--- File: DEP-11 Version: '0.14' Origin: ubuntu-jammy-multiverse MediaBaseUrl: https://appstream.ubuntu.com/media/jammy Time: 20220421T141812 --- Type: desktop-application ID: org.openmw.cs Package: openmw-cs Name: C: OpenMW Content Editor Summary: C: A replacement for the Morrowind Construction Set. Description: C: >- <p>OpenMW-CS is a content editor for OpenMW which gives full control of the game's content and the ability to create new content, games and mods.</p> <p>While initially similar to Bethesda's "Construction Set" for Mororwind, it is now fully independent and can be used to create mods, games and other content that do not depend on Morrowind.</p> it: >- <p>OpenMW-CS è un editor di contenuti per OpenMW che fornisce il pieno controllo sui contenuti del gioco e la possibilità di creare nuovi contenuti, giochi e mod.</p> <p>Benché inizialmente simile al "Construction Set" di Bethesda per Morrowind, è adesso completamente indipendente e può essere usato per creare mod, giochi e altri contenuti che non dipendono da Morrowind.</p> en: >- <p>OpenMW-CS is a content editor for OpenMW which gives full control of the game's content and the ability to create new content, games and mods.</p> <p>While initially similar to Bethesda's "Construction Set" for Mororwind, it is now fully independent and can be used to create mods, games and other content that do not depend on Morrowind.</p> Categories: - Game - RolePlaying Keywords: C: - Morrowind - Construction Set - Creation Kit Editor - Set - Kit Icon: cached: - name: openmw-cs_openmw-cs.png width: 64 height: 64 stock: openmw-cs Launchable: desktop-id: - org.openmw.cs.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: xsnow.desktop Package: xsnow Name: C: xsnow en_US: xsnow Summary: C: Snow, Santa and birds on your desktop Description: C: >- <p>Xsnow is a X Window application that will snow on the desktop background. Santa and his reindeer will complete your festive-season feeling. Xsnow runs in GNOME, KDE, FVWM and desktops that are derived from those.</p> en: >- <p>Xsnow is a X Window application that will snow on the desktop background. Santa and his reindeer will complete your festive-season feeling. Xsnow runs in GNOME, KDE, FVWM and desktops that are derived from those.</p> Categories: - Game Keywords: C: - christmas - santa - snow Icon: cached: - name: xsnow_xsnow.png width: 64 height: 64 stock: xsnow Launchable: desktop-id: - xsnow.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: qcomicbook.desktop Package: qcomicbook Name: C: qcomicbook Summary: tr: QComicBook cbz, cbr, cbt biçimindeki çizgi roman arşivlerini görüntülemek için kullanılır. Sayfa ön görünümü, sayfa döşeme, yer imi, mangalar için sayfa sırasını ters gösterme gibi çizgi roman okumayı kolaylaştırıcı özellikleri bulunuyor. C: QComicBook is a viewer for comic book archives (cbz, cbr, cbt). QComicBook has specific features like page preview, thumbnails view, bookmarks, manga mode for easing comicbook reading. pl: Przeglądarka do archiwów z komiksami fi: QComicBook on sarjakuva-arkistojen katselin (cbz, cbr ja cbt), jossa on lukemista helpottavia ominaisuuksia, kuten sivujen esikatselu, pienoiskuvat, kirjanmerkit ja mangatila. Description: de: >- <p>QComicBook ist ein Betrachter für Comicarchive aus jpeg-/png-Bildern, der bequem und einfach sein soll. Folgende Eigenschaften sind enthalten: automatische Dekomprimierung, Vollbildmodus, Seitenskalierung, Maus- oder Tastaturnavigation, usw.</p> <p>QComicBook unterstützt derzeit die folgenden Archive: - cbr - Mit RAR komprimiert - cbz - Mit ZIP komprimiert - cba - Mit ACE komprimiert - cbg - Mit tar und gz komprimiert - cbb - Mit tar und bzip2 komprimiert</p> pt_BR: >- <p>QComicBook é um visualizador para aquivos de livros cómicos contendo imagens jpeg/png, orientado para a conveniência e simplicidade. Funcionalidades incluidas: descompressão automática, modo de écran completo, escalamento de páginas, navegação por rato ou teclado, etc.</p> <p>QComicBook for now supports archives: - cbr - rar-compressed - cbz - zip-compressed - cba - ace-compressed - cbg - targzipped - cbb - tarbzip2ped</p> sk: >- <p>QComicBook je prehliadač archívov komiksov, obsahujúcich obrázky jpeg/png, čo je výhodné na ich pohodlné a jednoduché prezeranie. Medzi jeho vlastnosti patrí: automatická dekompresia, režim na celú obrazovku, zmena mierky strany, navigácia myšou i klávesnicou a pod.</p> <p>QComicBook teraz podporuje archívy: * cbr - komprimácia rar * cbz - komprimácia zip * cba - komprimácia ace * cbg - komprimácia tar.gzip * cbb - komprimácia tar.bzip2</p> sl: >- <p>QComicBook je pregledovalnik arhivov stripov s slikami jpeg/png, ki poskuša biti pripročen in enostaven. Zmožnosti vključujejo: samodejno razširjanje, celozaslonski način, raztegovanje strani, krmarjenje z miško ali tipkovnico, itd.</p> <p>QComicBook sedaj podpira arhive: - cbr - sistnjen z rar - cbz - stisnjen z zip - cba - stisnjen z ace - cbg - stisnjen s targz - cbb - stisnjen s tarbzip2</p> ja: >- <p>QComicBook は jpeg/png 画像を含む漫画本アーカイブ用ビューアであり、便宜性と 簡易性を目指しています。 次の機能を含みます: 自動展開、フルスクリーンモード、ページのスケーリング、 マウスやキーボードによる操作など。</p> <p>QComicBook for now supports archives: - cbr - rar-compressed - cbz - zip-compressed - cba - ace-compressed - cbg - targzipped - cbb - tarbzip2ped</p> el: >- <p>το QComicBook είναι ένα πρόγραμμα παρουσίασης για αρχεία βιβλίων κόμικ που περιέχουν εικόνες jpeg/png, που στοχεύει σε ευκολία και απλότητα. τα χαρακτηριστικά περιέχουν: αυτόματη αποσυμπίεση, κατάσταση πλήρους οθόνης, κλιμάκωση σελίδας, περιήγηση με το πληκτρολόγιο ή το ποντίκι κλπ.</p> <p>Το QComicBook για τώρα υποστηρίζει τα αρχεία: - cbr - rar-compressed - cbz - zip-compressed - cba - ace-compressed - cbg - targzipped - cbb - tarbzip2ped</p> uk: >- <p>QComicBook — це орієнтований на простоту й зручність переглядач архівів коміксів, що містять малюнки jpeg чи png. Має особливості: автоматичне розпаковування, повноекранний режим, масштабування сторінок, керування мишею чи клавіатурою.</p> <p>QComicBook for now supports archives: - cbr - rar-compressed - cbz - zip-compressed - cba - ace-compressed - cbg - targzipped - cbb - tarbzip2ped</p> en: >- <p>QComicBook is a viewer for comic book archives containing jpeg/png images, which aims at convenience and simplicity. Features include: automatic decompression, full-screen mode, page scaling, mouse or keyboard navigation etc.</p> <p>QComicBook for now supports archives: - cbr - rar-compressed - cbz - zip-compressed - cba - ace-compressed - cbg - targzipped - cbb - tarbzip2ped</p> cs: >- <p>QComicBook je prohlížeč komiksů složených z obrázků jpeg/png, což je výhodné pro jejich pohodlné a jednoduché prohlížení. Mezi jejich vlastnosti patří: automatická dekomprese, celoobrazovkový mód, změna měřítka stránky, navigace pomocí myši a klávesnice, atd.</p> <p>QComicBook for now supports archives: - cbr - rar-compressed - cbz - zip-compressed - cba - ace-compressed - cbg - targzipped - cbb - tarbzip2ped</p> gl: >- <p>QComicBook is a viewer for comic book archives containing jpeg/png images, which aims at convenience and simplicity. Features include: automatic decompression, full-screen mode, page scaling, mouse or keyboard navigation etc.</p> <p>QComicBook for now supports archives: - cbr - rar-compressed - cbz - zip-compressed - cba - ace-compressed - cbg - targzipped - cbb - tarbzip2ped</p> ru: >- <p>QComicBook — простое и удобное средство просмотра архивов комиксов, содержащих изображения jpeg/png. Возможности: автоматическая распаковка, полноэкранный режим, изменение масштаба, навигация с помощью мыши или клавиатуры и др.</p> <p>QComicBook в настоящее время поддерживает архивы: - cbr — rar-сжатие - cbz — zip-сжатие - cba — ace-сжатие - cbg — tar+gzip - cbb — tar+bzip2</p> C: >- <p>QComicBook is a viewer for comic book archives containing jpeg/png images, which aims at convenience and simplicity. Features include: automatic decompression, full-screen mode, page scaling, mouse or keyboard navigation etc.</p> <p>QComicBook for now supports archives: - cbr - rar-compressed - cbz - zip-compressed - cba - ace-compressed - cbg - targzipped - cbb - tarbzip2ped</p> es: >- <p>QComicBook es un visor de comicios que contienen imágenes jpeg/png, que se centra en conveniencia y simplicidad. En sus funciones incluye: descompresión automática, modo pantalla completa, ajuste de página, navegación por ratón o teclado etc.</p> <p>QComicBook actualmente permite los archivos: - cbr - comprimidos con rar - cbz - comprimidos con zip - cba - comprimidos con ace - cbg - comprimidos con targzip - cbb - comprimidos con tarbzip2</p> fr: >- <p>QComicBook est un visionneur d'archives comic-book contenant des images JPEG/PNG, qui vise la commodité et la simplicité d'utilisation. Fonctionnalités incluses : décompression automatique, mode plein-écran, ascenseurs, navigation à la souris et au clavier, etc.</p> <p>QComicBook prend pour le moment en charge les archives: - cbr - compressées au format rar - cbz - compressées au format zip - cba - compressées au format ace - cbg - compressées au format targz - cbb - compressées au format tarbzip2</p> pt: >- <p>QComicBook é um visualizador para aquivos de livros cómicos contendo imagens jpeg/png, orientado para a conveniência e simplicidade. Funcionalidades incluidas: descompressão automática, modo de écran completo, escalamento de páginas, navegação por rato ou teclado, etc.</p> <p>QComicBook for now supports archives: - cbr - rar-compressed - cbz - zip-compressed - cba - ace-compressed - cbg - targzipped - cbb - tarbzip2ped</p> sv: >- <p>QComicBook är en visare för serietidningsarkiv som innehåller jpeg/png- bilder, och strävar efter bekvämlighet och enkelhet. Funktioner inkluderar: automatisk avkomprimering, fullskärmsläge, sidskalning, mus- eller tangentbordsnavigation etc.</p> <p>QComicBook for now supports archives: - cbr - rar-compressed - cbz - zip-compressed - cba - ace-compressed - cbg - targzipped - cbb - tarbzip2ped</p> en_GB: >- <p>QComicBook is a viewer for comic book archives containing jpeg/png images, which aims at convenience and simplicity. Features include: automatic decompression, full-screen mode, page scaling, mouse or keyboard navigation etc.</p> <p>QComicBook for now supports archives: - cbr - rar-compressed - cbz - zip-compressed - cba - ace-compressed - cbg - targzipped - cbb - tarbzip2ped</p> ko: >- <p>QComicBook은 편리함과 단순함을 목표로 하는, jpeg/png 이미지를 포함하는 코믹 북 아카이브를 위한 뷰어입니다. 다음과 같은 특징을 포함합니다: 자동 압축 해 제, 전화면 모드, 페이지 크기 조절, 마우스 또는 키보드 탐색 등등.</p> <p>QComicBook for now supports archives: - cbr - rar-compressed - cbz - zip-compressed - cba - ace-compressed - cbg - targzipped - cbb - tarbzip2ped</p> it: >- <p>QComicBook è un visualizzatore per archivi di fumetti che contengono immagini jpeg/png, che mira ad essere comodo e semplice. Le sue caratteristiche includono: decompressione automatica, modalità a schermo intero, ridimensionamento delle pagine, navigazione con mouse o tastiera, ecc.</p> <p>QComicBook for now supports archives: - cbr - rar-compressed - cbz - zip-compressed - cba - ace-compressed - cbg - targzipped - cbb - tarbzip2ped</p> nl: >- <p>QComicBook toont stripboekarchieven die jpeg/png-afbeeldingen bevatten en is ontworpen om eenvoudig en simpel te zijn. Kan onder andere: automatisch uitpakken, volledig scherm weergeven, pagina's zoomen, met muis of toetsenbord navigeren etc.</p> <p>QComicBook ondersteunt momenteel de volgende archieven: - cbr - rar-gecomprimeerd - cbz - zip-gecomprimeerd - cba - ace-gecomprimeerd - cbg - targzipped - cbb - tarbzip2ped</p> da: >- <p>QComicBook er en fremviser til tegneserie-arkiver indeholdende jpeg-/png- billeder, som sigter mod bekvemmelighed og enkelhed. Egenskaber inkluderer: automatisk udpakning, fuldskærmstilstand, sideskalering, navigation med mus eller tastatur osv.</p> <p>QComicBook for now supports archives: - cbr - rar-compressed - cbz - zip-compressed - cba - ace-compressed - cbg - targzipped - cbb - tarbzip2ped</p> en_AU: >- <p>QComicBook is a viewer for comic book archives containing jpeg/png images, which aims at convenience and simplicity. Features include: automatic decompression, full-screen mode, page scaling, mouse or keyboard navigation etc.</p> <p>QComicBook for now supports archives: - cbr - rar-compressed - cbz - zip-compressed - cba - ace-compressed - cbg - targzipped - cbb - tarbzip2ped</p> Categories: - Graphics - RasterGraphics - Viewer Icon: cached: - name: qcomicbook_qcomicbook.png width: 64 height: 64 Launchable: desktop-id: - qcomicbook.desktop Provides: mimetypes: - application/x-cbz - application/x-cbr - application/x-cbt --- Type: desktop-application ID: org.gemrb.gemrb Package: gemrb Name: C: GemRB Summary: C: GemRB is a portable open-source implementation of Bioware’s Infinity Engine Description: C: >- <p> The goal of the project is to make the Infinity Engine games available on a wide range of platforms forever, fix or avoid old bugs, add new features and provide a superb platform for mod development. </p> ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0-or-later Categories: - Game - RolePlaying - Emulator Keywords: C: - roleplay - rpg - adventure - game - 2d - isometric - gemrb - infinity engine - black isle Icon: cached: - name: gemrb_gemrb.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: gemrb_gemrb.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: gemrb_gemrb.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: org/gemrb/gemrb/5668d2b7c9f90c5b368396a285020e39/icons/128x128/gemrb_gemrb.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: gemrb Launchable: desktop-id: - gemrb.desktop Screenshots: - default: true thumbnails: - url: org/gemrb/gemrb/5668d2b7c9f90c5b368396a285020e39/screenshots/image-1_752x564.png width: 752 height: 564 - url: org/gemrb/gemrb/5668d2b7c9f90c5b368396a285020e39/screenshots/image-1_624x468.png width: 624 height: 468 - url: org/gemrb/gemrb/5668d2b7c9f90c5b368396a285020e39/screenshots/image-1_224x168.png width: 224 height: 168 source-image: url: org/gemrb/gemrb/5668d2b7c9f90c5b368396a285020e39/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 1024 height: 768 - thumbnails: - url: org/gemrb/gemrb/5668d2b7c9f90c5b368396a285020e39/screenshots/image-2_752x593.png width: 752 height: 593 - url: org/gemrb/gemrb/5668d2b7c9f90c5b368396a285020e39/screenshots/image-2_624x492.png width: 624 height: 492 - url: org/gemrb/gemrb/5668d2b7c9f90c5b368396a285020e39/screenshots/image-2_224x176.png width: 224 height: 176 source-image: url: org/gemrb/gemrb/5668d2b7c9f90c5b368396a285020e39/screenshots/image-2_orig.png width: 1108 height: 875 Recommends: - control: pointing - control: keyboard - control: touch - control: gamepad --- Type: desktop-application ID: d2x-rebirth.desktop Package: d2x-rebirth Name: C: Descent 2 Summary: C: 'DXX-Rebirth source port of Descent 2: Counterstrike from 1996...' Description: fr: >- <p>DXX-Rebirth est un port source de Descent et des moteurs Descent] [ et fournit une expérience de jeu classique combinée avec des graphismes et effets OpenGL, un tas d'améliorations et de nouvelles fonctionnalités.</p> <p>Les données de jeu originales sont nécessaires pour jouer à ce jeu.</p> ru: >- <p>DXX-Rebirth — это порт игровых движков Descent и Descent II, предоставляющий комбинацию классической игры с OpenGL-графикой и эффектами, множество улучшений и новых возможностей.</p> <p>Вам понадобятся игровые данные от оригинальной игры.</p> C: >- <p>DXX-Rebirth is a Source Port of the Descent & Descent ][ Engines and provides classical Gameplay combined with OpenGL graphics and effects, a bunch of improvements and new features.</p> <p>Original game data is needed to play this game.</p> en: >- <p>DXX-Rebirth is a Source Port of the Descent & Descent ][ Engines and provides classical Gameplay combined with OpenGL graphics and effects, a bunch of improvements and new features.</p> <p>Original game data is needed to play this game.</p> en_GB: >- <p>DXX-Rebirth is a Source Port of the Descent & Descent ][ Engines and provides classical Gameplay combined with OpenGL graphics and effects, a bunch of improvements and new features.</p> <p>Original game data is needed to play this game.</p> Categories: - Game - ActionGame Icon: cached: - name: d2x-rebirth_d2x-rebirth.png width: 64 height: 64 Launchable: desktop-id: - d2x-rebirth.desktop --- Type: addon ID: libretro-genesisplusgx Package: libretro-genesisplusgx Extends: - org.gnome.Games.desktop - retroarch.desktop Name: C: Genesis Plus GX Summary: C: Sega 8/16 bit emulator ProjectLicense: LicenseRef-proprietary Url: homepage: https://github.com/libretro/Genesis-Plus-GX bugtracker: https://github.com/libretro/Genesis-Plus-GX/issues --- Type: desktop-application ID: dwarf-fortress.desktop Package: dwarf-fortress Name: C: Dwarf Fortress Summary: C: Control dwarves in a generated persistent world Description: en_GB: >- <p>Dwarf Fortress is a single-player fantasy game. You can control a dwarven outpost or an adventurer in a randomly generated, persistent world.</p> C: >- <p>Dwarf Fortress is a single-player fantasy game. You can control a dwarven outpost or an adventurer in a randomly generated, persistent world.</p> fr: >- <p>Dwarf Fortress is a single-player fantasy game. You can control a dwarven outpost or an adventurer in a randomly generated, persistent world.</p> es: >- <p>Dwarf Fortress is a single-player fantasy game. You can control a dwarven outpost or an adventurer in a randomly generated, persistent world.</p> de: >- <p>Dwarf Fortress ist ein Einzelspieler-Fantasy Spiel. Sie können einen Zwergen-Aussenposten oder einen Abenteurer in einer zufällig generierten beständigen Welt kontrollieren.</p> en: >- <p>Dwarf Fortress is a single-player fantasy game. You can control a dwarven outpost or an adventurer in a randomly generated, persistent world.</p> Categories: - Game Keywords: C: - fantasy game - df - bay12games Icon: cached: - name: dwarf-fortress_dwarf-fortress.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: dwarf-fortress_dwarf-fortress.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: dwarf-fortress_dwarf-fortress.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: dwarf-fortress remote: - url: d/dw/dwarf-fortress.desktop/19A045A98E6D700A2DF9EB3CECB9F8A4/icons/128x128/dwarf-fortress_dwarf-fortress.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - dwarf-fortress.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: org.onionshare.OnionShare Package: onionshare Name: C: OnionShare Summary: C: Securely and anonymously share a file of any size Description: C: >- <p> OnionShare lets you securely and anonymously send and receive files. It works by starting a web server, making it accessible as a Tor onion service, and generating an unguessable web address so others can download files from you, or upload files to you. It does <em>not</em> require setting up a separate server or using a third party file-sharing service. </p> <p> If you want to send files to someone, OnionShare hosts them on your own computer and uses a Tor onion service to make them temporarily accessible over the internet. The receiving user just needs to open the web address in Tor Browser to download the files. If you want to receive files, OnionShare hosts an anonymous dropbox directly on your computer and uses a Tor onion service to make it temporarily accessible over the internet. Other users can upload files to you from by loading the web address in Tor Browser. </p> DeveloperName: C: Micah Lee ProjectLicense: GPL-3.0 Categories: - Network - FileTransfer Keywords: C: - tor - anonymity - privacy - onion service - file sharing - file hosting da: - tor - anonymitet - privatliv - onion-tjeneste - fildeling - filhosting de: - tor - Anonymität - Privatsphäre - Onion-Service - File-Sharing - File-Hosting Url: bugtracker: https://github.com/micahflee/onionshare/issues/ homepage: https://onionshare.org/ help: https://github.com/micahflee/onionshare/wiki/ Icon: cached: - name: onionshare_org.onionshare.OnionShare.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: onionshare_org.onionshare.OnionShare.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: onionshare_org.onionshare.OnionShare.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: org.onionshare.OnionShare remote: - url: org/onionshare/OnionShare/B23D6CC616A9A70232DF123BA85C2C8C/icons/128x128/onionshare_org.onionshare.OnionShare.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - org.onionshare.OnionShare.desktop Releases: - version: '2.1' type: stable unix-timestamp: 1557187200 ContentRating: oars-1.1: {} --- Type: desktop-application ID: OpenJazz.desktop Package: openjazz Name: C: OpenJazz Summary: C: Jazz Jackrabbit™ game engine reimplementation Description: C: >- <p>OpenJazz is a free, open-source version of the classic Jazz Jackrabbit™ games.</p> <p>Jazz Jackrabbit™ is a PC platform game. Produced by Epic Games (then Epic MegaGames), it was first released in 1994. The fast-paced, colourful gameplay proved popular, and the game won PC Format's Arcade Game of the Year award. Many people still fondly recall the shareware versions.</p> <p>With the demise of DOS-based operating systems, it has become necessary to use emulators to play old DOS games. Jazz Jackrabbit™ deserves more - and would benefit greatly from new features.</p> <p>To play, you will need the files from one of the original games. Current releases of `game-data-packager' are able to generate a suitable data package from the Jazz Jackrabbit Collection as published on GOG.</p> en: >- <p>OpenJazz is a free, open-source version of the classic Jazz Jackrabbit™ games.</p> <p>Jazz Jackrabbit™ is a PC platform game. Produced by Epic Games (then Epic MegaGames), it was first released in 1994. The fast-paced, colourful gameplay proved popular, and the game won PC Format's Arcade Game of the Year award. Many people still fondly recall the shareware versions.</p> <p>With the demise of DOS-based operating systems, it has become necessary to use emulators to play old DOS games. Jazz Jackrabbit™ deserves more - and would benefit greatly from new features.</p> <p>To play, you will need the files from one of the original games. Current releases of `game-data-packager' are able to generate a suitable data package from the Jazz Jackrabbit Collection as published on GOG.</p> Categories: - Game - ActionGame Keywords: C: - jazz - jackrabbit - green - rabbit - bunny - jump - run - gun - platform Icon: cached: - name: openjazz_OpenJazz.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: openjazz_OpenJazz.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: openjazz_OpenJazz.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: o/op/OpenJazz.desktop/33534B47480CAC0FEA59F9CBF4AA758A/icons/128x128/openjazz_OpenJazz.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - OpenJazz.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: OpenJazz-HH95.desktop Package: openjazz Name: C: OpenJazz Holiday Hare '95 Summary: C: Jazz Jackrabbit™ game engine reimplementation Description: C: >- <p>OpenJazz is a free, open-source version of the classic Jazz Jackrabbit™ games.</p> <p>Jazz Jackrabbit™ is a PC platform game. Produced by Epic Games (then Epic MegaGames), it was first released in 1994. The fast-paced, colourful gameplay proved popular, and the game won PC Format's Arcade Game of the Year award. Many people still fondly recall the shareware versions.</p> <p>With the demise of DOS-based operating systems, it has become necessary to use emulators to play old DOS games. Jazz Jackrabbit™ deserves more - and would benefit greatly from new features.</p> <p>To play, you will need the files from one of the original games. Current releases of `game-data-packager' are able to generate a suitable data package from the Jazz Jackrabbit Collection as published on GOG.</p> en: >- <p>OpenJazz is a free, open-source version of the classic Jazz Jackrabbit™ games.</p> <p>Jazz Jackrabbit™ is a PC platform game. Produced by Epic Games (then Epic MegaGames), it was first released in 1994. The fast-paced, colourful gameplay proved popular, and the game won PC Format's Arcade Game of the Year award. Many people still fondly recall the shareware versions.