/screenshots/image-2_orig.png width: 854 height: 652 Languages: - locale: en_US percentage: 100 Releases: - version: 4.18.2 type: stable description: C: >-

A new build of GTK.

ContentRating: oars-1.1: {} --- Type: desktop-application ID: org.gtk.WidgetFactory4 Package: gtk-4-examples ProjectLicense: LGPL-2.1-or-later Name: C: GTK Widget Factory Summary: C: Program to demonstrate GTK functions Description: C: >-

GTK Widget Factory is a showcase of GTK widgets. It was originally created to help theme authors test their creations for completeness.

Developer: name: C: Matthias Clasen and others Categories: - Development Url: homepage: https://www.gtk.org Icon: cached: - name: gtk-4-examples_org.gtk.WidgetFactory4.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: gtk-4-examples_org.gtk.WidgetFactory4.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: gtk-4-examples_org.gtk.WidgetFactory4.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: org/gtk/WidgetFactory4/fbdaebcbc83e7a9a42c85326cb073e48/icons/128x128/gtk-4-examples_org.gtk.WidgetFactory4.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: org.gtk.WidgetFactory4 Launchable: desktop-id: - org.gtk.WidgetFactory4.desktop Screenshots: - caption: C: Page 1 thumbnails: - url: org/gtk/WidgetFactory4/fbdaebcbc83e7a9a42c85326cb073e48/screenshots/image-1_1248x724@1.png width: 1248 height: 724 - url: org/gtk/WidgetFactory4/fbdaebcbc83e7a9a42c85326cb073e48/screenshots/image-1_752x436@1.png width: 752 height: 436 - url: org/gtk/WidgetFactory4/fbdaebcbc83e7a9a42c85326cb073e48/screenshots/image-1_624x362@1.png width: 624 height: 362 - url: org/gtk/WidgetFactory4/fbdaebcbc83e7a9a42c85326cb073e48/screenshots/image-1_224x130@1.png width: 224 height: 130 source-image: url: org/gtk/WidgetFactory4/fbdaebcbc83e7a9a42c85326cb073e48/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 1379 height: 801 - caption: C: Page 3 thumbnails: - url: org/gtk/WidgetFactory4/fbdaebcbc83e7a9a42c85326cb073e48/screenshots/image-2_1248x724@1.png width: 1248 height: 724 - url: org/gtk/WidgetFactory4/fbdaebcbc83e7a9a42c85326cb073e48/screenshots/image-2_752x436@1.png width: 752 height: 436 - url: org/gtk/WidgetFactory4/fbdaebcbc83e7a9a42c85326cb073e48/screenshots/image-2_624x362@1.png width: 624 height: 362 - url: org/gtk/WidgetFactory4/fbdaebcbc83e7a9a42c85326cb073e48/screenshots/image-2_224x130@1.png width: 224 height: 130 source-image: url: org/gtk/WidgetFactory4/fbdaebcbc83e7a9a42c85326cb073e48/screenshots/image-2_orig.png width: 1379 height: 801 Languages: - locale: en_US percentage: 100 Releases: - version: 4.18.2 type: stable description: C: >-

A new build of GTK.

ContentRating: oars-1.1: {} --- Type: desktop-application ID: org.gtk.PrintEditor4 Package: gtk-4-examples ProjectLicense: LGPL-2.1-or-later Name: C: GTK Print Editor Summary: C: Program to demonstrate GTK printing Description: C: >-

GTK Print Editor is a simple editor to demonstrate GTK printing.

Developer: name: C: Matthias Clasen and others Categories: - Development Url: homepage: https://www.gtk.org Icon: cached: - name: gtk-4-examples_org.gtk.PrintEditor4.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: gtk-4-examples_org.gtk.PrintEditor4.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: gtk-4-examples_org.gtk.PrintEditor4.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: org/gtk/PrintEditor4/3980537cfd76df2cc3e4054ac6cff48b/icons/128x128/gtk-4-examples_org.gtk.PrintEditor4.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: org.gtk.PrintEditor4 Launchable: desktop-id: - org.gtk.PrintEditor4.desktop Screenshots: - caption: C: Print Editor thumbnails: - url: org/gtk/PrintEditor4/3980537cfd76df2cc3e4054ac6cff48b/screenshots/image-1_224x330@1.png width: 224 height: 330 source-image: url: org/gtk/PrintEditor4/3980537cfd76df2cc3e4054ac6cff48b/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 568 height: 838 Languages: - locale: en_US percentage: 100 Releases: - version: 3.99.0 type: stable unix-timestamp: 1596067200 description: C: >-

A new developers snapshot towards GTK 4.0.

ContentRating: oars-1.1: {}