</p> <p>With the demise of DOS-based operating systems, it has become necessary to use emulators to play old DOS games. Jazz Jackrabbit™ deserves more - and would benefit greatly from new features.</p> <p>To play, you will need the files from one of the original games. Current releases of `game-data-packager' are able to generate a suitable data package from the Jazz Jackrabbit Collection as published on GOG.</p> en_GB: >- <p>OpenJazz is a free, open-source version of the classic Jazz Jackrabbit™ games.</p> <p>Jazz Jackrabbit™ is a PC platform game. Produced by Epic Games (then Epic MegaGames), it was first released in 1994. The fast-paced, colourful gameplay proved popular, and the game won PC Format's Arcade Game of the Year award. Many people still fondly recall the shareware versions.</p> <p>With the demise of DOS-based operating systems, it has become necessary to use emulators to play old DOS games. Jazz Jackrabbit™ deserves more - and would benefit greatly from new features.</p> <p>To play, you will need the files from one of the original games. Current releases of `game-data-packager' are able to generate a suitable data package from the Jazz Jackrabbit Collection as published on GOG.</p> Categories: - Game - ActionGame Keywords: C: - jazz - jackrabbit - green - rabbit - bunny - jump - run - gun - platform Icon: cached: - name: openjazz_OpenJazz.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: openjazz_OpenJazz.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: openjazz_OpenJazz.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: OpenJazz remote: - url: o/op/OpenJazz-HH95.desktop/98F7B4B978AB421FB4972B6C1E08153D/icons/128x128/openjazz_OpenJazz.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - OpenJazz-HH95.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: lgeneral.desktop Package: lgeneral Name: C: LGeneral Summary: C: LGeneral is a turn-based strategy engine heavily inspired by Panzer General Description: de: >- <p>LGeneral ist ein rundenbasiertes strategiespiel, das schwer von Panzer General inspiriert wurde. Sie können einzelne Szenarien oder ganze Kampagnen spielen, Zug um Zug gegen menschliche oder künstliche Gegner.</p> <p>Verschanzung, robuste Verteidigung, Defensivfeuer, Überraschungskontakte, Rückzug, Einheitenunterstützung, Wettereinfluss, Verstärkung und weitere Implementationen tragen zur taktischen und strategischen Tiefe des Spiels bei.</p> <p>This is the game engine only. LGeneral requires lgeneral-data or lgc-pg, which converts the game data of the original Panzer General game, to function properly.</p> pt_BR: >- <p>LGeneral é um jogo de estratégia em turnos fortemente inspirado no Panzer General. Você joga cenários individuais ou campanhas completas turno a turno contra um jogador humano ou uma Inteligência Artificial (IA).</p> <p>Entricheiramento, defesa acirrada, fogo defensivo, contatos surpresa, rendição, suprimentos, influência do clima, reforços e outras implementações contribuem para a profundidade tática e estratégica do jogo.</p> <p>Este é apenas o motor do jogo. LGeneral precisa do lgeneral-data ou do lgc-pg, que convertem os dados do jogo do Panzer General original, para funcionar corretamente.</p> sl: >- <p>LGeneral je potezna strateška igra, ki jo je močno navdihnila igra Panzer General. Igrate lahko posamezne scenarije ali celotne kampanije potezo za potezo proti človeškemu nasprotniku ali računalniku.</p> <p>Vkopavanje, neenakomerna obramba, obrambni ogenj, stiki presenečenja, predaja, zaloge enot, vpliv vremena, okrepitve in druge možnosti prispevajo k taktični in strateški globini igre.</p> <p>This is the game engine only. LGeneral requires lgeneral-data or lgc-pg, which converts the game data of the original Panzer General game, to function properly.</p> C: >- <p>LGeneral is a turn-based strategy game heavily inspired by Panzer General. You play single scenarios or whole campaigns turn by turn against a human player or the AI.</p> <p>Entrenchment, rugged defense, defensive fire, surprise contacts, surrender, unit supply, weather influence, reinforcements and other implementations contribute to the tactical and strategic depth of the game.</p> <p>This is the game engine only. LGeneral requires lgeneral-data or lgc-pg, which converts the game data of the original Panzer General game, to function properly.</p> en: >- <p>LGeneral is a turn-based strategy game heavily inspired by Panzer General. You play single scenarios or whole campaigns turn by turn against a human player or the AI.</p> <p>Entrenchment, rugged defense, defensive fire, surprise contacts, surrender, unit supply, weather influence, reinforcements and other implementations contribute to the tactical and strategic depth of the game.</p> <p>This is the game engine only. LGeneral requires lgeneral-data or lgc-pg, which converts the game data of the original Panzer General game, to function properly.</p> ru: >- <p>LGeneral — пошаговая стратегия, вдохновлённая игрой Panzer General. Вы можете играть в одиночные сценарии или целый кампании против других игроков или ИИ.</p> <p>Окопы, героическая защита, защитный огонь, неожиданные контакты, капитуляция, поддержка боевых единиц, влияние погодных условий, подкрепления и другие возможности вносят интересный вклад в тактическую и стратегическую составляющую игры.</p> <p>Пакет предоставляет только игровой движок. Для работы LGeneral требуются пакеты lgeneral-data или lgc-pg, которые преобразуют ресурсы оригинальной игры Panzer General в ресурсы LGeneral.</p> fr: >- <p>LGeneral est un jeu de stratégie au tour par tour largement inspiré par Panzer General. Vous jouez des scénarios uniques ou des campagnes entières à tour de rôle contre un joueur humain ou l'ordinateur.</p> <p>Retranchement, défense résistante, feu défensif, escarmouches, siège, support d'unité, influence météorologique, renforcements et autres améliorations contribuent à la profondeur tactique et stratégique du jeu.</p> <p>Il s'agit uniquement du moteur du jeu. LGeneral nécessite lgeneral-data ou lgc-pg, qui convertit les données originales du jeu Panzer General, pour fonctionner correctement.</p> en_GB: >- <p>LGeneral is a turn-based strategy game heavily inspired by Panzer General. You play single scenarios or whole campaigns turn by turn against a human player or the AI.</p> <p>Entrenchment, rugged defense, defensive fire, surprise contacts, surrender, unit supply, weather influence, reinforcements and other implementations contribute to the tactical and strategic depth of the game.</p> <p>This is the game engine only. LGeneral requires lgeneral-data or lgc-pg, which converts the game data of the original Panzer General game, to function properly.</p> it: >- <p>LGeneral è un gioco di strategia a turni fortemente ispirato a Panzer General. Si giocano turno dopo turno scenari singoli o intere campagne contro un giocatore umano o l'intelligenza artificiale.</p> <p>Trincee, difese consolidate, fuoco difensivo, contatti a sorpresa, resa, rifornimento di unità, influenza delle condizioni meteorologiche, rinforzi e altre implementazioni contribuiscono alla profondità tattica e strategica del gioco.</p> <p>Questo è solamente il motore di gioco. Per funzionare correttamente LGeneral necessita di lgeneral-data o lgc-pg, che converte i dati di gioco del gioco originale Panzer General.</p> da: >- <p>LGeneral er et rundebaseret spil, stærkt inspireret af Panzer General. Du kan spille et enkelt scenarie eller en hel kampagne mod en modspiller eller den kunstige intelligens.</p> <p>Skanser, robust forsvar, defensiv ild, overraskelsesangreb, overgivelse, enhedsforsyninger, vejrindflydelse, forstærkninger og andre implementeringer bidrager til taktisk og strategisk dybde i spillet.</p> <p>Dette er kun spilmotoren. LGeneral kræver lgeneral-data eller lgc-pg, som konverterer data fra det oprindelige Panzer General-spil, for at fungere korrekt.</p> en_AU: >- <p>LGeneral is a turn-based strategy game heavily inspired by Panzer General. You play single scenarios or whole campaigns turn by turn against a human player or the AI.</p> <p>Entrenchment, rugged defense, defensive fire, surprise contacts, surrender, unit supply, weather influence, reinforcements and other implementations contribute to the tactical and strategic depth of the game.</p> <p>This is the game engine only. LGeneral requires lgeneral-data or lgc-pg, which converts the game data of the original Panzer General game, to function properly.</p> Categories: - Game - StrategyGame Keywords: C: - turn-based - tiles - WWI - army - troops - battle Icon: cached: - name: lgeneral_lgeneral.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: lgeneral_lgeneral.png width: 64 height: 64 Launchable: desktop-id: - lgeneral.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: rocksndiamonds.desktop Package: rocksndiamonds Name: C: Rocks'n'Diamonds Summary: C: A Boulder Dash, Emerald Mine, Supaplex, Sokoban etcetera inspired arcade game de: Ein Boulder Dash, Emerald Mine, Supaplex, Sokoban usw. inspiriertes Arcade-Spiel Description: C: >- <p>This package provides the game engine for Rocks'n'Diamonds, an arcade game in the tradition of "Boulder Dash", "Emerald Mine", "Supaplex", "Sokoban", etcetera. Game levels emulating all of these can be downloaded from ArtSoft.org.</p> en: >- <p>This package provides the game engine for Rocks'n'Diamonds, an arcade game in the tradition of "Boulder Dash", "Emerald Mine", "Supaplex", "Sokoban", etcetera. Game levels emulating all of these can be downloaded from ArtSoft.org.</p> Categories: - Game - ArcadeGame Keywords: C: - action - arcade - rocks - diamonds - boulder - dash - emerald - mine - supaplex - sokoban Icon: cached: - name: rocksndiamonds_rocksndiamonds.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: rocksndiamonds_rocksndiamonds.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: rocksndiamonds_rocksndiamonds.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: r/ro/rocksndiamonds.desktop/7cb62a84f7513bc08669019359a80e36/icons/128x128/rocksndiamonds_rocksndiamonds.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: rocksndiamonds Launchable: desktop-id: - rocksndiamonds.desktop --- Type: generic ID: org.alsa-project.alsa-firmware-loaders Package: alsa-firmware-loaders Name: C: alsa-firmware-loaders Summary: C: Load required firmware for specific sound hardware Description: C: >- <p> ALSA firmware loaders is a collection of programs required to initialize some specific sound hardware and associated controlling software. It includes loaders for the following: </p> <ul> <li>Sound Blaster 16 ASP/CSP control program</li> <li>RME Hammerfall DSP soundcards firmware loader</li> <li>Digigram miXart soundcards firmware loader</li> <li>Digigram pcxhr soundcards firmware loader</li> <li>Digigram VX soundcards firmware loader</li> <li>SoundScape soundcards control utility and firmware loader</li> <li>Tascam USX2Y soundcards firmware loader</li> </ul> Provides: modaliases: - usb:v1604p8000d* - usb:v1604p8001d* - usb:v1604p8004d* - usb:v1604p8005d* - usb:v1604p8006d* - usb:v1604p8007d* --- Type: desktop-application ID: quake3-threewave.desktop Package: quake3 Name: C: Quake 3 Threewave CTF Summary: C: Capture the Flag addon for Quake III Arena Description: C: >- <p>This package contains a launcher script and menu entry to play Quake III Arena or Quake III: Team Arena with the ioquake3 engine.</p> <p>To make this package useful, you will need to create and install the non-distributable quake3-data or quake3-demo-data package, by using the game-data-packager package.</p> <p>quake3-data requires pak0.pk3 from a Quake III installation or CD-ROM. quake3-demo-data only requires freely downloadable files, but is not necessarily reliable.</p> <p>game-data-packager (>= 39) can also produce a package for the official expansion pack Quake III: Team Arena. An additional menu entry should appear automatically if that expansion are installed.</p> en: >- <p>This package contains a launcher script and menu entry to play Quake III Arena or Quake III: Team Arena with the ioquake3 engine.</p> <p>To make this package useful, you will need to create and install the non-distributable quake3-data or quake3-demo-data package, by using the game-data-packager package.</p> <p>quake3-data requires pak0.pk3 from a Quake III installation or CD-ROM. quake3-demo-data only requires freely downloadable files, but is not necessarily reliable.</p> <p>game-data-packager (>= 39) can also produce a package for the official expansion pack Quake III: Team Arena. An additional menu entry should appear automatically if that expansion are installed.</p> Categories: - Game - ActionGame Keywords: C: - first person shooter - fps - 3d - ctf - capture the flag Icon: cached: - name: quake3_quake3.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: quake3_quake3.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: quake3_quake3.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: q/qu/quake3-threewave.desktop/3581872d88d411a4a59bd36e95b83547/icons/128x128/quake3_quake3.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: quake3 Launchable: desktop-id: - quake3-threewave.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: quake3.desktop Package: quake3 Name: C: Quake 3 Arena Summary: C: Play the original Quake III Arena Description: C: >- <p>This package contains a launcher script and menu entry to play Quake III Arena or Quake III: Team Arena with the ioquake3 engine.</p> <p>To make this package useful, you will need to create and install the non-distributable quake3-data or quake3-demo-data package, by using the game-data-packager package.</p> <p>quake3-data requires pak0.pk3 from a Quake III installation or CD-ROM. quake3-demo-data only requires freely downloadable files, but is not necessarily reliable.</p> <p>game-data-packager (>= 39) can also produce a package for the official expansion pack Quake III: Team Arena. An additional menu entry should appear automatically if that expansion are installed.</p> en: >- <p>This package contains a launcher script and menu entry to play Quake III Arena or Quake III: Team Arena with the ioquake3 engine.</p> <p>To make this package useful, you will need to create and install the non-distributable quake3-data or quake3-demo-data package, by using the game-data-packager package.</p> <p>quake3-data requires pak0.pk3 from a Quake III installation or CD-ROM. quake3-demo-data only requires freely downloadable files, but is not necessarily reliable.</p> <p>game-data-packager (>= 39) can also produce a package for the official expansion pack Quake III: Team Arena. An additional menu entry should appear automatically if that expansion are installed.</p> Categories: - Game - ActionGame Keywords: C: - first person shooter - fps - 3d - deathmatch - ctf - capture the flag - quake iii arena Icon: cached: - name: quake3_quake3.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: quake3_quake3.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: quake3_quake3.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: q/qu/quake3.desktop/267614f78eda2097e52fdd5a5c06bab0/icons/128x128/quake3_quake3.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: quake3 Launchable: desktop-id: - quake3.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: quake3-team-arena.desktop Package: quake3 Name: C: Quake 3 Team Arena Summary: C: Expansion pack for Quake III Arena Description: C: >- <p>This package contains a launcher script and menu entry to play Quake III Arena or Quake III: Team Arena with the ioquake3 engine.</p> <p>To make this package useful, you will need to create and install the non-distributable quake3-data or quake3-demo-data package, by using the game-data-packager package.</p> <p>quake3-data requires pak0.pk3 from a Quake III installation or CD-ROM. quake3-demo-data only requires freely downloadable files, but is not necessarily reliable.</p> <p>game-data-packager (>= 39) can also produce a package for the official expansion pack Quake III: Team Arena. An additional menu entry should appear automatically if that expansion are installed.</p> en: >- <p>This package contains a launcher script and menu entry to play Quake III Arena or Quake III: Team Arena with the ioquake3 engine.</p> <p>To make this package useful, you will need to create and install the non-distributable quake3-data or quake3-demo-data package, by using the game-data-packager package.</p> <p>quake3-data requires pak0.pk3 from a Quake III installation or CD-ROM. quake3-demo-data only requires freely downloadable files, but is not necessarily reliable.</p> <p>game-data-packager (>= 39) can also produce a package for the official expansion pack Quake III: Team Arena. An additional menu entry should appear automatically if that expansion are installed.</p> Categories: - Game - ActionGame Keywords: C: - first person shooter - fps - 3d - deathmatch - ctf - capture the flag - quake iii team arena Icon: cached: - name: quake3_quake3-team-arena.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: quake3_quake3-team-arena.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: quake3_quake3-team-arena.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: q/qu/quake3-team-arena.desktop/0cba164650070a584ac59cdd3efff654/icons/128x128/quake3_quake3-team-arena.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: quake3-team-arena Launchable: desktop-id: - quake3-team-arena.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: com.github.Matoking.protontricks Package: protontricks Name: C: Protontricks Summary: C: A simple wrapper that does winetricks things for Proton enabled games es: Un contenedor simple que realiza trucos de winetricks para juegos habilitados para usar Proton pt_BR: Um invólucro simples que executa truques de winetricks para jogos habilitados para usar o Proton Description: C: >- <p>This is a wrapper script that allows you to easily run Winetricks commands for Steam Play/Proton games among other common Wine features, such as launching external Windows executables. This is often useful when a game requires closed-source runtime libraries or applications that are not included with Proton.</p> ProjectLicense: GPL-3.0 Categories: - Utility Keywords: C: - Steam - Proton - Wine - Winetricks Url: homepage: https://github.com/Matoking/protontricks help: https://github.com/Matoking/protontricks#readme bugtracker: https://github.com/Matoking/protontricks/issues Icon: cached: - name: protontricks_wine.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: protontricks_wine.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: protontricks_wine.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: com/github/Matoking.protontricks/05fbb952e3fcb820cc9895e585ac7cb4/icons/128x128/protontricks_wine.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: wine Launchable: desktop-id: - protontricks.desktop Provides: binaries: - protontricks - protontricks-launch Screenshots: - default: true caption: C: App selection screen thumbnails: - url: com/github/Matoking.protontricks/05fbb952e3fcb820cc9895e585ac7cb4/screenshots/image-1_752x423.png width: 752 height: 423 - url: com/github/Matoking.protontricks/05fbb952e3fcb820cc9895e585ac7cb4/screenshots/image-1_624x351.png width: 624 height: 351 - url: com/github/Matoking.protontricks/05fbb952e3fcb820cc9895e585ac7cb4/screenshots/image-1_224x126.png width: 224 height: 126 source-image: url: com/github/Matoking.protontricks/05fbb952e3fcb820cc9895e585ac7cb4/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 832 height: 468 Releases: - version: 1.7.0 type: stable unix-timestamp: 1641600000 - version: 1.6.2 type: stable unix-timestamp: 1638057600 - version: 1.6.1 type: stable unix-timestamp: 1634515200 - version: 1.6.0 type: stable unix-timestamp: 1628380800 ContentRating: oars-1.1: {} Supports: - control: pointing - control: keyboard - control: console --- Type: generic ID: com.raspberrypi.rpiboot Package: rpiboot Name: C: rpiboot Summary: C: Raspberry Pi USB booting code Description: C: >- <p> Command line utilities to boot compatible Raspberry Pi devices (the model A, Compute Module, Compute Module 3, Compute Module 4, and Zero) from USB host mode. Firmwares are also provided to boot Compute Modules as mass storage devices, for (re-)flashing. </p> Provides: modaliases: - usb:v0A5Cp27[16][134]d* --- Type: desktop-application ID: mythtv-setup.desktop Package: mythtv-backend Name: C: MythTV Backend Setup Summary: C: Used to configure a backend Description: C: >- <p>MythTV provides a unified graphical interface for recording and viewing television programs. Refer to the mythtv package for more information.</p> <p>This package contains only the server software, which provides video and audio capture and encoding services. In order to be useful, it requires a mythtv-frontend installation, either on the same system or one reachable via the network.</p> <p>A database is also required. The mythtv-database package must be installed, either on the same system, or one reachable via the network.</p> <p>For a complete installation of all MythTV components, install the 'mythtv' package.</p> en: >- <p>MythTV provides a unified graphical interface for recording and viewing television programs. Refer to the mythtv package for more information.</p> <p>This package contains only the server software, which provides video and audio capture and encoding services. In order to be useful, it requires a mythtv-frontend installation, either on the same system or one reachable via the network.</p> <p>A database is also required. The mythtv-database package must be installed, either on the same system, or one reachable via the network.</p> <p>For a complete installation of all MythTV components, install the 'mythtv' package.</p> Categories: - System - Settings Icon: cached: - name: mythtv-backend_mythtv.png width: 64 height: 64 stock: mythtv Launchable: desktop-id: - mythtv-setup.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: dropbox.desktop Package: nautilus-dropbox Name: C: Dropbox Summary: C: Sync your files across computers and to the web Description: de: >- <p>Nautilus Dropbox ist eine Erweiterung, die den Dropbox-Webdienst in Ihre GNOME Arbeitsumgebung integriert.</p> <p>Durch die Installation dieses Pakets wird das proprietäre Dropbox Programm von dropbox.com herunterladen.</p> sl: >- <p>Nautilus Dropbox je razširitev, ki vključi spletno storitev Dropbox v vaše namizje GNOME.</p> <p>Namestitev tega paketa bo prejela lastniško binarno datoteko dropbox s strani dropbox.com.</p> C: >- <p>Nautilus Dropbox is an extension that integrates the Dropbox web service with your GNOME Desktop.</p> <p>Installing this package will download the proprietary dropbox binary from dropbox.com.</p> en: >- <p>Nautilus Dropbox is an extension that integrates the Dropbox web service with your GNOME Desktop.</p> <p>Installing this package will download the proprietary dropbox binary from dropbox.com.</p> ru: >- <p>Nautilus Dropbox это расширение, которое интегрирует веб-сервис Dropbox в окружение GNOME.</p> <p>При установке этот пакет скачает проприетарные двоичные файлы с dropbox.com.</p> gl: >- <p>Nautilus Dropbox é unha extensión que integra o servizo web Dropbox no escritorio GNOME.</p> <p>Ao instalar este paquete hase descargar o binario privativo de dropbox desde dropbox.com.</p> es: >- <p>Dropbox Nautilus es una extensión que integra el servicio web Dropbox con su escritorio GNOME.</p> <p>Instalando este paquete descargará el binario dropbox propietario desde dropbox.com.</p> fr: >- <p>Nautilus Dropbox est une extension qui intègre le service Web Dropbox avec votre bureau GNOME.</p> <p>L'installation de ce paquet va télécharger l'exécutable propriétaire Dropbox à partir de dropbox.com.</p> en_GB: >- <p>Nautilus Dropbox is an extension that integrates the Dropbox web service with your GNOME Desktop.</p> <p>Installing this package will download the proprietary dropbox binary from dropbox.com.</p> Categories: - Network - FileTransfer Keywords: C: - file - synchronization - sharing - collaboration - cloud - storage - backup Icon: cached: - name: nautilus-dropbox_dropbox.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: nautilus-dropbox_dropbox.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: nautilus-dropbox_dropbox.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: dropbox remote: - url: d/dr/dropbox.desktop/591E33B797098EF0632C3CE88447E17C/icons/128x128/nautilus-dropbox_dropbox.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - dropbox.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: org.broadinstitute.software.igv Package: igv Name: C: igv Summary: C: desktop genome vizualisation tool Description: C: >- <p> The Integrative Genomics Viewer (IGV) is a high-performance, easy-to-use, interactive tool for the visual exploration of genomic data. It supports flexible integration of all the common types of genomic data and metadata, investigator-generated or publicly available, loaded from local or cloud sources. </p> ProjectLicense: MIT Categories: - Science - Biology - DataVisualization Keywords: C: - genomics Icon: cached: - name: igv_igv.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: igv_igv.png width: 64 height: 64 stock: igv Launchable: desktop-id: - igv.desktop Screenshots: - default: true caption: C: Main window of IGV thumbnails: - url: org/broadinstitute/software.igv/6d0ef11dd0a7c8f14de297ffa0473cd8/screenshots/image-1_624x416.png width: 624 height: 416 - url: org/broadinstitute/software.igv/6d0ef11dd0a7c8f14de297ffa0473cd8/screenshots/image-1_224x149.png width: 224 height: 149 source-image: url: org/broadinstitute/software.igv/6d0ef11dd0a7c8f14de297ffa0473cd8/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 666 height: 445 ContentRating: oars-1.0: {} --- Type: desktop-application ID: com.steampowered.steam.desktop Package: steam-installer Name: C: Steam installer Summary: C: Installer for Valve's game and content delivery system Description: C: >- <p>Steam is a popular platform for buying, downloading, and playing video games, and chatting with other players.</p> <p>Many games require an online purchase, but some popular games, such as Team Fortress 2, are free to play. When searching in the store, be sure to narrow results by the SteamOS/Linux operating system. Not all Linux games are compatible with your system, so make sure you check the requirements before purchasing games.</p> Categories: - Game Url: homepage: https://store.steampowered.com/ Icon: cached: - name: steam-installer_steam.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: steam-installer_steam.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: steam-installer_steam.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: com/steampowered/steam.desktop/69480780eaaec892dee86f9e1d4eb399/icons/128x128/steam-installer_steam.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: steam Screenshots: - default: true thumbnails: - url: com/steampowered/steam.desktop/69480780eaaec892dee86f9e1d4eb399/screenshots/image-1_752x364.png width: 752 height: 364 - url: com/steampowered/steam.desktop/69480780eaaec892dee86f9e1d4eb399/screenshots/image-1_624x302.png width: 624 height: 302 - url: com/steampowered/steam.desktop/69480780eaaec892dee86f9e1d4eb399/screenshots/image-1_224x108.png width: 224 height: 108 source-image: url: com/steampowered/steam.desktop/69480780eaaec892dee86f9e1d4eb399/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 1200 height: 582 - thumbnails: - url: com/steampowered/steam.desktop/69480780eaaec892dee86f9e1d4eb399/screenshots/image-2_752x449.png width: 752 height: 449 - url: com/steampowered/steam.desktop/69480780eaaec892dee86f9e1d4eb399/screenshots/image-2_624x372.png width: 624 height: 372 - url: com/steampowered/steam.desktop/69480780eaaec892dee86f9e1d4eb399/screenshots/image-2_224x133.png width: 224 height: 133 source-image: url: com/steampowered/steam.desktop/69480780eaaec892dee86f9e1d4eb399/screenshots/image-2_orig.png width: 1200 height: 717 - thumbnails: - url: com/steampowered/steam.desktop/69480780eaaec892dee86f9e1d4eb399/screenshots/image-3_752x335.png width: 752 height: 335 - url: com/steampowered/steam.desktop/69480780eaaec892dee86f9e1d4eb399/screenshots/image-3_624x278.png width: 624 height: 278 - url: com/steampowered/steam.desktop/69480780eaaec892dee86f9e1d4eb399/screenshots/image-3_224x99.png width: 224 height: 99 source-image: url: com/steampowered/steam.desktop/69480780eaaec892dee86f9e1d4eb399/screenshots/image-3_orig.png width: 1200 height: 535 --- Type: desktop-application ID: rott.desktop Package: rott Name: C: Rise of the Triad Summary: C: A high quality, fast scrolling first-person perspective 3D action game Description: de: >- <p>Rise of the Triad ist ein hochqualitativer First-Person-Shooter mit 3D- Grafik. Er enthält viele tödliche Gegner, ein Waffenarsenal mit einfachen Pistolen bis zu Raketenwerfern, lebensrettenden Panzerungen, Fallen und Hinterhalte in Hülle und Fülle.</p> <p>ACHTUNG: Rise of the Triad enthält mutwillige und grundlose Gewalt.</p> <p>Dieses Paket enthält keine Datendateien. Benutzen Sie »game-data-packager« um passende Datenpakete aus der öffentlich verfügbaren Shareware-Episode »Rise of the Triad: The HUNT Begins« zu erstellen.</p> sk: >- <p>Rise of the Triad je kvalitná, rýchla akčná 3D strieľačka z pohľady prvej osoby. Obsahuje množstvo deštruktívnych nepriateľov, arzenál zbraní od jednoduchých pištolí po raketomety, brnenie ochraňujúce život a množstvo pascí a útokov zo zálohy.</p> <p>UPOZORNENIE: Rise of the Triad obsahuje svojvoľné a bezdôvodné násilie.</p> <p>This package contains no data files: use `game-data-packager' to generate a suitable data package from the publicly available "Rise of the Triad: The HUNT Begins" shareware episode.</p> sl: >- <p>Vzpon triade je visoko kakovostna, hitro drseča, 3D akcijska igra iz vidike prve osebe. Vključuje veliko uničujočih sovražnikov, arzenal orožja od enostavnih pištol do metalcev raket, oklepa, ki vas ohrani pri življenju, pasti in zased.</p> <p>OPOZORILO: Vzpon triade vsebuje objestno in nazorno nasilje.</p> <p>Ta paket ne vsebuje podatkovnih datotek: uporabite 'game-data-packager' za ustvarjanje ustreznega podatkovnega paketa iz javno dostopne preizkusne epizode "Rise of the Triad: The HUNT Begins".</p> uk: >- <p>Повстання Тріад — високоякісна тривимірна стрілялка від першої особи. Купа ворогів, арсенал різноманітної зброї — пістолети, реактивні ракети, бронежилети, пастки й велика кількість засад.</p> <p>ПОПЕРЕДЖЕННЯ: у Постанні Тріад є безпричинна і ні чим не обґрунтована жорстокість.</p> <p>This package contains no data files: use `game-data-packager' to generate a suitable data package from the publicly available "Rise of the Triad: The HUNT Begins" shareware episode.</p> C: >- <p>Rise of the Triad is a high quality, fast scrolling first-person perspective 3D action game. It includes a lot of destructive enemies, an arsenal of weapons from simple pistols to missile launchers, life-preserving armor, traps and ambushes galore.</p> <p>WARNING: Rise of the Triad features wanton and gratuitous violence.</p> <p>This package contains no data files: use `game-data-packager' to generate a suitable data package from the publicly available "Rise of the Triad: The HUNT Begins" shareware episode.</p> en: >- <p>Rise of the Triad is a high quality, fast scrolling first-person perspective 3D action game. It includes a lot of destructive enemies, an arsenal of weapons from simple pistols to missile launchers, life-preserving armor, traps and ambushes galore.</p> <p>WARNING: Rise of the Triad features wanton and gratuitous violence.</p> <p>This package contains no data files: use `game-data-packager' to generate a suitable data package from the publicly available "Rise of the Triad: The HUNT Begins" shareware episode.</p> ru: >- <p>Rise of the Triad — высококачественная трёхмерная стрелялка от первого лица. Куча врагов, арсенал разнообразного оружия — пистолеты, реактивные ракеты, бронежилеты, ловушки и обилие засад.</p> <p>ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ: игра «Rise of the Triad» содержит сцены бессмысленной и ничем не спровоцированной жестокости.</p> <p>Этот пакет не содержит файлов данных: используйте `game-data-packager' для создания подходящего пакета данных из публично доступного shareware- эпизода "Rise of the Triad: The HUNT Begins".</p> es: >- <p>Rise of the Triad es un juego de acción rápida en perspectiva 3D en primera persona. Incluye un montón de enemigos destructivos, un arsenal de armas desde simples pistolas a lanza misiles, armadura que protege vida, trampas y una galería de emboscadas.</p> <p>ATENCIÓN: Rise of the Triad incluye violencia cruel y gratuita.</p> <p>This package contains no data files: use `game-data-packager' to generate a suitable data package from the publicly available "Rise of the Triad: The HUNT Begins" shareware episode.</p> fr: >- <p>Rise of the Triad est un jeu d'action en perspective 3D à la première personne de haute qualité et très rhytmé. Il comprend un grand nombre d'ennemis destructeurs, un arsenal d'armes du simple pistolet aux lanceurs de missiles, des armures, des pièges et des embuscades à gogo.</p> <p>AVERTISSEMENT : Rise of the Triad comprend de la violence aveugle et gratuite.</p> <p>Ce paquet ne contient pas de fichiers de données : utilisez « game-data- packager » pour générer un ensemble de données approprié à partir de l'épisode shareware publiquement disponible « Rise of the Triad: La chasse commence ».</p> en_GB: >- <p>Rise of the Triad is a high quality, fast scrolling first-person perspective 3D action game. It includes a lot of destructive enemies, an arsenal of weapons from simple pistols to missile launchers, life- preserving armor, traps and ambushes galore.</p> <p>WARNING: Rise of the Triad features wanton and gratuitous violence.</p> <p>This package contains no data files: use `game-data-packager' to generate a suitable data package from the publicly available "Rise of the Triad: The HUNT Begins" shareware episode.</p> it: >- <p>Rise of the Triad è un gioco d'azione 3D di alta qualità con una prospettiva in prima persona a scorrimento veloce. Contiene un sacco di nemici distruttivi, un arsenale di armi, dalle semplici pistole ai lancia- missili, armature salva-vita, trappole e luoghi da imboscata.</p> <p>ATTENZIONE: Rise of the Triad è pieno di violenza sfrenata e gratuita.</p> <p>This package contains no data files: use `game-data-packager' to generate a suitable data package from the publicly available "Rise of the Triad: The HUNT Begins" shareware episode.</p> da: >- <p>Rise of the Triad er et højkvalitets, hurtigt kørende, skydespil i 3D. Det inkluderer masser af ødelæggende fjender, et arsenal af våben fra simple pistoler til missilaffyrere, livbevarende rustning, fælder og bagholdsvåben i mængder.</p> <p>ADVARSEL: Rise of the Triad indeholder store mængder af blodig vold.</p> <p>This package contains no data files: use `game-data-packager' to generate a suitable data package from the publicly available "Rise of the Triad: The HUNT Begins" shareware episode.</p> nl: >- <p>Rise of the Triad is een 3D first-person spel van hoge kwaliteit. Het bevat veel destructieve vijanden, een arsenaal aan wapens, van simpele pistolen tot raketwerpers, beschermende harnassen en vallen en hinderlagen.</p> <p>WAARSCHUWING: Rise of the Triad bevat overdreven en nodeloos veel geweld.</p> <p>This package contains no data files: use `game-data-packager' to generate a suitable data package from the publicly available "Rise of the Triad: The HUNT Begins" shareware episode.</p> en_AU: >- <p>Rise of the Triad is a high quality, fast scrolling first-person perspective 3D action game. It includes a lot of destructive enemies, an arsenal of weapons from simple pistols to missile launchers, life- preserving armor, traps and ambushes galore.</p> <p>WARNING: Rise of the Triad features wanton and gratuitous violence.</p> <p>This package contains no data files: use `game-data-packager' to generate a suitable data package from the publicly available "Rise of the Triad: The HUNT Begins" shareware episode.</p> Categories: - Game - ActionGame Keywords: C: - first - person - shooter - fps - 3d - rott Icon: cached: - name: rott_rott.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: rott_rott.png width: 128 height: 128 --- Type: desktop-application ID: gfaim.desktop Package: gfaim Name: C: Gfaim Summary: C: Find any recipe you want Description: de: >- <p>Gfaim ist ein kleines Programm, geschrieben in GTK+, mit welchem man anhand von enthaltenen Zutaten nach Rezepten suchen kann. Die Datenbank von Gfaim enthält mehr als 10000 Rezepte. Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Rezepte in französischer Sprache verfasst sind.</p> <p>Dieses Paket enthält Binärdateien für gfaim</p> sl: >- <p>Gfaim je majhen pripomoček napisan z GTK+, ki vam omogoča enostavno iskanje po receptih s tipkanjem imena sestavine, ki jo želite. Podatkovna zbirka programa vsebuje več kot 10.000 receptov, vendar so napisani v francoščini.</p> <p>Ta paket vsebuje binarne datoteke za program Gfaim</p> el: >- <p>Το Gfaim είναι μια μικρή λειτουργία γραμμένη χρησιμοποιώντας GTK+ που επιτρέπει στο χρήστη να βρίσκει πολλές συνταγές εύκολα πληκτρολογώντας το όνομα του συστατικού που θέλει. Η βάση δεδομένων του περιέχει πάνω από 10.000 συνταγές. Σημειώστε ότι αυτές οι συνταγές είναι γραμμένες στα Γαλλικά.</p> <p>Αυτό το πακέτο περιέχει binaries για το gfaim</p> C: >- <p>Gfaim is a small utility written using GTK+ which allows you to find a lot of recipes easily by typing the name of the ingredient you want. Its database contains more then 10 000 recipes. Please note that those recipes are written in French.</p> <p>This package contains binaries for gfaim</p> en: >- <p>Gfaim is a small utility written using GTK+ which allows you to find a lot of recipes easily by typing the name of the ingredient you want. Its database contains more then 10 000 recipes. Please note that those recipes are written in French.</p> <p>This package contains binaries for gfaim</p> ru: >- <p>Gfaim — небольшая утилита, написанная с использованием GTK+, которая позволяет найти множество кулинарных рецептов, просто указав название желаемого ингредиента. Её база данных содержит более 10 000 рецептов. Обратите внимание, что рецепты написаны на французском языке.</p> <p>Этот пакет содержит программные файлы для gfaim</p> es: >- <p>Gfaim es una pequeña utilidad escrita en GTK+ que permite encontrar un montón de recetas fácilmente tecleando el nombre del ingrediente que busque. Su base de datos contiene más de 10.000 recetas. Advierta que las recetas están escritas en francés.</p> <p>Este paquete contiene los binarios para gfaim</p> fr: >- <p>Gfaim est un petit utilitaire utilisant GTK+ qui vous permet de trouver facilement un grand nombre de recette en tapant le nom des ingrédients que vous voulez. Sa base de données contient plus de 10 000 recettes. Ces recettes sont écrites en français.</p> <p>Ce paquet contient les exécutables pour gfaim.</p> en_GB: >- <p>Gfaim is a small utility written using GTK+ which allows you to find a lot of recipes easily by typing the name of the ingredient you want. Its database contains more then 10 000 recipes. Please note that these recipes are written in French.</p> <p>This package contains binaries for gfaim</p> hu: >- <p>A Gfaim egy GTK+ nyelven írt kis alkalmazás ami az összetevők beírásával lehetővé teszi a receptek megtalálását. Az adatbázis több, mint 10000 receptet tartalmaz. A receptek francia nyelven íródtak.</p> <p>Ez a csomag a gfaim binárisait tartalmazza.</p> nl: >- <p>Gfaim is een klein programma geschreven met GTK+ waarmee u eenvoudig een groot aantal recepten kunt vinden door ingrediënten op te geven. De database bevat meer dan 10,000 recepten. Let wel op dat deze recepten in het Frans geschreven zijn.</p> <p>Dit pakket bevat binaire bestanden voor gfaim</p> en_AU: >- <p>Gfaim is a small utility written using GTK+ which allows you to find a lot of recipes easily by typing the name of the ingredient you want. Its database contains more then 10 000 recipes. Please note that those recipes are written in French.</p> <p>This package contains binaries for gfaim</p> Categories: - Utility Icon: cached: - name: gfaim_application-default-icon.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: gfaim_application-default-icon.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: application-default-icon Provides: mimetypes: - text/plain --- Type: desktop-application ID: fbzx.desktop Package: fbzx Name: C: FBZX Summary: C: Play the old, great games of the venerable ZX Spectrum Description: fr: >- <p>FBZX est un émulateur Sinclair ZX Spectrum pour Linux/Unix. Il peut foncionner sur X ou dans une console FrameBuffer.</p> en_GB: >- <p>FBZX is a Sinclair ZX Spectrum emulator for Linux/Unix. It can work over X or in a FrameBuffer console.</p> C: >- <p>FBZX is a Sinclair ZX Spectrum emulator for Linux/Unix. It can work over X or in a FrameBuffer console.</p> de: >- <p>FBZX ist ein Sinclair ZX Spectrum Emulator für Linux/Unix. Er kann über X oder in einer FrameBuffer-Konsole laufen.</p> en: >- <p>FBZX is a Sinclair ZX Spectrum emulator for Linux/Unix. It can work over X or in a FrameBuffer console.</p> Categories: - Game Keywords: C: - emulator,sinclair,spectrum Icon: cached: - name: fbzx_fbzx.png width: 64 height: 64 stock: fbzx Launchable: desktop-id: - fbzx.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: pq.desktop Package: pq Name: C: Progress Quest Summary: C: Watch your fantasy character advance Description: de: >- <p>In Progress Quest erstellen Sie einen Fantasy-Avatar und beobachten, wie sich der Charakter weiterentwickelt. Sie können alleine spielen oder an einer Online-Welt teilnehmen, um das Spiel gemeinsam mit anderen zu genießen.</p> sl: >- <p>V Progress Quest lahko ustvarite fantazijski karakter in opazujete kako napreduje. Igrate lahko sami ali pa stopite v stik s spletno skupnostjo za izkušnjo deljenega igranja.</p> C: >- <p>In Progress Quest you create a fantasy character and watch it advance. You may play alone or contact an online realm for a shared gaming experience.</p> el: >- <p>Στο Progress Quest δημιουργείτε έναν φανταστικό χαρακτήρα και τον βλέπετε να προοδεύει. Μπορείτε να παίξετε μόνοι σας ή να επισκεφθήτε μια online χώρα για μια κοινή εμπειρία παιχνιδιού.</p> en: >- <p>In Progress Quest you create a fantasy character and watch it advance. You may play alone or contact an online realm for a shared gaming experience.</p> ru: >- <p>В Progress Quest вы создаёте фэнтезийного персонажа и следите за его развитием. Вы можете играть в одиночестве или присоединиться к совместному серверу.</p> es: >- <p>En Progress Quest usted crea un personaje de fantasía y mira como avanza. Puede jugar solo o con contactos en un reino en línea para una experiencia de juego compartida.</p> fr: >- <p>Dans Progress Quest vous créez un personnage imaginaire et vous le regardez évoluer. Vous pouvez jouer seul ou contacter un royaume en ligne pour une expérience de jeu partagée.</p> en_GB: >- <p>In Progress Quest you create a fantasy character and watch it advance. You may play alone or contact an online realm for a shared gaming experience.</p> nl: >- <p>In Progress Quest kunt u een fantasy-character aanmaken en toezien hoe het ontwikkeld. U kunt alleen spelen of online voor een gedeelde spelervaring.</p> en_AU: >- <p>In Progress Quest you create a fantasy character and watch it advance. You may play alone or contact an online realm for a shared gaming experience.</p> Categories: - Game - RolePlaying - Amusement Icon: cached: - name: pq_pq.png width: 64 height: 64 stock: pq Launchable: desktop-id: - pq.desktop Provides: mimetypes: - application/x-progress-quest-save --- Type: desktop-application ID: exult.desktop Package: exult Name: C: Exult Summary: C: Exult Ultima 7 Engine Description: C: >- <p>Exult is an open source engine for playing Ultima VII on a variety of modern operating systems and environments. The Black Gate (including Forge of Virtue) and Serpent Isle (plus Silver Seed) are both playable to the end. Some differences to the original games exist; see sections 5.3/5.4 of the FAQ.</p> <p>While it is possible to use the engine for other games, no such game has been written yet. Therefore, Exult is useless unless you own a copy of one of the Ultima VIIs.</p> en: >- <p>Exult is an open source engine for playing Ultima VII on a variety of modern operating systems and environments. The Black Gate (including Forge of Virtue) and Serpent Isle (plus Silver Seed) are both playable to the end. Some differences to the original games exist; see sections 5.3/5.4 of the FAQ.</p> <p>While it is possible to use the engine for other games, no such game has been written yet. Therefore, Exult is useless unless you own a copy of one of the Ultima VIIs.</p> Categories: - Game - RolePlaying Icon: cached: - name: exult_exult.png width: 64 height: 64 stock: exult Launchable: desktop-id: - exult.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: seaview.desktop Package: seaview Name: C: SeaView Summary: fr: Édite des aligmements multiples de séquences et les imprime au format PostScript. C: Edits multiple sequence alignments and prints them in PostScript format. en: Edits multiple sequence alignments and prints them in PostScript format. pt_BR: Edita múltiplos alinhamentos de seqüências e os imprimem em formato PostScript. Description: C: >- <p>SeaView is a viewer and editor of multiple sequence alignments, i.e. DNA or protein sequences are positioned each in their own separate line, such that the nucleotide/amino acid at a particular position (column) is presumed to have the same biochemical property.</p> <p>SeaView reads and writes various file formats (NEXUS, MSF, CLUSTAL, FASTA, PHYLIP, MASE, Newick) of DNA and protein sequences and of phylogenetic trees. Alignments can be manually edited. It drives the programs Muscle or Clustal Omega for multiple sequence alignment, and also allows one to use any external alignment algorithm able to read and write FASTA-formatted files. It computes phylogenetic trees by parsimony using PHYLIP's dnapars/protpars algorithm, by distance with NJ or BioNJ algorithms on a variety of evolutionary distances, or by maximum likelihood using the program PhyML 3.0.</p> <p>SeaView draws phylogenetic trees on screen or PostScript files, and allows one to download sequences from EMBL/GenBank/UniProt using the Internet.</p> en: >- <p>SeaView is a viewer and editor of multiple sequence alignments, i.e. DNA or protein sequences are positioned each in their own separate line, such that the nucleotide/amino acid at a particular position (column) is presumed to have the same biochemical property.</p> <p>SeaView reads and writes various file formats (NEXUS, MSF, CLUSTAL, FASTA, PHYLIP, MASE, Newick) of DNA and protein sequences and of phylogenetic trees. Alignments can be manually edited. It drives the programs Muscle or Clustal Omega for multiple sequence alignment, and also allows one to use any external alignment algorithm able to read and write FASTA-formatted files. It computes phylogenetic trees by parsimony using PHYLIP's dnapars/protpars algorithm, by distance with NJ or BioNJ algorithms on a variety of evolutionary distances, or by maximum likelihood using the program PhyML 3.0.</p> <p>SeaView draws phylogenetic trees on screen or PostScript files, and allows one to download sequences from EMBL/GenBank/UniProt using the Internet.</p> Categories: - Biology - Science - Education Keywords: C: - genomics Icon: cached: - name: seaview_seaview.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: seaview_seaview.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: seaview_seaview.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: s/se/seaview.desktop/dd884557a79b9ff9a51fa4d21640dc5f/icons/128x128/seaview_seaview.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: seaview Launchable: desktop-id: - seaview.desktop Provides: mediatypes: - text/x-clustalw-alignment --- Type: desktop-application ID: com.corsixth.corsixth Package: corsix-th Name: C: CorsixTH Summary: C: Open source clone of Theme Hospital Description: C: >- <p>CorsixTH aims to reimplement the game engine of Theme Hospital, and be able to load the original game data files. This means that you will need a purchased copy of Theme Hospital, or a copy of the demo, in order to use CorsixTH. After most of the original engine has been reimplemented in open source code, the project will serve as a base from which extensions and improvements to the original game can be made.</p> <ul> <li>To play CorsixTH, you will need either the Demo: https://th.corsix.org/Demo.zip</li> <li>or the full game of Theme Hospital, available for example at: https://www.gog.com/game/theme_hospital</li> </ul> DeveloperName: C: CorsixTH developers ProjectLicense: BSD-3-Clause AND MIT Categories: - Game - Simulation Keywords: C: - hospital - simulation - bullfrog Url: contact: https://discord.gg/Mxeztvh homepage: https://corsixth.com bugtracker: https://github.com/CorsixTH/CorsixTH/issues help: https://github.com/CorsixTH/CorsixTH/wiki Icon: cached: - name: corsix-th_corsix-th.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: corsix-th_corsix-th.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: corsix-th_corsix-th.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: com/corsixth/corsixth/a96e4084b5cb2f847ebd2c2be68e91a8/icons/128x128/corsix-th_corsix-th.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: corsix-th Launchable: desktop-id: - com.corsixth.corsixth.desktop Provides: binaries: - corsix-th ids: - com.corsixth.CorsixTH Screenshots: - thumbnails: - url: com/corsixth/corsixth/a96e4084b5cb2f847ebd2c2be68e91a8/screenshots/image-3_624x388.png width: 624 height: 388 - url: com/corsixth/corsixth/a96e4084b5cb2f847ebd2c2be68e91a8/screenshots/image-3_224x139.png width: 224 height: 139 source-image: url: com/corsixth/corsixth/a96e4084b5cb2f847ebd2c2be68e91a8/screenshots/image-3_orig.png width: 697 height: 434 Releases: - version: 0.65.1 type: stable unix-timestamp: 1626480000 description: C: >- <p>This is a hotfix release of 0.65 and replaces the June 2021 release</p> <ul> <li>Fixes a bug where the game would crash if you got the All Cured trophy at the end of year awards, when loading a save from 0.64 or earlier</li> </ul> - version: '0.65' type: stable unix-timestamp: 1624060800 description: C: >- <p>New Features:</p> <ul> <li>On MacOS DMG files are now supported as disk images for Theme Hospital data</li> <li>Hospital policies will now carry over to your next level in the campaign</li> <li>You can now remove destroyed rooms for a fee (config option)</li> <li>The information dialogs that appear when a room is first built can be disabled in the configuration file</li> <li>Fire extinguishers in rooms now have a chance to save a smoking machine from exploding</li> <li>Advisor has more advice</li> <li>Additional trophy of the original game is implemented</li> <li>Windows and room size now impact staff happiness</li> <li>Roujin's challenge cheat is back</li> <li>Experimental direct_zoom config option, for more efficient zoom. Fixes zoom on some hardware. Defaults off.</li> </ul> <p>Changes:</p> <ul> <li>Emergencies with unknown diseases will no longer occur</li> <li>The VIP system has been overhauled to provide more balanced ratings</li> <li>Overpriced/Underpriced treatments now scale with difficulty</li> <li>Placing a receptionist on a desk will now call her to the desk</li> <li>Boiler breakdowns now depend on handymen</li> <li>Faxes can no longer be opened while paused (unless editing while paused is enabled)</li> <li>Improvements to receptionist announcement frequency and behaviour</li> <li>The game will now check common locations for Theme Hospital on startup if it has not been configured</li> <li>Games compiled without movie/audio can no longer access these settings</li> <li>Update check now occurs over TLS for better security</li> <li>English names are now shown in a tooltip when hovering over a language option</li> <li>Improved TTF font rendering</li> </ul> <p>Translations:</p> <ul> <li>Greek language added! (thanks to dimitrios-iliadis!)</li> <li>Updates to Brazilian-Portuguese language</li> <li>Updates to English language</li> <li>Fixes to Chinese unicode encoding</li> </ul> <p>Bug Fixes:</p> <ul> <li>Issues scheduling emergencies have been resolved</li> <li>Games will no longer crash on load if the jukebox was open</li> <li>Games will no longer crash because of an empty music folder</li> <li>Fixed a scenario where editing a room caused staff to get stuck</li> <li>Games that scrolled while saving stop scrolling on load</li> <li>Psychiatrists in the Operating Theatre are now properly counted</li> <li>Losing a game now gives the reason if the movie is skipped</li> <li>Exiting the game will no longer hang when using the Wayland backend</li> <li>The mouse will now be freed on game crash</li> </ul> - version: 0.65~beta2 type: development unix-timestamp: 1622246400 - version: 0.65~beta1 type: development unix-timestamp: 1621728000 ContentRating: oars-1.1: violence-cartoon: intense violence-fantasy: none violence-realistic: none violence-bloodshed: none violence-sexual: none violence-desecration: none violence-slavery: none violence-worship: none drugs-alcohol: none drugs-narcotics: none drugs-tobacco: none sex-nudity: mild sex-themes: none sex-homosexuality: none sex-prostitution: none sex-adultery: none sex-appearance: none language-profanity: none language-humor: moderate language-discrimination: none social-chat: none social-info: none social-audio: none social-location: none social-contacts: none money-purchasing: none money-gambling: none --- Type: desktop-application ID: caja-dropbox.desktop Package: caja-dropbox Name: es: Caja Dropbox sv: Caja Dropbox ja: Caja Dropbox ca: Caja Dropbox it: Dropbox Caja pl: Caja Dropbox fr: Caja Dropbox nb: Caja Dropbox oc: Caja Dropbox id: Caja Dropbox uk: Caja Dropbox cs: Caja Dropbox sr: Цајин Дропбокс ms: Dropbox Caja C: Caja Dropbox ie: Dropbox por Caja nl: Caja Dropbox da: Caja Dropbox Summary: es: Instala e ejecuta el software privativo para nube de Dropbox ja: プロプライエタリな Dropbox クラウドソフトウェアのインストールと起動 ca: Instal·leu i llançeu el programari propietari de núvol Dropbox it: Installa e lancia il software proprietario per il cloud Dropbox pl: Instaluje i uruchamia własnościowe oprogramowanie chmurowe Dropbox fr: Installe et lance le logiciel propriétaire de cloud Dropbox nb: Installerer og starter opp det produsenteide programmet Dropbox id: Memasang dan meluncurkan perangkat lunak cloud Dropbox yang proprietari uk: Встановлює та запускає власницьке хмарне програмне забезпечення Dropbox cs: Nainstaluje a spustí proprietární cloudový software Dropbox sr: Инсталирајте и покрените власнички софтвер Дропбокс облака ms: Pasang dan lancarkan perisian awan proprietari Dropbox C: Installs and launches proprietary Dropbox cloud software ie: Installa e lansa li proprietari programma de nube Dropbox nl: Installeert en start niet-vrije wolkdienstprogrammatuur van Dropbox da: Installerer og starter det proprietære Dropbox-skyprogram Description: C: >- <p>Caja Dropbox is an extension that integrates the Dropbox web service with your MATE Desktop.</p> <p>To use this package you need to install the proprietary dropbox package from https://www.dropbox.com/install.</p> en: >- <p>Caja Dropbox is an extension that integrates the Dropbox web service with your MATE Desktop.</p> <p>To use this package you need to install the proprietary dropbox package from https://www.dropbox.com/install.</p> Categories: - Network - FileTransfer Keywords: ja: - file - synchronization - sharing - collaboration - cloud - storage - backup ca: - fitxer - sincronització - compartir - col·laboració - núvol - emmagatzematge - còpia - seguretat it: - file - synchronization - sharing - collaboration - cloud - storage - backup pl: - plik - synchronizacja - udostępnianie - współpraca - chmura - przechowywanie - kopia - zapasowa fr: - fichier - synchronisation - partage - collaboration - nuage - stockage - sauvegarde nb: - fil - synkronisering - deling - samarbeid - sky - lagring - backup - reservekopi - sikkerhetskopi oc: - file - synchronization - sharing - collaboration - cloud - storage - backup - fichièr id: - berkas - penyelarasan - berbagi - kolaborasi - cloud - penyimpanan - cadangan uk: - файл - синхронізація - спільний доступ - співпраця - хмара - зберігання - резервне копіювання cs: - soubor - soubory - synchronizace - sdílení - spolupráce - cloud - úložiště - zálohování - zálohy sr: - датотека - усаглашавање - дељење - сарадња - облак - смештај - резерва - file - synchronization - sharing - collaboration - cloud - storage - backup ms: - fail - penyegerakan - perkongsian - kolaborasi - awan - storan - sandar C: - file - synchronization - sharing - collaboration - cloud - storage - backup ie: - file - ' sinc' - sincronisation - partir - partite - collaboration - nube - magazin - archive nl: - bestand - synchronisatie - delen - samenwerken - wolkdienst - cloud - opslag - reservekopie da: - fil - synkronisering - deling - samarbejde - sky - lager - backup Icon: cached: - name: caja-dropbox_caja-dropbox.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: caja-dropbox_caja-dropbox.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: caja-dropbox_caja-dropbox.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: c/ca/caja-dropbox.desktop/a292f549a59b9204ae4f3ecb8bc77c98/icons/128x128/caja-dropbox_caja-dropbox.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: caja-dropbox Launchable: desktop-id: - caja-dropbox.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: pokemmo-installer.desktop Package: pokemmo-installer Name: C: PokeMMO Installer Summary: C: Installer and Launcher for the PokeMMO emulator Description: C: >- <p>This program downloads and installs the PokeMMO client to a user's home directory and provides a launcher script for a convientient starting of the emulator.</p> <p>PokeMMO client is an emulator of several popular console games with additional features and multiplayer capabilities.</p> <p>This launcher assists with the download, installation, and maintenance of the game client.</p> en: >- <p>This program downloads and installs the PokeMMO client to a user's home directory and provides a launcher script for a convientient starting of the emulator.</p> <p>PokeMMO client is an emulator of several popular console games with additional features and multiplayer capabilities.</p> <p>This launcher assists with the download, installation, and maintenance of the game client.</p> Categories: - Game - AdventureGame - Emulator - RolePlaying Keywords: C: - game - adventure - multiplayer - online - emulator - monster - battle Icon: cached: - name: pokemmo-installer_pokemmo-installer.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: pokemmo-installer_pokemmo-installer.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - pokemmo-installer.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: mythtv.desktop Package: mythtv-frontend Name: C: MythTV Frontend Summary: C: A frontend for all content on a mythtv-backend Description: C: >- <p>MythTV provides a unified graphical interface for recording and viewing television programs. Refer to the mythtv package for more information.</p> <p>This package contains only the client software, which provides a front-end for playback and configuration. It requires access to a mythtv-backend installation, either on the same system or one reachable via the network.</p> <p>A database is also required. The mythtv-database package must be installed, either on the same system, or one reachable via the network.</p> <p>For a complete installation of all MythTV components, install the 'mythtv' package.</p> en: >- <p>MythTV provides a unified graphical interface for recording and viewing television programs. Refer to the mythtv package for more information.</p> <p>This package contains only the client software, which provides a front-end for playback and configuration. It requires access to a mythtv-backend installation, either on the same system or one reachable via the network.</p> <p>A database is also required. The mythtv-database package must be installed, either on the same system, or one reachable via the network.</p> <p>For a complete installation of all MythTV components, install the 'mythtv' package.</p> Categories: - AudioVideo - Audio - Video Icon: cached: - name: mythtv-frontend_mythtv.png width: 64 height: 64 stock: mythtv Launchable: desktop-id: - mythtv.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: runescape.desktop Package: runescape Name: C: Old School RuneScape Summary: C: Multiplayer online game set in a fantasy world Description: C: >- <p>Explore in an open and mysterious world with ravaged landscapes and sinister powers.</p> <p>Having chosen an adventurer, players are free to find their role within it: to live by the sword and spells facing hundreds of enemies, to further the storyline in quests, or to train in any of a number of skills.</p> en: >- <p>Explore in an open and mysterious world with ravaged landscapes and sinister powers.</p> <p>Having chosen an adventurer, players are free to find their role within it: to live by the sword and spells facing hundreds of enemies, to further the storyline in quests, or to train in any of a number of skills.</p> Categories: - Game - AdventureGame - RolePlaying Keywords: C: - game - adventure - MMORPG - multiplayer - online Icon: cached: - name: runescape_runescape.png width: 64 height: 64 Launchable: desktop-id: - runescape.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: sabnzbdplus.desktop Package: sabnzbdplus Name: C: SABnzbd+ Summary: C: web-based binary newsreader with nzb support Description: C: >- <p>SABnzbd+ is a web-based binary newsgrabber written in Python, with support for the popular nzb file format. It greatly simplifies the process of downloading from Usenet, thanks to a friendly web-based, fully customizable user interface and advanced built-in post-processing options including the ability to automatically verify, repair, extract and clean up downloaded posts.</p> DeveloperName: C: The SABnzbd-team ProjectLicense: GPL-2.0+ Categories: - Network - FileTransfer Keywords: C: - usenet - binaries - download - nzb - nntp Url: faq: https://sabnzbd.org/wiki/faq homepage: https://sabnzbd.org bugtracker: https://github.com/sabnzbd/sabnzbd/issues translate: https://sabnzbd.org/wiki/translate help: https://sabnzbd.org/wiki/ donation: https://sabnzbd.org/donate contact: https://forums.sabnzbd.org Icon: cached: - name: sabnzbdplus_sabnzbdplus.png width: 64 height: 64 stock: sabnzbdplus Launchable: desktop-id: - sabnzbdplus.desktop Provides: mediatypes: - application/x-nzb - application/x-compressed-nzb binaries: - sabnzbdplus Screenshots: - default: true caption: C: Web interface thumbnails: - url: s/sa/sabnzbdplus.desktop/884aa8ca58b2173f310e7c9ebc147849/screenshots/image-1_752x616.png width: 752 height: 616 - url: s/sa/sabnzbdplus.desktop/884aa8ca58b2173f310e7c9ebc147849/screenshots/image-1_624x511.png width: 624 height: 511 - url: s/sa/sabnzbdplus.desktop/884aa8ca58b2173f310e7c9ebc147849/screenshots/image-1_224x183.png width: 224 height: 183 source-image: url: s/sa/sabnzbdplus.desktop/884aa8ca58b2173f310e7c9ebc147849/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 1000 height: 820 Releases: - version: 3.5.1 type: stable unix-timestamp: 1645401600 ContentRating: oars-1.1: {} --- Type: desktop-application ID: net.lutris.Lutris Package: lutris Name: C: Lutris Summary: nl: Videospel-bewaarplatform C: Video game preservation platform Description: nl: >- <p>Lutris helpt je bij het installeren en spelen van games, of het nu oude of nieuwe spellen zijn en ongeacht op welk platform ze zijn uitgebracht. Door het combineren van bestaande emulators, herimplementaties van aandrijvingen en compatibiliteitslagen, hebben we één overzichtelijk venster voor al je games weten te creëren.</p> C: >- <p>Lutris helps you install and play video games from all eras and from most gaming systems. By leveraging and combining existing emulators, engine re-implementations and compatibility layers, it gives you a central interface to launch all your games.</p> DeveloperName: C: Lutris Team ProjectLicense: GPL-3.0-or-later Categories: - Game Keywords: ru: - gaming - wine - emulator nl: - gaming - spellen - wine - emulator C: - gaming - wine - emulator es: - gaming - wine - emulator - juego - emulador de: - gaming - spielen - wine - emulator zh_CN: - gaming - wine - emulator Url: homepage: https://lutris.net help: https://forums.lutris.net translate: https://github.com/lutris/lutris/tree/master/po bugtracker: https://github.com/lutris/lutris/issues faq: https://lutris.net/faq donation: https://lutris.net/donate Icon: cached: - name: lutris_lutris.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: lutris_lutris.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: lutris_lutris.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: net/lutris/Lutris/c7a29f0c4332a0554fb7a46425eade33/icons/128x128/lutris_lutris.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: lutris Launchable: desktop-id: - net.lutris.Lutris.desktop Provides: mediatypes: - x-scheme-handler/lutris Screenshots: - default: true caption: ru: Основное окно nl: Hoofdvenster C: Main window zh_CN: 主窗口 es: Ventana principal de: Hauptfenster thumbnails: - url: net/lutris/Lutris/c7a29f0c4332a0554fb7a46425eade33/screenshots/image-1_1248x702.png width: 1248 height: 702 - url: net/lutris/Lutris/c7a29f0c4332a0554fb7a46425eade33/screenshots/image-1_752x423.png width: 752 height: 423 - url: net/lutris/Lutris/c7a29f0c4332a0554fb7a46425eade33/screenshots/image-1_624x351.png width: 624 height: 351 - url: net/lutris/Lutris/c7a29f0c4332a0554fb7a46425eade33/screenshots/image-1_224x125.png width: 224 height: 125 source-image: url: net/lutris/Lutris/c7a29f0c4332a0554fb7a46425eade33/screenshots/image-1_orig.png width: 1760 height: 990 Languages: - locale: de percentage: 93 - locale: es percentage: 100 - locale: hr percentage: 90 - locale: nl percentage: 97 - locale: ru percentage: 93 - locale: zh_CN percentage: 88 Releases: - version: type: stable unix-timestamp: 1634342400 ContentRating: oars-1.1: {} --- Type: desktop-application ID: cytadela.desktop Package: cytadela Name: C: Cytadela Summary: C: old-school first person shooter Description: de: >- <p>Cytadela ist ein Einzelspieler-Spiel, in dem der Spieler gegen Rechner- kontrollierte Gegner (AI) kämpft. Ziel des Spiels ist es die sechs Bombenteile zu finden, mit denen die Zitadelle in die Luft gejagt werden soll.</p> <p>Um dies zu erreichen, muss der Spieler sich nicht nur gegen die Gegner verteidigen, sondern muss außerdem viele Rätsel lösen, wie das drücken von Knöpfen in einer bestimmten Reihenfolge, um eine Tür zu öffnen, eine Wand zu bewegen etc.</p> <p>Es handelt sich hierbei um eine Neugestaltung des Egoshooters Amiga, der ursprünglich Mitte der 1990er zunächst in Polen, dann auch in anderen Ländern veröffentlicht wurde.</p> <p>Cytadela erfordert eine 3D-fähige Grafikkarte. Es verwendet OpenGL- und GLU-Bibliotheken für 3D und SDL und SDL_mixer für 2D, Musik, Sounds und die Steuerung.</p> pt_BR: >- <p>Cytadela é um jogo em primeira pessoa no qual o jogador luta contra inimigos controlados pelo computador (IA). O objetivo deste jogo é localizar as seis partes da bomba com as quais a Citadel tem de ser explodida.</p> <p>Para alcançar isto, o jogador não deve somente defender-se contra os inimigos, mas ele(a) deve também resolver muitos enigmas, como pressionar botões afim de abrir alguma porta, mover algumas paredes, etc.</p> <p>É uma conversão do jogo do Amiga de tiro de primeira pessoa originalmente liberado em meados de 1990, primeiro na Polônia e então para outros países.</p> <p>Cytadela requere uma placa gráfica 3D. Ele usa OpenGL e bibliotecas GLU para 3D, e SDL e SDL_mixer para 2D, música, sons e controles.</p> sl: >- <p>Cytadela je enoigralska igra, v kateri se igralec bojuje proti računalniško nadziranim (UP) sovražnikom. Cilj igre je najti šest delov bombe, s katerimi je treba Citadelo razstreliti.</p> <p>Za to se mora igralec braniti pred sovražniki in rešiti veliko ugank, kot so pritiski ustreznih gumbov za odprtje določenih vrat, premikanje nekaterih zidov, itd.</p> <p>To je pretvorba prvoosebne strelske igre za Amigo, ki je bila izvirno izdana leta 1990, najprej na Poljskem in nato v drugih državah.</p> <p>Cytadela zahteva 3D grafično kartico. Za 3D uporablja knjižnici OpenGL in GLU; za 2D, glasbo, zvoke in nadzornike uporablja knjižnici SDL in SLD_mixer.</p> uk: >- <p>Cytadela [Цитадель] — гра для однієї особи, в якій гравець бореться проти ворогів, якими керує комп’ютер (штучний розум). Ціль гри — знайти шість бомб за допомогою яких треба підірвати Цитадель.</p> <p>Для досягнення цілі, гравцю потрібно не тільки захистити себе від ворогів, але й йому чи її потрібно розв’язати багато загадок, наприклад: які потрібно натиснути кнопки, щоб відкрити певні двері, зрушити стіни та інше.</p> <p>Ця гра є переносом гри, розробленої для комп’ютерів Amiga та випущеної у середині 90-х років, вона розповсюджувалась спочатку у Польщі а потім і в інших країнах.</p> <p>Цитадель вимагає графічної картки з підтримкою 3D. Вона використовує бібліотеки OpenGL й GLU для 3D, а також SDL й SDL_mixer для 2D, музики, звуків та контролерів.</p> C: >- <p>Cytadela is a single player game in which the player fights against computer-controlled (AI) enemies. The goal of the game is to find six bomb parts with which the Citadel has to be blown up.</p> <p>To achieve it, the player not only has to defend himself against the enemies, but (s)he also has to solve many riddles, such as switching apropriate buttons in order to open some door, move some walls, etc.</p> <p>It's a conversion of a first person shooter Amiga game originally released in mid 1990's, first in Poland and then in other countries.</p> <p>Cytadela requires a 3D graphics card. It uses the OpenGL and GLU libraries for 3D, and SDL and SDL_mixer for 2D, music, sounds and controllers.</p> en: >- <p>Cytadela is a single player game in which the player fights against computer-controlled (AI) enemies. The goal of the game is to find six bomb parts with which the Citadel has to be blown up.</p> <p>To achieve it, the player not only has to defend himself against the enemies, but (s)he also has to solve many riddles, such as switching apropriate buttons in order to open some door, move some walls, etc.</p> <p>It's a conversion of a first person shooter Amiga game originally released in mid 1990's, first in Poland and then in other countries.</p> <p>Cytadela requires a 3D graphics card. It uses the OpenGL and GLU libraries for 3D, and SDL and SDL_mixer for 2D, music, sounds and controllers.</p> gl: >- <p>Cytadela is a single player game in which the player fights against computer-controlled (AI) enemies. The goal of the game is to find six bomb parts with which the Citadel has to be blown up.</p> <p>To achieve it, the player not only has to defend himself against the enemies, but (s)he also has to solve many riddles, such as switching apropriate buttons in order to open some door, move some walls, etc.</p> <p>It's a conversion of a first person shooter Amiga game originally released in mid 1990's, first in Poland and then in other countries.</p> <p>Cytadela require unha placa gráfica 3D. Emprega as bibliotecas OpenGL e GLU para 3D e SDL e SDL_mixer para 2D, música, sons e controladores.</p> ru: >- <p>Cytadela — однопользовательская игра, в которой игрок сражается против врагов, управляемых искусственным интеллектом. Цель игры — найти шесть частей бомбы и взорвать с её помощью Цитадель.</p> <p>Чтобы сделать это, игроку придётся не только защищаться от врагов, но и решать попутно различные головоломки, например, найти нужные кнопки, чтобы открыть некоторые из дверей, переместить некоторые стены и т.п.</p> <p>Это реконструкция шутера от первого лица, выпущенного Amiga в середине 1990-х, сначала в Польше, а затем и в других странах.</p> <p>Для Cytadela необходима видеокарта с поддержкой 3D-графики. Она использует библиотеки OpenGL и GLU для 3D-графики, а SDL и SDL_mixer для 2D-графики, музыки, звуков и работы с управляющими устройствами.</p> es: >- <p>Cytadela es un juego de un solo jugador en el que se juega contra los enemigos controlados por el pc (AI). El objetivo del juego es encontrar seis partes de una bomba con las que debe volar la Ciudadela.</p> <p>Para lograrlo, el jugador no solo debe defenderse de los enemigos, también tiene que resolver algunos puzzles, como pulsar los botones apropiados para abrir algunas puertas, mover algunos muros, etc.</p> <p>Es una conversión del juego de disparos en primera persona de Amiga lanzado originalmente a mediados de la década de 1990, primero en Polonia y después en otros países.</p> <p>Cytadela requiere una tarjeta gráfica que soporte 3D. Usa las bibliotecas OpenGL y GLU para el 3D, y SDL y SDL_mixer para el 2D, la música, los sonidos y los controles.</p> fr: >- <p>Cytadela est un jeu en solo dans lequel le joueur se bat contre des ennemis contrôlés par l'ordinateur (IA). Le but du jeu est de trouver six pièces d'une bombe avec laquelle la Citadelle doit être détruite.</p> <p>Pour y parvenir, le joueur n'a pas seulement à se défendre contre les ennemis, mais il ou elle doit également résoudre de nombreuses énigmes, telles que la commutation des boutons appropriés afin d'ouvrir une porte, déplacer certains murs, etc</p> <p>Il s'agit d'une conversion d'un jeu Amiga de tir subjectif à la première personne initialement publié au milieu des années 90, d'abord en Pologne puis dans d'autres pays.</p> <p>Cytadela nécessite une carte graphique 3D. Il utilise les librairies OpenGL et GLU pour la 3D, et SDL et SDL_mixer pour la 2D, la musique, les sons et les contrôleurs.</p> en_GB: >- <p>Cytadela is a single player game in which the player fights against computer-controlled (AI) enemies. The goal of the game is to find six bomb parts with which the Citadel has to be blown up.</p> <p>To achieve it, the player not only has to defend himself against the enemies, but (s)he also has to solve many riddles, such as switching appropriate buttons in order to open a door, move some walls, etc.</p> <p>It's a conversion of a first person shooter Amiga game originally released in mid 1990's, first in Poland and then in other countries.</p> <p>Cytadela requires a 3D graphics card. It uses the OpenGL and GLU libraries for 3D, and SDL and SDL_mixer for 2D, music, sounds and controllers.</p> Categories: - Game - ActionGame Icon: cached: - name: cytadela_cytadela.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: cytadela_cytadela.png width: 128 height: 128 --- Type: desktop-application ID: devede_ng.py.desktop Package: devede Name: C: DevedeNG Summary: it: Permette di creare video CD e DVD che possono essere riprodotti con lettori DVD pl: Pozwala stworzyć wideo na płytach CD lub DVD, do otwarzania w domowych odtwarzaczach DVD gl: Permite crear video CDs e DVDs, que poden reproducirse en reproductores domésticos C: Allows to create video CDs and DVDs, suitable to be reproduced in home DVD players ca: Permet crear CDs i DVDs de vídeo, que poden reproduir-se en reproductors domèstics es: Permite crear video CDs y DVDs, que pueden reproducirse en reproductores domésticos Description: C: >- <p>DeVeDe is a program to create video DVDs, suitable for home players, from any number of video files, in any of the formats supported by Mplayer.</p> <p>It allows the user to create subtitles and even menus.</p> en: >- <p>DeVeDe is a program to create video DVDs, suitable for home players, from any number of video files, in any of the formats supported by Mplayer.</p> <p>It allows the user to create subtitles and even menus.</p> Categories: - AudioVideo Icon: cached: - name: devede_devedeng_icon.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: devede_devedeng_icon.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: devede_devedeng_icon.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: d/de/devede_ng.py.desktop/08b572310885f6d2617897878d052ccf/icons/128x128/devede_devedeng_icon.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: devedeng_icon Launchable: desktop-id: - devede_ng.py.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: org.openmw.launcher.desktop Package: openmw-launcher Name: C: OpenMW Summary: C: Unofficial open source engine re-implementation of the game Morrowind Description: C: "<p>\n OpenMW is a new engine for 2002's Game of the Year, The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind.\n </p>\n<p>\n It aims to be a fully playable (and improved!), open source implementation of the game's engine and functionality (including mods). \n </p>\n<p>\n You will still need the original game data to play OpenMW.\n </p>" ProjectLicense: GPL-3.0-or-later Categories: - Game - RolePlaying Keywords: C: - Morrowind - Reimplementation Mods - esm - bsa Url: homepage: https://openmw.org bugtracker: https://gitlab.com/OpenMW/openmw/issues faq: https://openmw.org/faq/ Icon: cached: - name: openmw-launcher_openmw.png width: 64 height: 64 stock: openmw Launchable: desktop-id: - org.openmw.launcher.desktop Releases: - version: 0.47.0 type: stable ContentRating: oars-1.1: {} --- Type: desktop-application ID: arb.desktop Package: arb Name: C: ARB Summary: C: Visit http://www.arb-home.de Description: C: >- <p>ARB is a graphical suite of tools for sequence database handling and data analysis. A central database of processed (aligned) sequences and any type of additional data linked to the sequence entries is structured according to phylogeny or other user-defined criteria.</p> <p>The ARB project (from the Latin "arbor", a tree) is a joint initiative of the Lehrstuhl für Mikrobiologie and the LRR of the Technische Universität München in 1992. Since 2014 the ARB project is continued by the Department of Molecular Ecology http://www.mpi-bremen.de/en/Department_of_Molecular_Ecology.html at the Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology in Bremen in cooperation with Ribocon GmbH http://www.ribocon.com .</p> en: >- <p>ARB is a graphical suite of tools for sequence database handling and data analysis. A central database of processed (aligned) sequences and any type of additional data linked to the sequence entries is structured according to phylogeny or other user-defined criteria.</p> <p>The ARB project (from the Latin "arbor", a tree) is a joint initiative of the Lehrstuhl für Mikrobiologie and the LRR of the Technische Universität München in 1992. Since 2014 the ARB project is continued by the Department of Molecular Ecology http://www.mpi-bremen.de/en/Department_of_Molecular_Ecology.html at the Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology in Bremen in cooperation with Ribocon GmbH http://www.ribocon.com .</p> Categories: - Science - Biology Keywords: C: - sequence - phylogeny - dna - rna - taxonomy - gene - 16S - SSU - LSU - rRNA - probe design Icon: cached: - name: arb_arb.png width: 64 height: 64 stock: arb Launchable: desktop-id: - arb.desktop Provides: mediatypes: - application/x-arb --- Type: desktop-application ID: zangband.desktop Package: zangband Name: C: Zangband Summary: C: A single-player, text-based, roguelike game de: Ein textbasiertes Einzelspielerspiel im Stil von Rogue Description: de: >- <p>Zangband ist ein Rogue-ähnliches Einzelspielerspiel, welches auf Angband basiert. Genau wie dieses enthält es einzigartige Gegner, Artifakte, Monster, Gewölbe und Grüfte. Zusätzlich bietet Zangband ein neues Zaubersystem (Leben, Zauberei, Natur, Chaos, Todesmagie), eine unterschiedliche Monsterliste, einzigartige sprechende Gegner, Gerüchte, Haftbefehle, neue Gegenstände, Überfälle durch Diebe, vergiftete Waffen und vieles mehr.</p> sl: >- <p>Enoigralska, na besedilu osnovana rogue podobna igra osnovana na Angband. Kot Angband tudi Zangband vsebuje edinstvene sovražnike, artefakte, jame s pošastmi in zakladnicami. Poleg tega Zangband ponuja nov sistem urokov (življenjska, čarovniška, naravna, kaotična in smrtna magija), drug seznam pošasti, naloge, edinstvene sovražnike, govorice, nove predmete ega, izdaje, zastrupljena orožja in veliko več.</p> C: >- <p>Zangband is a single-player, roguelike game, based on Angband. Like Angband, Zangband features unique foes, artifacts, monster pits and vaults. Additionally, Zangband offers a new spell system (life, sorcery, nature, chaos, death magic), a different monster list, speaking unique foes, rumours, warrants, new ego items, backstabbing from rogues, poisoned weapons, and much more.</p> en: >- <p>Zangband is a single-player, roguelike game, based on Angband. Like Angband, Zangband features unique foes, artifacts, monster pits and vaults. Additionally, Zangband offers a new spell system (life, sorcery, nature, chaos, death magic), a different monster list, speaking unique foes, rumours, warrants, new ego items, backstabbing from rogues, poisoned weapons, and much more.</p> ru: >- <p>Zangband is a single-player, roguelike game, based on Angband. Like Angband, Zangband features unique foes, artifacts, monster pits and vaults. Additionally, Zangband offers a new spell system (life, sorcery, nature, chaos, death magic), a different monster list, speaking unique foes, rumours, warrants, new ego items, backstabbing from rogues, poisoned weapons, and much more.</p> es: >- <p>Zangband es un juego «tipo Rogue» de un jugador, basado en Angband. Como Angband, Zangband tiene adversarios, artefactos, fosos de monstruos y bóvedas únicas. También ofrece un nuevo sistema de conjuros (vida, hechicería, naturaleza, caos, magia de muerte), una lista de monstruos diferente, enemigos únicos que hablan, rumores, recompensas, nuevos objetos de ego, apuñalamiento por detrás para los pícaros, armas envenenadas y mucho más.</p> fr: >- <p>Zangband est un jeu solo dans la lignée du jeu Rogue, dont la trame se situe en Angband. Tout comme Angband, Zangband contient des ennemis différents, des artefacts, des groupes de monstre et des coffres. De plus, Zangband offre un nouveau système de sorts (vie, sorcellerie, nature, chaos, nécromancie), une liste de monstre supplémentaire, des dialogues uniques par ennemi, des rumeurs, des avertissements, de nouveaux équipements, les coups en traître des voleurs, des armes empoisonnées, et bien plus encore.</p> en_GB: >- <p>Zangband is a single-player, roguelike game, based on Angband. Like Angband, Zangband features unique foes, artifacts, monster pits and vaults. Additionally, Zangband offers a new spell system (life, sorcery, nature, chaos, death magic), a different monster list, speaking unique foes, rumours, warrants, new ego items, backstabbing from rogues, poisoned weapons, and much more.</p> it: >- <p>Zangband is a single-player, roguelike game, based on Angband. Like Angband, Zangband features unique foes, artifacts, monster pits and vaults. Additionally, Zangband offers a new spell system (life, sorcery, nature, chaos, death magic), a different monster list, speaking unique foes, rumours, warrants, new ego items, backstabbing from rogues, poisoned weapons, and much more.</p> en_AU: >- <p>Zangband is a single-player, roguelike game, based on Angband. Like Angband, Zangband features unique foes, artifacts, monster pits and vaults. Additionally, Zangband offers a new spell system (life, sorcery, nature, chaos, death magic), a different monster list, speaking unique foes, rumours, warrants, new ego items, backstabbing from rogues, poisoned weapons, and much more.</p> Categories: - Game - RolePlaying Keywords: C: - angband - magic - ascii - rogue - dungeon - roleplaying Icon: cached: - name: zangband_zangband.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: zangband_zangband.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: zangband --- Type: desktop-application ID: ugene.desktop Package: ugene Name: C: Unipro UGENE Summary: C: Integrated Bioinformatics Suite Description: C: >- <p>Unipro UGENE is a cross-platform visual environment for DNA and protein sequence analysis. UGENE integrates the most important bioinformatics computational algorithms and provides an easy-to-use GUI for performing complex analysis of the genomic data. One of the main features of UGENE is a designer for custom bioinformatics workflows.</p> en: >- <p>Unipro UGENE is a cross-platform visual environment for DNA and protein sequence analysis. UGENE integrates the most important bioinformatics computational algorithms and provides an easy-to-use GUI for performing complex analysis of the genomic data. One of the main features of UGENE is a designer for custom bioinformatics workflows.</p> Categories: - Education - Science Icon: cached: - name: ugene_ugene.png width: 64 height: 64 stock: ugene Launchable: desktop-id: - ugene.desktop Provides: mimetypes: - application/x-ugene-fa - application/x-ugene-uprj - application/x-ugene-uwl - application/x-ugene-uql - application/x-ugene-abi - application/x-ugene-aln - application/x-ugene-embl - application/x-ugene-sw - application/x-ugene-fastq - application/x-ugene-gb - application/x-ugene-gff - application/x-ugene-msf - application/x-ugene-newick - application/x-ugene-pdb - application/x-ugene-sam-bam - application/x-ugene-srfa - application/x-ugene-sto - application/x-ugene-db - application/x-ugene-scf - application/x-ugene-mmdb - application/x-ugene-hmm --- Type: desktop-application ID: GENtle.desktop Package: gentle Name: C: GENtle Summary: C: Suite to plan genetic cloning Description: de: >- <p>GENtle ist eine Software zur Bearbeitung von DNA und Aminosäuren, Datenbankverwaltung, Plasmidkarten, Restriktion und Ligation, Alignments, Import der Daten von Sequenzierautomaten, Anzeigen von Gelbildern, PCS und vieles mehr.</p> sl: >- <p>GENtle je program za urejanje DNK in aminokislin, upravljanje podatkovnih zbirk, zemljevidov plazmidov, restrikcij in ligacij, poravnav, uvoz podatkov sekvenčnika, računal, prikaz gel slike, PCR in veliko več.</p> uk: >- <p>GENtle — це програмне забезпечення для редагування ДНК та амінокислот, керування базами даних, карт плазмід, обмежень та накладення лігатури, вирівнювання, імпорт даних секвенсора, калькулятори, відображення зображення гелю, полімеразна ланцюгова реакція (ПЛР чи PCR), а також багато іншого.</p> C: >- <p>GENtle is a software for DNA and amino acid editing, database management, plasmid maps, restriction and ligation, alignments, sequencer data import, calculators, gel image display, PCR, and much more.</p> en: >- <p>GENtle is a software for DNA and amino acid editing, database management, plasmid maps, restriction and ligation, alignments, sequencer data import, calculators, gel image display, PCR, and much more.</p> gl: >- <p>GENtle is a software for DNA and amino acid editing, database management, plasmid maps, restriction and ligation, alignments, sequencer data import, calculators, gel image display, PCR, and much more.</p> es: >- <p>GENtle es un software de edición para aminoácidos y ADN, gestión de base de datos, mapas de plasma, restricción y enlaces, alineado, importación de datos secuenciales, cálculo, muestra de imágenes, PCR y mucho más.</p> fr: >- <p>GENtle est un logiciel pour l'édition d'acide aminé et d'ADN, la gestion de base de données, les cartes des plasmides, la restriction et ligation, les alignements, l'importation de données séquenceur, les calculatrices, l'affichage de l'image sur gel, le PCR, et bien plus encore.</p> en_GB: >- <p>GENtle is software for DNA and amino acid editing, database management, plasmid maps, restriction and ligation, alignments, sequencer data import, calculators, gel image display, PCR, and much more.</p> it: >- <p>GENtle è un software per modifica di DNA e aminoacidi, gestione di database, mappe plasmidiche, restrizione e ligazione, allineamenti, importazione di dati di sequenziatori, calcolatori, visualizzazione di immagini di gel, PCR e molto altro.</p> en_AU: >- <p>GENtle is a software for DNA and amino acid editing, database management, plasmid maps, restriction and ligation, alignments, sequencer data import, calculators, gel image display, PCR, and much more.</p> Categories: - Science - Biology - MedicalSoftware Icon: cached: - name: gentle_gentle.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: gentle_gentle.png width: 128 height: 128 --- Type: desktop-application ID: jajuk.desktop Package: jajuk Name: C: Jajuk Summary: C: Jajuk Advanced Jukebox Description: de: >- <p>Die Software Jajuk organisiert Musik und spielt diese ab. Jajuk soll intuitiv sowie schnell sein und lässt Sie auf mehrere Weisen dieselbe Funktion ausführen. Jajuk ist eine Anwendung mit vielen Fähigkeiten, die auf fortgeschrittene Benutzer mit einer sehr großen oder verstreuten Musiksammlung abzielt.</p> pl: >- <p>Jajuk służy do organizowania i odtwarzania muzyki. Został zaprojektowany jako szybki i intuicyjny program, który zapewnia wiele sposobów wykonywania tej samej operacji. Jest on w pełni funkcjonalny, ukierunkowany na zaawansowanych użytkowników, posiadających wielką lub obszerną kolekcję plików muzycznych.</p> sk: >- <p>Jajuk je program, ktorý organizuje a prehráva hudbu. Jajuk je navrhnutý tak, aby bol intuitívny, rýchly a poskytoval viac spôsobov na vykonanie rovnakej operácie. Je to program s úplnou funkčnosťou, cielený pre pokročilých používateľov s veľkou alebo rozsiahlou kolekciou hudby.</p> sl: >- <p>Jajuk je program, ki organizira in predvaja glasbo. Jajuk je zasnovan, da bi bil inituitiven, hiter in bi zagotavljal več načinov za izvajanje istega opravila. Je polno zmožen program, namenjen naprednim uporabnikom z zelo velikimi ali razpršenimi glasbenimi zbirkami.</p> pt: >- <p>Jajuk é software que organiza e reproduz música. Jajuk é desenhado para ser intuitivo, rápido e disponibilizar múltiplas maneira de executar a mesma operação. É uma aplicação cheia de funcionalidades virada para utilizadores avançados com grandes ou espalhadas colecções de música.</p> C: >- <p>Jajuk is software that organizes and plays music. Jajuk is designed to be intuitive, fast and provide multiple ways to perform the same operation. It is a fully-featured application geared towards advanced users with very large or scattered music collections.</p> el: >- <p>Το Jajuk είναι λογισμικό που οργανώνει και παίζει μουσική. Το Jajuk είναι σχεδιασμένο για να είναι ενστικτώδες, γρήγορο και να παρέχει πολλαπλούς τρόπους να εκτελεί την ίδια λειτουργία. Είναι μία πλήρης εφαρμογή προσανατολισμένη για προχωρημένους χρήστες με πολύ μεγάλες ή διασκορπισμένες μουσικές συλλογές.</p> en: >- <p>Jajuk is software that organizes and plays music. Jajuk is designed to be intuitive, fast and provide multiple ways to perform the same operation. It is a fully-featured application geared towards advanced users with very large or scattered music collections.</p> ru: >- <p>Jajuk — приложение для организации и воспроизведения музыкальных коллекций. Jajuk интуитивно понятен, быстр и предоставляет различные способы для выполнения одних и тех же действий. Это полнофункциональное приложение, предназначенное для опытных пользователей с очень большими или разбросанными по разным носителям музыкальными коллекциями.</p> gl: >- <p>Jajuk is software that organizes and plays music. Jajuk is designed to be intuitive, fast and provide multiple ways to perform the same operation. It is a fully-featured application geared towards advanced users with very large or scattered music collections.</p> es: >- <p>Jajuk es un programa que organiza y reproduce música. Está diseñado para ser intuitivo, rápido y para ofrecer múltiples formas de realizar la misma operación. Es una aplicación llena de funciones dirigida a usuarios avanzados con colecciones musicales distribuidas o muy grandes.</p> fr: >- <p>Le logiciel Jajuk permet de lire et d'organiser les fichiers musicaux. Il est performant, d'une conception intuitive et fournit plusieurs moyens pour effectuer la même tâche. C'est une application très complète, orientée vers les utilisateurs les plus exigeants ayant une collection musicale très importante ou très désorganisée.</p> en_GB: >- <p>Jajuk is software that organises and plays music. Jajuk is designed to be intuitive, fast and provide multiple ways to perform the same operation. It is a fully-featured application geared towards advanced users with very large or scattered music collections.</p> it: >- <p>Jajuk è un software che organizza e riproduce musica. Jajuk è progettato per essere di uso immediato, veloce e per fornire molteplici strade per arrivare allo stesso risultato. È un'applicazione completa, orientata agli utenti avanzati con collezioni di musica molto ampie o frammentate.</p> da: >- <p>Jajuk er et program, som organiserer og afspiller musik. Jajuk er designet til at være intuitiv, hurtig og tilbyde flere måder at udføre den samme handling på. Det er et program med alle funktioner og har mere avancerede brugere med meget store eller spredte musiksamlinger som målgruppe.</p> nl: >- <p>Jajuk is een programma voor het organiseren en afspelen van muziek. Jajuk is ontwikkeld om intuitief en snel te zijn en heeft meerdere manier om dezelfde actie uit te voeren. Het is een uitgebreide applicatie gericht op gevorderde gebruikers met een grote of versnipperde muziekcollectie.</p> en_AU: >- <p>Jajuk is software that organises and plays music. Jajuk is designed to be intuitive, fast and provide multiple ways to perform the same operation. It is a fully-featured application geared towards advanced users with very large or scattered music collections.</p> Categories: - AudioVideo Keywords: C: - Jukebox - ' Music management' - ' Organize music' - ' advanced music collection' Icon: cached: - name: jajuk_jajuk.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: jajuk_jajuk.png width: 64 height: 64 stock: jajuk Launchable: desktop-id: - jajuk.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: matlab.desktop Package: matlab-support Name: C: MATLAB Summary: C: Scientific computing environment zh_CN: 科学计算环境 Description: C: >- <p>This package does not provide MATLAB. Instead, it configures an existing MATLAB installation to integrate more comfortably in a Debian installation.</p> <p>Currently it provides /usr/bin/matlab through the alternatives system, offers to work around incompatibilities between the libraries bundled with MATLAB and system libraries, and provides a helper utility meant to be used by other packages to compile MEX extensions.</p> <p>Install this if you would like your MATLAB installation to behave more like an ordinary Debian package. Other packages may depend on this one if they install MATLAB code, for example in order to compile MEX extensions.</p> en: >- <p>This package does not provide MATLAB. Instead, it configures an existing MATLAB installation to integrate more comfortably in a Debian installation.</p> <p>Currently it provides /usr/bin/matlab through the alternatives system, offers to work around incompatibilities between the libraries bundled with MATLAB and system libraries, and provides a helper utility meant to be used by other packages to compile MEX extensions.</p> <p>Install this if you would like your MATLAB installation to behave more like an ordinary Debian package. Other packages may depend on this one if they install MATLAB code, for example in order to compile MEX extensions.</p> Categories: - Development - Math - Science Icon: cached: - name: matlab-support_matlab.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: matlab-support_matlab.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: matlab-support_matlab.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: m/ma/matlab.desktop/1ed3f3110e32b7fa332ba8bea0467fc1/icons/128x128/matlab-support_matlab.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: matlab Launchable: desktop-id: - matlab.desktop --- Type: codec ID: gstreamer1.0-fdkaac Package: gstreamer1.0-fdkaac Name: C: GStreamer Multimedia Codecs Summary: gl: GStreamer FDK AAC plugins es: GStreamer FDK AAC plugins sl: GStreamer FDK AAC plugins fr: GStreamer FDK AAC plugins en_GB: GStreamer FDK AAC plugins de: GStreamer FDK AAC plugins nl: GStreamer FDK AAC plugins hu: GStreamer FDK AAC plugins fi: GStreamer FDK AAC plugins sk: GStreamer FDK AAC plugins ru: GStreamer FDK AAC plugins C: GStreamer FDK AAC plugins el: GStreamer FDK AAC plugins en_AU: GStreamer FDK AAC plugins en: GStreamer FDK AAC plugins --- Type: desktop-application ID: hannah-foo2zjs.desktop Package: hannah-foo2zjs Name: C: Hannah Summary: C: Foo2ZJS Firmware Downloader and Installer Description: de: >- <p>Hannah ist ein Firmware-Lader mit grafischer Oberfläche für das Paket foo2zjs. Sie wählen aus einer Liste eine oder mehrere Firmwares aus und überlassen Hannah das Herunterladen und die Installation.</p> <p>Bedenken Sie, dass Sie mit diesem Programm potentiell auch nicht freie Software installieren könnten.</p> pt_BR: >- <p>Hannah é um descarregador de firmware gráfico para o pacote foo2zjs. Você pode seleccionar um ou mais firmware(s) a partir de uma lista e deixar o hannah descarrega-los e instala-los.</p> <p>Com este software você poderá potencialmente instalar software não-livre (non-free), portanto esteja consciente disso.</p> sl: >- <p>Hannah je grafični prejemnik strojne programske opreme za paket foo2zjs. S seznama lahko izberete eno ali več strojnih programskih oprem, ki jih Hannah prejme in namesti.</p> <p>Zavedajte se, da lahko s tem programom namestite tudi neproste programe.</p> pt: >- <p>Hannah é um descarregador de firmware gráfico para o pacote foo2zjs. Você pode seleccionar um ou mais firmware(s) a partir de uma lista e deixar o hannah descarrega-los e instala-los.</p> <p>Com este software você poderá potencialmente instalar software não-livre (non-free), portanto esteja consciente disso.</p> C: >- <p>Hannah is a graphical firmware downloader for the foo2zjs package. You can select one or more firmware(s) from a list, and let hannah download and install them.</p> <p>With this software you can potentially install non-free software, so beware of that.</p> en: >- <p>Hannah is a graphical firmware downloader for the foo2zjs package. You can select one or more firmware(s) from a list, and let hannah download and install them.</p> <p>With this software you can potentially install non-free software, so beware of that.</p> ru: >- <p>Hannah is a graphical firmware downloader for the foo2zjs package. You can select one or more firmware(s) from a list, and let hannah download and install them.</p> <p>С помощью этого приложения вы можете установить несвободные программы, так что будьте осторожны.</p> gl: >- <p>Hannah is a graphical firmware downloader for the foo2zjs package. You can select one or more firmware(s) from a list, and let hannah download and install them.</p> <p>With this software you can potentially install non-free software, so beware of that.</p> es: >- <p>Hannah es un descargador gráfico de firmware para el paquete foo2zjs. Puede seleccionar uno o más firmwares de la lista y dejar que Hannah los descargue e instale.</p> <p>Con este software podría instalar software no libre por lo que tenga cuidado.</p> fr: >- <p>Hannah est un téléchargeur graphique de microprogramme (« firmware ») pour le paquet foo2zjs. Vous pouvez sélectionner un ou plusieurs microprogrammes dans une liste, hannah les téléchargera puis les installera.</p> <p>Avec ce logiciel vous pouvez potentiellement installer des logiciels non- libres, faites attention.</p> en_GB: >- <p>Hannah is a graphical firmware downloader for the foo2zjs package. You can select one or more firmware(s) from a list, and let hannah download and install them.</p> <p>With this software you can potentially install non-free software, so beware of that.</p> it: >- <p>Hannah è un interfaccia grafica per scaricare firmware per il pacchetto foo2zjs. Si possono selezionare uno o più firmware da una lista e lasciare che hannah li scarichi e li installi.</p> <p>Con questo programma si può potenzialmente installare software non libero, vi si presti attenzione.</p> nl: >- <p>Hannah is een programma om grafisch firmware te downloaden voor het foo2zjs-pakket. U kunt een of meer firmware(s) in een lijst selecteren en hannah zal ze downloaden en installeren.</p> <p>Met dit programma is het mogelijk dat u niet-vrij software installeert, dus houdt daar rekening mee.</p> en_AU: >- <p>Hannah is a graphical firmware downloader for the foo2zjs package. You can select one or more firmware(s) from a list, and let hannah download and install them.</p> <p>With this software you can potentially install non-free software, so beware of that.</p> Categories: - System Icon: cached: - name: hannah-foo2zjs_printer.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: hannah-foo2zjs_printer.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: hannah-foo2zjs_printer.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: printer remote: - url: h/ha/hannah-foo2zjs.desktop/342536BDEF9031FFDEEF1E39541217AA/icons/128x128/hannah-foo2zjs_printer.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - hannah-foo2zjs.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: wolf4sdl.desktop Package: wolf4sdl Name: C: Wolf4SDL Summary: C: SDL-Port of Wolfenstein 3-D and Spear of Destiny Description: de: >- <p>Vielleicht war es die Tatsache, dass man Nazis umlegen muss. Oder es war die pure Herausforderung. Wie auch immer, Wolfenstein 3-D und Spear of Destiny, Pioniere des First-Person-Shooter, brachten ihrem legendären Schöpfer, id Software, weltweite Aufmerksamkeit und zahlreiche Preise. The Computer Gaming World Hall of Fame ehrte Wolfenstein 3D für die Hilfe die grundsätzliche Richtung der Computerspielindustrie mitzubestimmen.</p> <p>Wolf4SDL ist eine Open-Source-Portierung von id Softwares klassischem First-Person-Shooter Wolfenstein 3-D auf Basis der plattformübergreifenden Multimediabibliothekt »Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL)« (http://www.libsdl.org). Es versucht das originale Spielgefühl beizubehalten, während es einige Verbesserungen einbaut.</p> <p>Das Spiel Wolf4SDL benötigt zusätzliche Daten, welche nicht unter freier Lizenz stehen und somit von Ubuntu nicht verteilt werden können. Deshalb enthält dieses Paket keine Daten, allerdings sind die aktuellen Veröffentlichungen von »game-data-packager«, in der Lage, passende Datenpakete von der öffentlich verfügbaren Wolfenstein 3-D-Shareware- Episode zu erstellen.</p> sl: >- <p>Morda je bil vzrok, da so lahko ljudje streljali naciste. Morda je bil vzrok velik izziv. Ne glede na vzrok sta Wolfenstein 3-D in Spear of Destiny pionirja žanra prvoosebnih strelskih iger, ki sta njihovim legendarnim ustvarjalcem, id Software prinesla svetovno znanost in številne nagrade. Wolfenstein 3D je Computer Gaming World Hall of Fame priznal kot igro, ki je pomagala oblikovati smer industrije računalniških iger.</p> <p>Wolf4SDL je odprtokodna predelava klasične prvoosebne strelske igre Wolfenstein 3-D na večokoljsko predstavno knjižnico "Simple DirecMedia Layer (SDL)" (http://www.libsdl.org). Cilj je bil obdržati izvirni občutek in hkrati dodati nekaj izboljšav.</p> <p>Igra wolf4sdl zahteva dodatne podatkovne datoteke, ki niso na voljo pod prosto licenco in jih zato Debian ne more distribuirati. Zato ta paket ne vsebuje podatkovnih datotek, vendar jih lahko s pomočjo programa 'gnome- data-packager' ustvarite iz javno dostopne preizkusne epizode Wolfenstein 3-D.</p> C: >- <p>Maybe it was the fact that people got to blow away Nazis. Maybe it was the sheer challenge of it all. For whatever reason, Wolfenstein 3-D and Spear of Destiny, pioneered the first-person shooter genre and brought its legendary creators, id Software, worldwide notoriety and numerous awards. In fact, The Computer Gaming World Hall of Fame recognized Wolfenstein 3D as helping to shape the overall direction of the computer gaming industry.</p> <p>Wolf4SDL is an open-source port of id Software's classic first-person shooter Wolfenstein 3-D to the cross-platform multimedia library "Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL)" (http://www.libsdl.org). It is meant to keep the original feel while taking advantage of some improvements.</p> <p>The wolf4sdl game requires additional data files which are not available under a free license and cannot be distributed by Debian. Thus, this package contains no data files, but current releases of `game-data-packager' are able to generate suitable data packages from the publicly available Wolfenstein 3-D shareware episode.</p> en: >- <p>Maybe it was the fact that people got to blow away Nazis. Maybe it was the sheer challenge of it all. For whatever reason, Wolfenstein 3-D and Spear of Destiny, pioneered the first-person shooter genre and brought its legendary creators, id Software, worldwide notoriety and numerous awards. In fact, The Computer Gaming World Hall of Fame recognized Wolfenstein 3D as helping to shape the overall direction of the computer gaming industry.</p> <p>Wolf4SDL is an open-source port of id Software's classic first-person shooter Wolfenstein 3-D to the cross-platform multimedia library "Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL)" (http://www.libsdl.org). It is meant to keep the original feel while taking advantage of some improvements.</p> <p>The wolf4sdl game requires additional data files which are not available under a free license and cannot be distributed by Debian. Thus, this package contains no data files, but current releases of `game-data-packager' are able to generate suitable data packages from the publicly available Wolfenstein 3-D shareware episode.</p> ru: >- <p>Возможно, причина в том, что у людей появилась возможность самим разбить нацистов. А может быть, просто в увлекательности игры. Каковы бы ни были причины, Wolfenstein 3-D и Spear of Destiny, ставшие первопроходцами жанра шутеров от первого лица, принесли своим легендарным создателям, id Software, всемирную известность и многочисленные награды. Фактически, «зал славы» журнала «Computer Gaming World» оценил Wolfenstein 3D, как игру, поспособствовавшую формированию общего направления индустрии компьютерных игр.</p> <p>Wolf4SDL — это open-source порт классического шутера от первого лица Wolfenstein 3-D от id Software на кроссплатформенной мультимедийной библиотеке "Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL)" (http://www.libsdl.org). Он призван сохранить дух оригинальной игры, и в то же время внести в неё некоторые улучшения.</p> <p>Для игры wolf4sdl требуются дополнительные файлы данных, которые недоступны под свободными лицензиями и, следовательно, не могут распространяться с Debian. Поэтому данный пакет не содержит файлов данных, но текущий релиз `game-data-packager' способен генерировать подходящие пакеты данных из публично доступных shareware-эпизодов Wolfenstein 3-D.</p> gl: >- <p>Maybe it was the fact that people got to blow away Nazis. Maybe it was the sheer challenge of it all. For whatever reason, Wolfenstein 3-D and Spear of Destiny, pioneered the first-person shooter genre and brought its legendary creators, id Software, worldwide notoriety and numerous awards. In fact, The Computer Gaming World Hall of Fame recognized Wolfenstein 3D as helping to shape the overall direction of the computer gaming industry.</p> <p>Wolf4SDL is an open-source port of id Software's classic first-person shooter Wolfenstein 3-D to the cross-platform multimedia library "Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL)" (http://www.libsdl.org). It is meant to keep the original feel while taking advantage of some improvements.</p> <p>The wolf4sdl game requires additional data files which are not available under a free license and cannot be distributed by Debian. Thus, this package contains no data files, but current releases of `game-data- packager' are able to generate suitable data packages from the publicly available Wolfenstein 3-D shareware episode.</p> es: >- <p>Maybe it was the fact that people got to blow away Nazis. Maybe it was the sheer challenge of it all. For whatever reason, Wolfenstein 3-D and Spear of Destiny, pioneered the first-person shooter genre and brought its legendary creators, id Software, worldwide notoriety and numerous awards. In fact, The Computer Gaming World Hall of Fame recognized Wolfenstein 3D as helping to shape the overall direction of the computer gaming industry.</p> <p>Wolf4SDL is an open-source port of id Software's classic first-person shooter Wolfenstein 3-D to the cross-platform multimedia library "Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL)" (http://www.libsdl.org). It is meant to keep the original feel while taking advantage of some improvements.</p> <p>The wolf4sdl game requires additional data files which are not available under a free license and cannot be distributed by Debian. Thus, this package contains no data files, but current releases of `game-data- packager' are able to generate suitable data packages from the publicly available Wolfenstein 3-D shareware episode.</p> fr: >- <p>C'était peut-être le fait que les gens pouvaient exploser des nazis. C'était peut-être le pur défi posé par tout cela. Pour une raison quelconque, Wolfenstein 3-D et Spear of Destiny, ont été les pionniers du jeu de tir à la première personne et ont apporté à leurs légendaires créateurs, id Software, la notoriété dans le monde entier et de nombreuses récompenses. En fait, le « Computer Gaming World Hall of Fame » a reconnu Wolfenstein 3D comme un jeu ayant contribué à façonner l'orientation générale de l'industrie du jeu vidéo.</p> <p>Wolf4SDL est un port open-source du classique jeu de tir à la première personne Wolfenstein 3-D développé par id Software pour la bibliothèque multi-plateforme multimédia « Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL) » (http://www.libsdl.org). Il est conçu pour maintenir l'esprit d'origine tout en profitant de quelques améliorations.</p> <p>Le jeu wolf4sdl nécessite des fichiers de données supplémentaires qui ne sont pas disponibles sous une licence libre et ne peuvent être distribués par Debian. Donc, ce paquet ne contient pas de fichiers de données, mais les versions actuelles de « game-data-packager » sont capables de générer des paquets de données appropriés à partir de l'épisode partagiciel Wolfenstein 3-D.</p> en_GB: >- <p>Maybe it was the fact that people got to blow away Nazis. Maybe it was the sheer challenge of it all. For whatever reason, Wolfenstein 3-D and Spear of Destiny, pioneered the first-person shooter genre and brought its legendary creators, id Software, worldwide notoriety and numerous awards. In fact, The Computer Gaming World Hall of Fame recognised Wolfenstein 3D as helping to shape the overall direction of the computer gaming industry.</p> <p>Wolf4SDL is an open-source port of id Software's classic first-person shooter Wolfenstein 3-D to the cross-platform multimedia library "Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL)" (http://www.libsdl.org). It is meant to keep the original feel while taking advantage of some improvements.</p> <p>The wolf4sdl game requires additional data files which are not available under a free licence and cannot be distributed by Debian. Thus, this package contains no data files, but current releases of `game-data- packager' are able to generate suitable data packages from the publicly available Wolfenstein 3-D shareware episode.</p> Categories: - Game - ActionGame Keywords: C: - first - person - shooter - wolfenstein - wolf3d Icon: cached: - name: wolf4sdl_wolf4sdl.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: wolf4sdl_wolf4sdl.png width: 128 height: 128 --- Type: desktop-application ID: assaultcube.desktop Package: assaultcube Name: C: AssaultCube Summary: C: Realistic first-person-shooter Description: de: >- <p>AssaultCube, formerly ActionCube, is a first-person-shooter based on the game Cube.</p> <p>Set in a realistic looking environment, as far as that's possible with this engine, while gameplay stays fast and arcade. This game is all about team oriented multiplayer fun.</p> pt_BR: >- <p>AssaultCube, formerly ActionCube, is a first-person-shooter based on the game Cube.</p> <p>Set in a realistic looking environment, as far as that's possible with this engine, while gameplay stays fast and arcade. This game is all about team oriented multiplayer fun.</p> zh_CN: >- <p>AssaultCube, formerly ActionCube, is a first-person-shooter based on the game Cube.</p> <p>Set in a realistic looking environment, as far as that's possible with this engine, while gameplay stays fast and arcade. This game is all about team oriented multiplayer fun.</p> sl: >- <p>AssaultCube, formerly ActionCube, is a first-person-shooter based on the game Cube.</p> <p>Set in a realistic looking environment, as far as that's possible with this engine, while gameplay stays fast and arcade. This game is all about team oriented multiplayer fun.</p> fi: >- <p>AssaultCube, formerly ActionCube, is a first-person-shooter based on the game Cube.</p> <p>Set in a realistic looking environment, as far as that's possible with this engine, while gameplay stays fast and arcade. This game is all about team oriented multiplayer fun.</p> C: >- <p>AssaultCube, formerly ActionCube, is a first-person-shooter based on the game Cube.</p> <p>Set in a realistic looking environment, as far as that's possible with this engine, while gameplay stays fast and arcade. This game is all about team oriented multiplayer fun.</p> uk: >- <p>AssaultCube, formerly ActionCube, is a first-person-shooter based on the game Cube.</p> <p>Set in a realistic looking environment, as far as that's possible with this engine, while gameplay stays fast and arcade. This game is all about team oriented multiplayer fun.</p> sk: >- <p>AssaultCube, formerly ActionCube, is a first-person-shooter based on the game Cube.</p> <p>Set in a realistic looking environment, as far as that's possible with this engine, while gameplay stays fast and arcade. This game is all about team oriented multiplayer fun.</p> en: >- <p>AssaultCube, formerly ActionCube, is a first-person-shooter based on the game Cube.</p> <p>Set in a realistic looking environment, as far as that's possible with this engine, while gameplay stays fast and arcade. This game is all about team oriented multiplayer fun.</p> ru: >- <p>AssaultCube, formerly ActionCube, is a first-person-shooter based on the game Cube.</p> <p>Set in a realistic looking environment, as far as that's possible with this engine, while gameplay stays fast and arcade. This game is all about team oriented multiplayer fun.</p> tr: >- <p>AssaultCube, formerly ActionCube, is a first-person-shooter based on the game Cube.</p> <p>Set in a realistic looking environment, as far as that's possible with this engine, while gameplay stays fast and arcade. This game is all about team oriented multiplayer fun.</p> es: >- <p>AssaultCube, formerly ActionCube, is a first-person-shooter based on the game Cube.</p> <p>Set in a realistic looking environment, as far as that's possible with this engine, while gameplay stays fast and arcade. This game is all about team oriented multiplayer fun.</p> fr: >- <p>AssaultCube, formerly ActionCube, is a first-person-shooter based on the game Cube.</p> <p>Set in a realistic looking environment, as far as that's possible with this engine, while gameplay stays fast and arcade. This game is all about team oriented multiplayer fun.</p> zh_TW: >- <p>AssaultCube, formerly ActionCube, is a first-person-shooter based on the game Cube.</p> <p>Set in a realistic looking environment, as far as that's possible with this engine, while gameplay stays fast and arcade. This game is all about team oriented multiplayer fun.</p> oc: >- <p>AssaultCube, formerly ActionCube, is a first-person-shooter based on the game Cube.</p> <p>Set in a realistic looking environment, as far as that's possible with this engine, while gameplay stays fast and arcade. This game is all about team oriented multiplayer fun.</p> en_GB: >- <p>AssaultCube, formerly ActionCube, is a first-person-shooter based on the game Cube.</p> <p>Set in a realistic looking environment, as far as that's possible with this engine, while gameplay stays fast and arcade. This game is all about team oriented multiplayer fun.</p> gl: >- <p>AssaultCube, formerly ActionCube, is a first-person-shooter based on the game Cube.</p> <p>Set in a realistic looking environment, as far as that's possible with this engine, while gameplay stays fast and arcade. This game is all about team oriented multiplayer fun.</p> hu: >- <p>AssaultCube, formerly ActionCube, is a first-person-shooter based on the game Cube.</p> <p>Set in a realistic looking environment, as far as that's possible with this engine, while gameplay stays fast and arcade. This game is all about team oriented multiplayer fun.</p> it: >- <p>AssaultCube, formerly ActionCube, is a first-person-shooter based on the game Cube.</p> <p>Set in a realistic looking environment, as far as that's possible with this engine, while gameplay stays fast and arcade. This game is all about team oriented multiplayer fun.</p> da: >- <p>AssaultCube, formerly ActionCube, is a first-person-shooter based on the game Cube.</p> <p>Set in a realistic looking environment, as far as that's possible with this engine, while gameplay stays fast and arcade. This game is all about team oriented multiplayer fun.</p> nl: >- <p>AssaultCube, formerly ActionCube, is a first-person-shooter based on the game Cube.</p> <p>Set in a realistic looking environment, as far as that's possible with this engine, while gameplay stays fast and arcade. This game is all about team oriented multiplayer fun.</p> en_AU: >- <p>AssaultCube, formerly ActionCube, is a first-person-shooter based on the game Cube.</p> <p>Set in a realistic looking environment, as far as that's possible with this engine, while gameplay stays fast and arcade. This game is all about team oriented multiplayer fun.</p> Categories: - Game - ActionGame Keywords: C: - game - action - 3D - shooter - fast - multiplayer - bots - editor - maps - FPS - online Icon: cached: - name: assaultcube_assaultcube.png width: 64 height: 64 stock: assaultcube Launchable: desktop-id: - assaultcube.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: vcmiclient.desktop Package: vcmi Name: C: VCMI Client Summary: C: Open engine for Heroes of Might and Magic 3 Description: C: >- <p>The purpose of VCMI project is to create a free implementation of the "Heroes of Might and Magic 3: In the Wake of Gods" engine to overcome limitations of the original engine for better modding support, higher resolutions, bigger map sizes and extended engine limits.</p> <p>VCMI is a turn-based strategy game where the player controls a number of heroes commanding an army of creatures. The player explores the game map with their heroes, conquers enemy towns and improves their own.</p> <p>This game requires the graphics, sound and videos of the "Heroes of Might and Magic 3: In the Wake of Gods" game. After installing this package, run either one of the following commands depending on whether you have access to the Good Old Games installer (1), the original CDs (2) or just the installed game directory (3):</p> <p> (1): vcmibuilder --gog /path/to/gog.com/installer (2): vcmibuilder --cd1 /path/to/iso/or/cd --cd2 /path/to/second/cd (3): vcmibuilder --data /path/to/h3/data</p> <p>This package contains the game engine.</p> en: >- <p>The purpose of VCMI project is to create a free implementation of the "Heroes of Might and Magic 3: In the Wake of Gods" engine to overcome limitations of the original engine for better modding support, higher resolutions, bigger map sizes and extended engine limits.</p> <p>VCMI is a turn-based strategy game where the player controls a number of heroes commanding an army of creatures. The player explores the game map with their heroes, conquers enemy towns and improves their own.</p> <p>This game requires the graphics, sound and videos of the "Heroes of Might and Magic 3: In the Wake of Gods" game. After installing this package, run either one of the following commands depending on whether you have access to the Good Old Games installer (1), the original CDs (2) or just the installed game directory (3):</p> <p> (1): vcmibuilder --gog /path/to/gog.com/installer (2): vcmibuilder --cd1 /path/to/iso/or/cd --cd2 /path/to/second/cd (3): vcmibuilder --data /path/to/h3/data</p> <p>This package contains the game engine.</p> Categories: - Game - StrategyGame Keywords: C: - heroes - homm3 Icon: cached: - name: vcmi_vcmiclient.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: vcmi_vcmiclient.png width: 128 height: 128 --- Type: desktop-application ID: vcmilauncher.desktop Package: vcmi Name: C: VCMI Summary: C: Launcher for open engine of Heroes of Might and Magic 3 Description: C: >- <p>The purpose of VCMI project is to create a free implementation of the "Heroes of Might and Magic 3: In the Wake of Gods" engine to overcome limitations of the original engine for better modding support, higher resolutions, bigger map sizes and extended engine limits.</p> <p>VCMI is a turn-based strategy game where the player controls a number of heroes commanding an army of creatures. The player explores the game map with their heroes, conquers enemy towns and improves their own.</p> <p>This game requires the graphics, sound and videos of the "Heroes of Might and Magic 3: In the Wake of Gods" game. After installing this package, run either one of the following commands depending on whether you have access to the Good Old Games installer (1), the original CDs (2) or just the installed game directory (3):</p> <p> (1): vcmibuilder --gog /path/to/gog.com/installer (2): vcmibuilder --cd1 /path/to/iso/or/cd --cd2 /path/to/second/cd (3): vcmibuilder --data /path/to/h3/data</p> <p>This package contains the game engine.</p> en: >- <p>The purpose of VCMI project is to create a free implementation of the "Heroes of Might and Magic 3: In the Wake of Gods" engine to overcome limitations of the original engine for better modding support, higher resolutions, bigger map sizes and extended engine limits.</p> <p>VCMI is a turn-based strategy game where the player controls a number of heroes commanding an army of creatures. The player explores the game map with their heroes, conquers enemy towns and improves their own.</p> <p>This game requires the graphics, sound and videos of the "Heroes of Might and Magic 3: In the Wake of Gods" game. After installing this package, run either one of the following commands depending on whether you have access to the Good Old Games installer (1), the original CDs (2) or just the installed game directory (3):</p> <p> (1): vcmibuilder --gog /path/to/gog.com/installer (2): vcmibuilder --cd1 /path/to/iso/or/cd --cd2 /path/to/second/cd (3): vcmibuilder --data /path/to/h3/data</p> <p>This package contains the game engine.</p> Categories: - Game - StrategyGame Keywords: C: - heroes - homm3 Icon: cached: - name: vcmi_vcmiclient.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: vcmi_vcmiclient.png width: 128 height: 128 --- Type: desktop-application ID: quake-aopfm.desktop Package: quake Name: C: 'Quake 1: Abyss of Pandemonium - Final Mission' Summary: C: Third-party expansion for the classic first person shooter Description: C: >- <p>Quake is a classic first-person shooter game by id Software, released in 1996. This package contains a launcher script and menu entry to play Quake with any suitable engine.</p> <p>To make this package useful, you will need to create and install the non-distributable quake-registered or quake-shareware package, by using the game-data-packager package.</p> <p>Creating quake-registered requires data files from a Quake installation or CD-ROM.</p> <p>Creating quake-shareware requires the shareware version of Quake.</p> <p>game-data-packager (>= 45) can also produce packages for the official Episode 5, Dimensions of the Past (developed by MachineGames to mark Quake's 20th anniversary), and for the official mission packs Scourge of Armagon (developed by Hipnotic Software) and Dissolution of Eternity (developed by Rogue Entertainment). Additional menu entries should appear automatically if those expansions are installed.</p> en: >- <p>Quake is a classic first-person shooter game by id Software, released in 1996. This package contains a launcher script and menu entry to play Quake with any suitable engine.</p> <p>To make this package useful, you will need to create and install the non-distributable quake-registered or quake-shareware package, by using the game-data-packager package.</p> <p>Creating quake-registered requires data files from a Quake installation or CD-ROM.</p> <p>Creating quake-shareware requires the shareware version of Quake.</p> <p>game-data-packager (>= 45) can also produce packages for the official Episode 5, Dimensions of the Past (developed by MachineGames to mark Quake's 20th anniversary), and for the official mission packs Scourge of Armagon (developed by Hipnotic Software) and Dissolution of Eternity (developed by Rogue Entertainment). Additional menu entries should appear automatically if those expansions are installed.</p> Categories: - Game - ActionGame Keywords: C: - first person shooter - fps - 3d - deathmatch - quake 1 Icon: cached: - name: quake_quake.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: quake_quake.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: quake_quake.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: q/qu/quake-aopfm.desktop/082611d57490121183e5187dd086861a/icons/128x128/quake_quake.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: quake Launchable: desktop-id: - quake-aopfm.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: quake.desktop Package: quake Name: C: Quake Summary: C: Classic first person shooter Description: C: >- <p>Quake is a classic first-person shooter game by id Software, released in 1996. This package contains a launcher script and menu entry to play Quake with any suitable engine.</p> <p>To make this package useful, you will need to create and install the non-distributable quake-registered or quake-shareware package, by using the game-data-packager package.</p> <p>Creating quake-registered requires data files from a Quake installation or CD-ROM.</p> <p>Creating quake-shareware requires the shareware version of Quake.</p> <p>game-data-packager (>= 45) can also produce packages for the official Episode 5, Dimensions of the Past (developed by MachineGames to mark Quake's 20th anniversary), and for the official mission packs Scourge of Armagon (developed by Hipnotic Software) and Dissolution of Eternity (developed by Rogue Entertainment). Additional menu entries should appear automatically if those expansions are installed.</p> en: >- <p>Quake is a classic first-person shooter game by id Software, released in 1996. This package contains a launcher script and menu entry to play Quake with any suitable engine.</p> <p>To make this package useful, you will need to create and install the non-distributable quake-registered or quake-shareware package, by using the game-data-packager package.</p> <p>Creating quake-registered requires data files from a Quake installation or CD-ROM.</p> <p>Creating quake-shareware requires the shareware version of Quake.</p> <p>game-data-packager (>= 45) can also produce packages for the official Episode 5, Dimensions of the Past (developed by MachineGames to mark Quake's 20th anniversary), and for the official mission packs Scourge of Armagon (developed by Hipnotic Software) and Dissolution of Eternity (developed by Rogue Entertainment). Additional menu entries should appear automatically if those expansions are installed.</p> Categories: - Game - ActionGame Keywords: C: - first person shooter - fps - 3d - deathmatch - quake 1 Icon: cached: - name: quake_quake.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: quake_quake.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: quake_quake.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: q/qu/quake.desktop/f45b53be8045a318d0b63057cfcf7751/icons/128x128/quake_quake.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: quake Launchable: desktop-id: - quake.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: quake-dissolution.desktop Package: quake Name: C: 'Quake 1: Dissolution of Eternity' Summary: C: Mission Pack 2 for the classic first person shooter Description: C: >- <p>Quake is a classic first-person shooter game by id Software, released in 1996. This package contains a launcher script and menu entry to play Quake with any suitable engine.</p> <p>To make this package useful, you will need to create and install the non-distributable quake-registered or quake-shareware package, by using the game-data-packager package.</p> <p>Creating quake-registered requires data files from a Quake installation or CD-ROM.</p> <p>Creating quake-shareware requires the shareware version of Quake.</p> <p>game-data-packager (>= 45) can also produce packages for the official Episode 5, Dimensions of the Past (developed by MachineGames to mark Quake's 20th anniversary), and for the official mission packs Scourge of Armagon (developed by Hipnotic Software) and Dissolution of Eternity (developed by Rogue Entertainment). Additional menu entries should appear automatically if those expansions are installed.</p> en: >- <p>Quake is a classic first-person shooter game by id Software, released in 1996. This package contains a launcher script and menu entry to play Quake with any suitable engine.</p> <p>To make this package useful, you will need to create and install the non-distributable quake-registered or quake-shareware package, by using the game-data-packager package.</p> <p>Creating quake-registered requires data files from a Quake installation or CD-ROM.</p> <p>Creating quake-shareware requires the shareware version of Quake.</p> <p>game-data-packager (>= 45) can also produce packages for the official Episode 5, Dimensions of the Past (developed by MachineGames to mark Quake's 20th anniversary), and for the official mission packs Scourge of Armagon (developed by Hipnotic Software) and Dissolution of Eternity (developed by Rogue Entertainment). Additional menu entries should appear automatically if those expansions are installed.</p> Categories: - Game - ActionGame Keywords: C: - first person shooter - fps - 3d - deathmatch - rogue - mission pack 2 Icon: cached: - name: quake_quake-dissolution.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: quake_quake-dissolution.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: quake_quake-dissolution.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: q/qu/quake-dissolution.desktop/46b8c12bf5ba47df333023fe24aecb5e/icons/128x128/quake_quake-dissolution.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: quake-dissolution Launchable: desktop-id: - quake-dissolution.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: quake-armagon.desktop Package: quake Name: C: 'Quake 1: Scourge of Armagon' Summary: C: Mission Pack 1 for the classic first person shooter Description: C: >- <p>Quake is a classic first-person shooter game by id Software, released in 1996. This package contains a launcher script and menu entry to play Quake with any suitable engine.</p> <p>To make this package useful, you will need to create and install the non-distributable quake-registered or quake-shareware package, by using the game-data-packager package.</p> <p>Creating quake-registered requires data files from a Quake installation or CD-ROM.</p> <p>Creating quake-shareware requires the shareware version of Quake.</p> <p>game-data-packager (>= 45) can also produce packages for the official Episode 5, Dimensions of the Past (developed by MachineGames to mark Quake's 20th anniversary), and for the official mission packs Scourge of Armagon (developed by Hipnotic Software) and Dissolution of Eternity (developed by Rogue Entertainment). Additional menu entries should appear automatically if those expansions are installed.</p> en: >- <p>Quake is a classic first-person shooter game by id Software, released in 1996. This package contains a launcher script and menu entry to play Quake with any suitable engine.</p> <p>To make this package useful, you will need to create and install the non-distributable quake-registered or quake-shareware package, by using the game-data-packager package.</p> <p>Creating quake-registered requires data files from a Quake installation or CD-ROM.</p> <p>Creating quake-shareware requires the shareware version of Quake.</p> <p>game-data-packager (>= 45) can also produce packages for the official Episode 5, Dimensions of the Past (developed by MachineGames to mark Quake's 20th anniversary), and for the official mission packs Scourge of Armagon (developed by Hipnotic Software) and Dissolution of Eternity (developed by Rogue Entertainment). Additional menu entries should appear automatically if those expansions are installed.</p> Categories: - Game - ActionGame Keywords: C: - first person shooter - fps - 3d - deathmatch - hipnotic - mission pack 1 Icon: cached: - name: quake_quake-armagon.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: quake_quake-armagon.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: quake_quake-armagon.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: q/qu/quake-armagon.desktop/e0298cf29d44e78b0206475fd75448f1/icons/128x128/quake_quake-armagon.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: quake-armagon Launchable: desktop-id: - quake-armagon.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: quake-dopa.desktop Package: quake Name: C: 'Quake 1 Ep5: Dimensions of the Past' Summary: C: Episode 5, released to mark the 20th anniversary of the classic first person shooter Description: C: >- <p>Quake is a classic first-person shooter game by id Software, released in 1996. This package contains a launcher script and menu entry to play Quake with any suitable engine.</p> <p>To make this package useful, you will need to create and install the non-distributable quake-registered or quake-shareware package, by using the game-data-packager package.</p> <p>Creating quake-registered requires data files from a Quake installation or CD-ROM.</p> <p>Creating quake-shareware requires the shareware version of Quake.</p> <p>game-data-packager (>= 45) can also produce packages for the official Episode 5, Dimensions of the Past (developed by MachineGames to mark Quake's 20th anniversary), and for the official mission packs Scourge of Armagon (developed by Hipnotic Software) and Dissolution of Eternity (developed by Rogue Entertainment). Additional menu entries should appear automatically if those expansions are installed.</p> en: >- <p>Quake is a classic first-person shooter game by id Software, released in 1996. This package contains a launcher script and menu entry to play Quake with any suitable engine.</p> <p>To make this package useful, you will need to create and install the non-distributable quake-registered or quake-shareware package, by using the game-data-packager package.</p> <p>Creating quake-registered requires data files from a Quake installation or CD-ROM.</p> <p>Creating quake-shareware requires the shareware version of Quake.</p> <p>game-data-packager (>= 45) can also produce packages for the official Episode 5, Dimensions of the Past (developed by MachineGames to mark Quake's 20th anniversary), and for the official mission packs Scourge of Armagon (developed by Hipnotic Software) and Dissolution of Eternity (developed by Rogue Entertainment). Additional menu entries should appear automatically if those expansions are installed.</p> Categories: - Game - ActionGame Keywords: C: - first person shooter - fps - 3d - deathmatch - machinegames - machine games - episode 5 Icon: cached: - name: quake_quake.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: quake_quake.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: quake_quake.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: q/qu/quake-dopa.desktop/beb3daf809272de204399a20829fc629/icons/128x128/quake_quake.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: quake Launchable: desktop-id: - quake-dopa.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: virtualbox.desktop Package: virtualbox-qt Name: C: VirtualBox Summary: ru: Запуск нескольких виртуальных машин на одном компьютере pl: Uruchamianie wielu systemów wirtualnych na jednym komputerze gospodarza sv: Kör flera virtuella system på en enda värddator C: Run several virtual systems on a single host computer it: Esegui più macchine virtuali su un singolo computer de: Mehrere virtuelle Maschinen auf einem einzigen Rechner ausführen ko: 가상 머신 Description: C: >- <p>VirtualBox is a free x86 virtualization solution allowing a wide range of x86 operating systems such as Windows, DOS, BSD or Linux to run on a Linux system.</p> <p>This package provides the Qt based graphical user interface for VirtualBox.</p> en: >- <p>VirtualBox is a free x86 virtualization solution allowing a wide range of x86 operating systems such as Windows, DOS, BSD or Linux to run on a Linux system.</p> <p>This package provides the Qt based graphical user interface for VirtualBox.</p> Categories: - Emulator - System - Utility Keywords: ru: - виртуализация C: - virtualization de: - Virtualisierung Icon: cached: - name: virtualbox-qt_virtualbox.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: virtualbox-qt_virtualbox.png width: 64 height: 64 stock: virtualbox Launchable: desktop-id: - virtualbox.desktop Provides: mediatypes: - application/x-virtualbox-vbox - application/x-virtualbox-vbox-extpack - application/x-virtualbox-ovf - application/x-virtualbox-ova --- Type: desktop-application ID: quake2.desktop Package: quake2 Name: C: Quake 2 Summary: C: Classic first person shooter Description: C: >- <p>Quake II is a classic first-person shooter game by id Software, released in 1997. This package contains a launcher script and menu entry to play Quake II with any suitable engine.</p> <p>To make this package useful, you will need to create and install some non-distributable packages by using the game-data-packager package: either quake2-full-data or quake2-demo-data. Creating quake2-full-data requires data files from a Quake II installation or CD-ROM.</p> <p>game-data-packager (>= 39) can also produce packages for the official mission packs The Reckoning (developed by Xatrix Entertainment) and Ground Zero (developed by Rogue Entertainment). Additional menu entries should appear automatically if those expansions are installed.</p> en: >- <p>Quake II is a classic first-person shooter game by id Software, released in 1997. This package contains a launcher script and menu entry to play Quake II with any suitable engine.</p> <p>To make this package useful, you will need to create and install some non-distributable packages by using the game-data-packager package: either quake2-full-data or quake2-demo-data. Creating quake2-full-data requires data files from a Quake II installation or CD-ROM.</p> <p>game-data-packager (>= 39) can also produce packages for the official mission packs The Reckoning (developed by Xatrix Entertainment) and Ground Zero (developed by Rogue Entertainment). Additional menu entries should appear automatically if those expansions are installed.</p> Categories: - Game - ActionGame Keywords: C: - first person shooter - fps - 3d - deathmatch - quake ii Icon: cached: - name: quake2_quake2.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: quake2_quake2.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: quake2_quake2.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: q/qu/quake2.desktop/3c78385fd9db946aae5ee2190ed00e25/icons/128x128/quake2_quake2.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: quake2 Launchable: desktop-id: - quake2.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: quake2-groundzero.desktop Package: quake2 Name: C: 'Quake 2 MP2: Ground Zero' Summary: C: Mission Pack 2 for the classic first person shooter Description: C: >- <p>Quake II is a classic first-person shooter game by id Software, released in 1997. This package contains a launcher script and menu entry to play Quake II with any suitable engine.</p> <p>To make this package useful, you will need to create and install some non-distributable packages by using the game-data-packager package: either quake2-full-data or quake2-demo-data. Creating quake2-full-data requires data files from a Quake II installation or CD-ROM.</p> <p>game-data-packager (>= 39) can also produce packages for the official mission packs The Reckoning (developed by Xatrix Entertainment) and Ground Zero (developed by Rogue Entertainment). Additional menu entries should appear automatically if those expansions are installed.</p> en: >- <p>Quake II is a classic first-person shooter game by id Software, released in 1997. This package contains a launcher script and menu entry to play Quake II with any suitable engine.</p> <p>To make this package useful, you will need to create and install some non-distributable packages by using the game-data-packager package: either quake2-full-data or quake2-demo-data. Creating quake2-full-data requires data files from a Quake II installation or CD-ROM.</p> <p>game-data-packager (>= 39) can also produce packages for the official mission packs The Reckoning (developed by Xatrix Entertainment) and Ground Zero (developed by Rogue Entertainment). Additional menu entries should appear automatically if those expansions are installed.</p> Categories: - Game - ActionGame Keywords: C: - first person shooter - fps - 3d - deathmatch - rogue entertainment - mission pack 2 - quake ii Icon: cached: - name: quake2_quake2-groundzero.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: quake2_quake2-groundzero.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: quake2_quake2-groundzero.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: q/qu/quake2-groundzero.desktop/f5d6ec38bc19f204d2a8763927cbf913/icons/128x128/quake2_quake2-groundzero.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: quake2-groundzero Launchable: desktop-id: - quake2-groundzero.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: quake2-reckoning.desktop Package: quake2 Name: C: 'Quake 2 MP1: The Reckoning' Summary: C: Mission Pack 1 for the classic first person shooter Description: C: >- <p>Quake II is a classic first-person shooter game by id Software, released in 1997. This package contains a launcher script and menu entry to play Quake II with any suitable engine.</p> <p>To make this package useful, you will need to create and install some non-distributable packages by using the game-data-packager package: either quake2-full-data or quake2-demo-data. Creating quake2-full-data requires data files from a Quake II installation or CD-ROM.</p> <p>game-data-packager (>= 39) can also produce packages for the official mission packs The Reckoning (developed by Xatrix Entertainment) and Ground Zero (developed by Rogue Entertainment). Additional menu entries should appear automatically if those expansions are installed.</p> en: >- <p>Quake II is a classic first-person shooter game by id Software, released in 1997. This package contains a launcher script and menu entry to play Quake II with any suitable engine.</p> <p>To make this package useful, you will need to create and install some non-distributable packages by using the game-data-packager package: either quake2-full-data or quake2-demo-data. Creating quake2-full-data requires data files from a Quake II installation or CD-ROM.</p> <p>game-data-packager (>= 39) can also produce packages for the official mission packs The Reckoning (developed by Xatrix Entertainment) and Ground Zero (developed by Rogue Entertainment). Additional menu entries should appear automatically if those expansions are installed.</p> Categories: - Game - ActionGame Keywords: C: - first person shooter - fps - 3d - deathmatch - xatrix entertainment - mission pack 1 - quake ii Icon: cached: - name: quake2_quake2-reckoning.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: quake2_quake2-reckoning.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: quake2_quake2-reckoning.png width: 128 height: 128 remote: - url: q/qu/quake2-reckoning.desktop/c527e177edc4a222b2bdadab0ba50ff9/icons/128x128/quake2_quake2-reckoning.png width: 128 height: 128 stock: quake2-reckoning Launchable: desktop-id: - quake2-reckoning.desktop --- Type: desktop-application ID: opentyrian.desktop Package: opentyrian Name: C: OpenTyrian Summary: C: An arcade-style shoot 'em up Description: C: >- <p>Tyrian is an arcade-style vertical scrolling shooter. The story is set in 20,031 where you play as Trent Hawkins, a skilled fighter-pilot employed to fight Microsol and save the galaxy.</p> <p>This package needs game data from the original Tyrian game, which is available as a freeware. It can be installed using game-data-packager.</p> en: >- <p>Tyrian is an arcade-style vertical scrolling shooter. The story is set in 20,031 where you play as Trent Hawkins, a skilled fighter-pilot employed to fight Microsol and save the galaxy.</p> <p>This package needs game data from the original Tyrian game, which is available as a freeware. It can be installed using game-data-packager.</p> Categories: - Game - ArcadeGame Icon: cached: - name: opentyrian_opentyrian.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: opentyrian_opentyrian.png width: 128 height: 128 --- Type: desktop-application ID: PlayOnLinux.desktop Package: playonlinux Name: C: PlayOnLinux Summary: C: Front-end application for the wine Description: pl: >- <p>PlayOnLinux is a front-end for wine. It permits you to easily install Windows Games and software on Linux. It is advised to have a functional internet connection.</p> de: >- <p>PlayOnLinux ist eine Oberfläche für Wine. Es ermöglicht Ihnen das einfache Installieren von Windows-Spielen und -Software in Linux. Eine funktionierende Internetverbindung wird empfohlen.</p> zh_CN: >- <p>PlayOnLinux is a front-end for wine. It permits you to easily install Windows Games and software on Linux. It is advised to have a functional internet connection.</p> sk: >- <p>PlayOnLinux is a front-end for wine. It permits you to easily install Windows Games and software on Linux. It is advised to have a functional internet connection.</p> sl: >- <p>PlayOnLinux je začelje za wine. Omogoča vam enostavno namestitev iger in programov za Windows. Priporočamo vam, da imate delujočo internetno povezavo.</p> pt_BR: >- <p>PlayOnLinux is a front-end for wine. It permits you to easily install Windows Games and software on Linux. It is advised to have a functional internet connection.</p> pt: >- <p>PlayOnLinux is a front-end for wine. It permits you to easily install Windows Games and software on Linux. It is advised to have a functional internet connection.</p> uk: >- <p>PlayOnLinux is a front-end for wine. It permits you to easily install Windows Games and software on Linux. It is advised to have a functional internet connection.</p> C: >- <p>PlayOnLinux is a front-end for wine. It permits you to easily install Windows Games and software on Linux. It is advised to have a functional internet connection.</p> en: >- <p>PlayOnLinux is a front-end for wine. It permits you to easily install Windows Games and software on Linux. It is advised to have a functional internet connection.</p> gl: >- <p>PlayOnLinux é unha interface gráfica para wine. Permite instalar facilmente xogos para o Windows e outro software en Linux. Recoméndase ter unha conexión á Internet.</p> ru: >- <p>PlayOnLinux — это фронтенд для wine. Он позволяет с лёгкостью устанавливать игры и программы Windows в Linux. Рекомендуется иметь хорошее подключение к Интернету.</p> es: >- <p>PlayOnLinux is a front-end for wine. It permits you to easily install Windows Games and software on Linux. It is advised to have a functional internet connection.</p> fr: >- <p>PlayOnLinux est une interface pour wine. Il vous permet d'installer facilement des jeux et des logiciels Windows sous Linux. Il est conseillé d'avoir une connexion internet fonctionnelle.</p> sv: >- <p>PlayOnLinux is a front-end for wine. It permits you to easily install Windows Games and software on Linux. It is advised to have a functional internet connection.</p> en_GB: >- <p>PlayOnLinux is a frontend for wine. It permits you to easily install Windows Games and software on Linux. It is advised to have a functional internet connection.</p> hu: >- <p>A PlayOnLinux egy előtétprogram a wine programhoz. Lehetőséget ad arra, hogy könnyedén telepíthessen Windowsos játékokat és szoftvereket Linuxra. Javasolt, hogy működő internet-kapcsolattal rendelkezzen.</p> it: >- <p>PlayOnLinux is a front-end for wine. It permits you to easily install Windows Games and software on Linux. It is advised to have a functional internet connection.</p> nl: >- <p>PlayOnLinux is a front-end for wine. It permits you to easily install Windows Games and software on Linux. It is advised to have a functional internet connection.</p> en_AU: >- <p>PlayOnLinux is a front-end for wine. It permits you to easily install Windows Games and software on Linux. It is advised to have a functional internet connection.</p> Categories: - Utility - Emulator Icon: cached: - name: playonlinux_playonlinux.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: playonlinux_playonlinux.png width: 128 height: 128 Launchable: desktop-id: - PlayOnLinux.desktop --- Type: font ID: fonts-ibm-plex Package: fonts-ibm-plex Name: C: IBM Plex Summary: C: extensive typeface family designed by IBM Description: C: >- <p> IBM Plex is an extensive font family developed by IBM. It comes in four subfamilies (Sans, Sans Condensed, Mono and Serif) and 8 weights (Thin, Extralight, Light, Regular, Text, Medium, Semibold, Bold), with true italics to complement them. A variable-weight counterpart of IBM Plex Sans is also available. . The four basic subfamilies support most of the languages using the Latin alphabet (including Vietnamese), the Cyrillic writing system and monotonic Greek. Hebrew (including cantillation marks), Thai (both looped and loopless), Devanagari and Arabic are supported as separate typefaces. . There is also support for common mathematical and currency symbols as well as ligatures and stylistic alternates. . This package contains the TrueType (CFF) flavored OpenType fonts and the WOFF/WOFF2 web fonts. </p> ProjectLicense: OFL-1.1 Url: homepage: https://www.ibm.com/plex/ Icon: cached: - name: fonts-ibm-plex_ibmplexmono-regular.png width: 48 height: 48 - name: fonts-ibm-plex_ibmplexmono-regular.png width: 48 height: 48 scale: 2 - name: fonts-ibm-plex_ibmplexmono-regular.png width: 64 height: 64 - name: fonts-ibm-plex_ibmplexmono-regular.png width: 64 height: 64 scale: 2 - name: fonts-ibm-plex_ibmplexmono-regular.png width: 128 height: 128 - name: fonts-ibm-plex_ibmplexmono-regular.png width: 128 height: 128 scale: 2 remote: - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/icons/128x128/fonts-ibm-plex_ibmplexmono-regular.png width: 128 height: 128 - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/icons/128x128@2/fonts-ibm-plex_ibmplexmono-regular.png width: 128 height: 128 scale: 2 Screenshots: - default: true caption: C: IBM Plex Mono Regular thumbnails: - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexmono-regular_1024x78.png width: 1024 height: 78 - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexmono-regular_640x48.png width: 640 height: 48 - caption: C: IBM Plex Mono Bold thumbnails: - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexmono-bold_1024x78.png width: 1024 height: 78 - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexmono-bold_640x48.png width: 640 height: 48 - caption: C: IBM Plex Mono Bold Italic thumbnails: - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexmono-bolditalic_1024x78.png width: 1024 height: 78 - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexmono-bolditalic_640x48.png width: 640 height: 48 - caption: C: IBM Plex Mono ExtraLight thumbnails: - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexmono-extralight_1024x78.png width: 1024 height: 78 - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexmono-extralight_640x48.png width: 640 height: 48 - caption: C: IBM Plex Mono ExtraLight Italic thumbnails: - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexmono-extralightitalic_1024x78.png width: 1024 height: 78 - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexmono-extralightitalic_640x48.png width: 640 height: 48 - caption: C: IBM Plex Mono Italic thumbnails: - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexmono-italic_1024x78.png width: 1024 height: 78 - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexmono-italic_640x48.png width: 640 height: 48 - caption: C: IBM Plex Mono Light thumbnails: - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexmono-light_1024x78.png width: 1024 height: 78 - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexmono-light_640x48.png width: 640 height: 48 - caption: C: IBM Plex Mono Light Italic thumbnails: - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexmono-lightitalic_1024x78.png width: 1024 height: 78 - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexmono-lightitalic_640x48.png width: 640 height: 48 - caption: C: IBM Plex Mono Medium thumbnails: - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexmono-medium_1024x78.png width: 1024 height: 78 - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexmono-medium_640x48.png width: 640 height: 48 - caption: C: IBM Plex Mono Medium Italic thumbnails: - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexmono-mediumitalic_1024x78.png width: 1024 height: 78 - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexmono-mediumitalic_640x48.png width: 640 height: 48 - caption: C: IBM Plex Mono SemiBold thumbnails: - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexmono-semibold_1024x78.png width: 1024 height: 78 - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexmono-semibold_640x48.png width: 640 height: 48 - caption: C: IBM Plex Mono SemiBold Italic thumbnails: - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexmono-semibolditalic_1024x78.png width: 1024 height: 78 - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexmono-semibolditalic_640x48.png width: 640 height: 48 - caption: C: IBM Plex Mono Text thumbnails: - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexmono-text_1024x78.png width: 1024 height: 78 - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexmono-text_640x48.png width: 640 height: 48 - caption: C: IBM Plex Mono Text Italic thumbnails: - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexmono-textitalic_1024x78.png width: 1024 height: 78 - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexmono-textitalic_640x48.png width: 640 height: 48 - caption: C: IBM Plex Mono Thin thumbnails: - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexmono-thin_1024x78.png width: 1024 height: 78 - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexmono-thin_640x48.png width: 640 height: 48 - caption: C: IBM Plex Mono Thin Italic thumbnails: - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexmono-thinitalic_1024x78.png width: 1024 height: 78 - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexmono-thinitalic_640x48.png width: 640 height: 48 - caption: C: IBM Plex Sans Regular thumbnails: - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexsans-regular_1024x78.png width: 1024 height: 78 - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexsans-regular_640x48.png width: 640 height: 48 - caption: C: IBM Plex Sans Arabic Regular thumbnails: - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexsansarabic-regular_1024x78.png width: 1024 height: 78 - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexsansarabic-regular_640x48.png width: 640 height: 48 - caption: C: IBM Plex Sans Arabic Bold thumbnails: - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexsansarabic-bold_1024x78.png width: 1024 height: 78 - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexsansarabic-bold_640x48.png width: 640 height: 48 - caption: C: IBM Plex Sans Arabic ExtraLight thumbnails: - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexsansarabic-extralight_1024x78.png width: 1024 height: 78 - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexsansarabic-extralight_640x48.png width: 640 height: 48 - caption: C: IBM Plex Sans Arabic Light thumbnails: - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexsansarabic-light_1024x78.png width: 1024 height: 78 - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexsansarabic-light_640x48.png width: 640 height: 48 - caption: C: IBM Plex Sans Arabic Medium thumbnails: - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexsansarabic-medium_1024x78.png width: 1024 height: 78 - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexsansarabic-medium_640x48.png width: 640 height: 48 - caption: C: IBM Plex Sans Arabic SemiBold thumbnails: - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexsansarabic-semibold_1024x78.png width: 1024 height: 78 - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexsansarabic-semibold_640x48.png width: 640 height: 48 - caption: C: IBM Plex Sans Arabic Text thumbnails: - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexsansarabic-text_1024x78.png width: 1024 height: 78 - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexsansarabic-text_640x48.png width: 640 height: 48 - caption: C: IBM Plex Sans Arabic Thin thumbnails: - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexsansarabic-thin_1024x78.png width: 1024 height: 78 - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexsansarabic-thin_640x48.png width: 640 height: 48 - caption: C: IBM Plex Sans Bold thumbnails: - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexsans-bold_1024x78.png width: 1024 height: 78 - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexsans-bold_640x48.png width: 640 height: 48 - caption: C: IBM Plex Sans Bold Italic thumbnails: - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexsans-bolditalic_1024x78.png width: 1024 height: 78 - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexsans-bolditalic_640x48.png width: 640 height: 48 - caption: C: IBM Plex Sans Condensed Regular thumbnails: - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexsanscondensed-regular_1024x78.png width: 1024 height: 78 - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexsanscondensed-regular_640x48.png width: 640 height: 48 - caption: C: IBM Plex Sans Condensed Bold thumbnails: - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexsanscondensed-bold_1024x78.png width: 1024 height: 78 - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexsanscondensed-bold_640x48.png width: 640 height: 48 - caption: C: IBM Plex Sans Condensed Bold Italic thumbnails: - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexsanscondensed-bolditalic_1024x78.png width: 1024 height: 78 - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexsanscondensed-bolditalic_640x48.png width: 640 height: 48 - caption: C: IBM Plex Sans Condensed ExtraLight thumbnails: - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexsanscondensed-extralight_1024x78.png width: 1024 height: 78 - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexsanscondensed-extralight_640x48.png width: 640 height: 48 - caption: C: IBM Plex Sans Condensed ExtraLight Italic thumbnails: - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexsanscondensed-extralightitalic_1024x78.png width: 1024 height: 78 - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexsanscondensed-extralightitalic_640x48.png width: 640 height: 48 - caption: C: IBM Plex Sans Condensed Italic thumbnails: - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexsanscondensed-italic_1024x78.png width: 1024 height: 78 - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexsanscondensed-italic_640x48.png width: 640 height: 48 - caption: C: IBM Plex Sans Condensed Light thumbnails: - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexsanscondensed-light_1024x78.png width: 1024 height: 78 - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexsanscondensed-light_640x48.png width: 640 height: 48 - caption: C: IBM Plex Sans Condensed Light Italic thumbnails: - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexsanscondensed-lightitalic_1024x78.png width: 1024 height: 78 - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexsanscondensed-lightitalic_640x48.png width: 640 height: 48 - caption: C: IBM Plex Sans Condensed Medium thumbnails: - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexsanscondensed-medium_1024x78.png width: 1024 height: 78 - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexsanscondensed-medium_640x48.png width: 640 height: 48 - caption: C: IBM Plex Sans Condensed Medium Italic thumbnails: - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexsanscondensed-mediumitalic_1024x78.png width: 1024 height: 78 - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexsanscondensed-mediumitalic_640x48.png width: 640 height: 48 - caption: C: IBM Plex Sans Condensed SemiBold thumbnails: - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexsanscondensed-semibold_1024x78.png width: 1024 height: 78 - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexsanscondensed-semibold_640x48.png width: 640 height: 48 - caption: C: IBM Plex Sans Condensed SemiBold Italic thumbnails: - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexsanscondensed-semibolditalic_1024x78.png width: 1024 height: 78 - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexsanscondensed-semibolditalic_640x48.png width: 640 height: 48 - caption: C: IBM Plex Sans Condensed Text thumbnails: - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexsanscondensed-text_1024x78.png width: 1024 height: 78 - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexsanscondensed-text_640x48.png width: 640 height: 48 - caption: C: IBM Plex Sans Condensed Text Italic thumbnails: - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexsanscondensed-textitalic_1024x78.png width: 1024 height: 78 - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexsanscondensed-textitalic_640x48.png width: 640 height: 48 - caption: C: IBM Plex Sans Condensed Thin thumbnails: - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexsanscondensed-thin_1024x78.png width: 1024 height: 78 - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexsanscondensed-thin_640x48.png width: 640 height: 48 - caption: C: IBM Plex Sans Condensed Thin Italic thumbnails: - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexsanscondensed-thinitalic_1024x78.png width: 1024 height: 78 - 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caption: C: IBM Plex Serif Text thumbnails: - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexserif-text_1024x78.png width: 1024 height: 78 - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexserif-text_640x48.png width: 640 height: 48 - caption: C: IBM Plex Serif Text Italic thumbnails: - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexserif-textitalic_1024x78.png width: 1024 height: 78 - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexserif-textitalic_640x48.png width: 640 height: 48 - caption: C: IBM Plex Serif Thin thumbnails: - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexserif-thin_1024x78.png width: 1024 height: 78 - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexserif-thin_640x48.png width: 640 height: 48 - caption: C: IBM Plex Serif Thin Italic thumbnails: - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexserif-thinitalic_1024x78.png width: 1024 height: 78 - url: f/fo/fonts-ibm-plex/2d920ae354aea4aab6da25636cf7dc39/screenshots/image-ibmplexserif-thinitalic_640x48.png width: 640 height: 48 Languages: - locale: aa percentage: 100 - locale: af percentage: 100 - locale: an percentage: 100 - locale: ar percentage: 100 - locale: av percentage: 100 - locale: ay percentage: 100 - locale: az-az percentage: 100 - locale: az-ir percentage: 100 - locale: ba percentage: 100 - locale: be percentage: 100 - locale: bg percentage: 100 - locale: bh percentage: 100 - locale: bho percentage: 100 - locale: bi percentage: 100 - locale: bin percentage: 100 - locale: br percentage: 100 - locale: bs percentage: 100 - locale: bua percentage: 100 - locale: ca percentage: 100 - locale: ce percentage: 100 - locale: ch percentage: 100 - locale: chm percentage: 100 - locale: co percentage: 100 - locale: crh percentage: 100 - locale: cs percentage: 100 - locale: csb percentage: 100 - locale: cv percentage: 100 - locale: cy percentage: 100 - locale: da percentage: 100 - locale: de percentage: 100 - 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locale: sk percentage: 100 - locale: sl percentage: 100 - locale: sm percentage: 100 - locale: sma percentage: 100 - locale: smj percentage: 100 - locale: smn percentage: 100 - locale: sn percentage: 100 - locale: so percentage: 100 - locale: sq percentage: 100 - locale: sr percentage: 100 - locale: ss percentage: 100 - locale: st percentage: 100 - locale: su percentage: 100 - locale: sv percentage: 100 - locale: sw percentage: 100 - locale: tg percentage: 100 - locale: th percentage: 100 - locale: tk percentage: 100 - locale: tl percentage: 100 - locale: tn percentage: 100 - locale: to percentage: 100 - locale: tr percentage: 100 - locale: ts percentage: 100 - locale: tt percentage: 100 - locale: ty percentage: 100 - locale: tyv percentage: 100 - locale: ug percentage: 100 - locale: uk percentage: 100 - locale: ur percentage: 100 - locale: uz percentage: 100 - locale: vi percentage: 100 - locale: vo percentage: 100 - locale: vot percentage: 100 - locale: wa percentage: 100 - locale: wen percentage: 100 - locale: wo percentage: 100 - locale: xh percentage: 100 - locale: yap percentage: 100 - locale: yi percentage: 100 - locale: za percentage: 100 - locale: zu percentage: 100 --- Type: console-application ID: sm.puri.librem5-flash-image Package: librem5-flash-image Name: C: librem5-flash-image Summary: C: Image flashing tool for Librem 5 devices Description: C: >- <p> Scripts useful to for working with the Librem 5 and the Librem 5 Devkit. . These tools are useful on the host side (e.g. the machine you use to flash the image from). They are not useful on the Librem 5 or the Devkit itself. </p> ProjectLicense: GPL-3.0-or-later Provides: binaries: - librem5-flash-image modaliases: - usb:v1FC9p012Bd* - usb:v0525pA4A5d* - usb:v0525pB4A4d* - usb:v316Dp4C05d* --- Type: driver ID: com.steampowered.steam-devices Package: steam-devices Name: C: steam-devices Summary: C: Device support for Steam-related hardware Description: C: >- <p> This package provides udev rules for various Steam-related hardware devices such as the Steam Controller (gamepad) and the HTC Vive (virtual reality headset). </p> Provides: modaliases: - usb:v1130p0202d* --- Type: desktop-application ID: d1x-rebirth.desktop Package: d1x-rebirth Name: C: Descent 1 Summary: C: 'DXX-Rebirth source port of Descent: First Strike from 1995...' Description: fr: >- <p>DXX-Rebirth est un port source de Descent et des moteurs Descent] [ et fournit une expérience de jeu classique combinée avec des graphismes et effets OpenGL, un tas d'améliorations et de nouvelles fonctionnalités.</p> <p>Les données de jeu originales sont nécessaires pour jouer à ce jeu.</p> ru: >- <p>DXX-Rebirth — это порт игровых движков Descent и Descent II, предоставляющий комбинацию классической игры с OpenGL-графикой и эффектами, множество улучшений и новых возможностей.</p> <p>Вам понадобятся игровые данные от оригинальной игры.</p> C: >- <p>DXX-Rebirth is a Source Port of the Descent & Descent ][ Engines and provides classical Gameplay combined with OpenGL graphics and effects, a bunch of improvements and new features.</p> <p>Original game data is needed to play this game.</p> en: >- <p>DXX-Rebirth is a Source Port of the Descent & Descent ][ Engines and provides classical Gameplay combined with OpenGL graphics and effects, a bunch of improvements and new features.</p> <p>Original game data is needed to play this game.</p> en_GB: >- <p>DXX-Rebirth is a Source Port of the Descent & Descent ][ Engines and provides classical Gameplay combined with OpenGL graphics and effects, a bunch of improvements and new features.</p> <p>Original game data is needed to play this game.</p> Categories: - Game - ActionGame Icon: cached: - name: d1x-rebirth_d1x-rebirth.png width: 64 height: 64 Launchable: desktop-id: - d1x-rebirth.desktop